Georgia Witness Testimony: Kristina Malimon: Epoch Times

The following article was copied and pasted from my Epoch Times electronic subscription to display their reporting and concern for truth and facts, and to inform on topics not covered by mainstream and social media. 

To see the 3 minute video that accompanied the original ET Article, click on NTD News, just above arrow at the end of this post.


Georgia Witness Testimony: Kristina Malimon

December 17, 2020 Updated: December 17, 2020

Kristina Malimon is the vice-chair of Oregon Young Republicans, a delegate to Multnomah County Republican Party, and Ambassador to Turning Point USA and Falkirk Center. She said she personally witnessed irregularities in the November election.

“I volunteered to come out to Georgia to help with the Senate runoff race. When I learned that there was not enough poll watchers for the Republican Party, I asked if I can be a poll monitor instead. When I arrived in the annex board of elections, Chatham County, Savannah, Georgia, office I observed that there was three scanning machines, there was two adjudicating computers, and a laptop. I also observed that there was two internet modems, the internet modems were brightly shining green lights. I also witnessed that there was a blue USB flash drive connected to the front of each scanning computer’s hard drive. And this was not a keyboard or mouse connection.”

From NTD News