Give Sin a Name: Things Unseen with Sinclair B Ferguson

Pastor Sinclair Ferguson began a new podcast titled, Things Unseen in 2024. Each episode is 4-6 minutes in length.

This post contains the episode of 1-19-24 and a link to the other 14 messages he has thus far aired. I got my post of yesterday, John Newton’s hymn, via a reference he made to search the hymn.

Ferguson’s most recent several podcasts have been about character types of Christians that Newton identified in a little book he wrote. Each character flaw will remind you of Christians you know, perhaps yourself.

Ferguson’s purpose seems to help Christians identify their own flaws for future prayer….

Today’s podcast title: Give Sin a Name: Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

From the YouTube site: Ligonier Ministries


Link to video:

It is unlikely that we will be delivered from the blemishes on our character until we confess our sin by name. Today, Sinclair Ferguson provides three essential principles for pursuing repentance and spiritual transformation.

Link to Ferguson’s podcast, Things Unseen: (15 messages thus far)

Sinclair Ferguson’s earlier episodes: the most recent several are based on a little book of John Newton’s; I got my post yesterday from Ferguson’s recommendation to search Newton’s hymn.

For example, “loud opinions and little prayer” identifies a type of Christian in your midst, one you should pray for and whose character flaws you should check yourself for….

Most recent to initial video, all of which are 4-6 minutes long:

  • Loud opinions and little prayer
  • Can you keep a secret [e.g.: the Christian who must tell it…, are you him/her?]
  • The Austere Christian
  • The faults we fail to notice
  • Eyes opened to Christ
  • Unbelief: a moral issue
  • Our Identity: the image of God
  • No real atheists
  • Creation reveals the Creator
  • A life-changing experience
  • How to be happy
  • A resolution for the Christian life
  • Growing in love for the church
  • Beginning a New Year well [introductory podcast]