Tracy Wren was a successful life coach, teaching Law of Attraction and other new age methods to her clients. Tracy was a workaholic and ambitious life coach, who spent more time coaching rather than focusing upon her family. In this dramatic interview, Tracy describes why she quit her successful life coach practice to follow Jesus. Tracy now warns other Christians about the new age pitfalls of life coaching. She also helps Christians to understand that Law of Attraction is not biblical, and is not what Jesus taught. [This narrative is from Doreen’s site.]
The following bullets are topics that were discussed in the interview [bracketed statements are my explanations / clarifications]:
- How Tracy Wren coached
- Higher self [neither of them defined that concept as well as others I’ve read, see definition at end of this post]
- Course in Miracles – a book that was channeled and is believed by mystics an New Agers (don’t read it if you are a Christian)
- New Age (NA) teaching about being like God
- NA focus on self via goals, lifestyle…; Christians are to focus on glorifying God, not self [the Holy Spirit teaches converts to quit worshipping idols, including self]
- Word of faith ideas regarding creating things, such as one’s own freedom
- The impact Tracy’s NA work had on her family life
- The deception of the coaching lifestyle – making others want the lifestyle such that they would commit to hire you – done in part to motivate
- Are life-coaches required to have specific training?
- How coaches are typically viewed – many go into debt to have a coach
- Professional Christian Coaching Institute – its regulatory standards and instruction [see comment at end of post by a reader who had a negative experience with PCCI; the comment explains their spiritual standards, which do not align with Christianity]
- Law of attraction is largely taught by coaches, described in part [see a fuller definition at the end of this post]
- The difference between word of faith and Christian faith [the latter requires surrendering control of one’s life to Christ’s Spirit, that is, depending on Him via prayer about the activities of one’s life]
- The philosophy that underlies Tracy’s teaching now: people over profit; service over sales; and impact over influence
- Giving glory to God, not self – this can be done by coaches
- Life coaches commonly believe that Jesus taught NA principles, not so
- How she talks to those who still see the Bible as patriarchal
- The NA law of attraction does not work to fulfill
- Considerations for leaving a coach if you discover you have a different worldview
DEFINITION OF TERMS: 1. LAW OF ATTRACTION; 2. HIGHER SELF [see links to Doreen and Tracy’s sites below definitions]:
The Law of Attraction:
In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.[1][2] The belief is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from pure energy, and that through the process of like energy attracting like energy a person can improve their own health, wealth, and personal relationships…In 1877, the term ‘Law of Attraction’ appeared in print for the first time in a book written by the Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky, in a context alluding to an attractive power existing between elements of spirit.[12] …The New Thought concept of the Law of Attraction is rooted in ideas that come from various philosophical and religious traditions. In particular, it has been inspired by Hermeticism, New England transcendentalism, specific verses from the Bible, and Hinduism.[29][30][31][32][33][34](From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Higher Self is a concept found in eastern meditation:
Who practices eastern meditation? (Eastern meditation is also known as transcendental meditation; TM; entering the silence; Hindu or yogic meditation….) Those of the New Spirituality (formerly New Agers); Reiki healers; Yogics; Wiccans; and now, Christians.
What is the goal of this meditation? Encountering the “higher self,”the deity within (one or more spirit guides).
For what reason would one want to encounter his higher self? Christian practitioners are seeking “fresh”, revelation from God, or “rhema” (In Christianity, rhema is used in Bible study to signify Jesus Christ’s utterances.[citation needed] from Wikipedia); Reiki healers seek these spirits to impart healing to their patients; yogics want to merge with God; Wiccans seek a deeper connection with the earth and blessedness. Some likely only seek mental refreshment; alleviation from stress; altered consciousness…but the truth is that this meditation opens up a channel to unknown spirit beings.
The steps practiced to enter the silence: 1. PURGATION: is emptying the mind or stopping the stream of thought by repetition of a word or phrase (mantra). 2. ILLUMINATION: acquiring truth via unknown spirit contacts and 3., UNION WITH GOD.
[Breath prayers, centering prayers…are like mantras, they are uttered with the intention of stilling the mind, to stop one’s thoughts; those who recommend them are moving practitioners towards eastern meditation. God gave us reason and imagination, both have their purposes in the functioning of our minds; a chief function of reason seems to be that of gatekeeper, especially regarding imagination. If we permit our imagination to dictate to our reason, then we invite evil into our minds as there is no accounting for where our unchecked imaginations might take us. Stephen Charnock, in his little treatise, Sinfulness and Cure of Thoughts, addressed this in the process of explaining the cure he proposed.]
[Definition of the Higher Self came from my post on Yoga / meditation; to read it, click the following link:
Please visit Tracy’s website at
Tracy’s Instagram is
Tracy’s Facebook page is
Doreen Virtue’s video home page:
From About Me on Doreen’s YouTube site:
Doreen Virtue, Christian author. PLEASE NOTE: If you have questions for or about Doreen and her work, please send them as a direct message on, instead of through this YouTube channel where messages are unmonitored.
The following link is to the above video, for those who would visit Doreen’s YouTube site to explore her video ministry about false worship:
I would like to comment about the Professional Christian Coaching Institute. They are not a distinctly Christian coaching school like they advertise.
They mix the occult with their teachings. When I found out about this, I sent an email to the founder of PCCI. What happened shocked me. I was shunned, and banned.
I was one class short of getting the core classes completed, plus I paid for two extra classes in order to get a more advanced certification.
Can you imagine what it feels like to be absolutely shunned after you spent more than $4,000 for your education?
They started scrubbing their site of the occult teaching I was complaining about, but I didn’t understand why I was being shunned. I asked them several times to denounce the occult teachings or give me my money back.
After getting banned, I started doing more research. The founder of PCCI is very heavy into sorcery stories, and brags about raising his kids on it. In fact, he wants people to know that when they visit his home, they will see the references to it.
He and two other coaches brought up the occult teachings, and told us to “sit with it a while” and we’ll see it as coaching tools we can use.
I am in the process of trying to get my money back. It is total deception to attend that school thinking you are getting Christain coaching. Not once did we open the Bible. The founder brags about the money he makes and his lifestyle. He brags about the name dropping he can do and his visits to an occultist who lured people away from the Bible by using sorcery to teach people about “Christ.”
They refuse to speak to me. Now other students are coming forward about my complaints, and telling me their side of things too. They know something is wrong.
Once you are in their system, they want more and more money from you. Even their instructures try to lure you over to their own teachings.
I brought up the sorcery and witchcraft, and now I am banned. The reason I went public with this is because I’ve spent since May 15, 2022 fighting this in private, but was shunned. So, I have gone public so they can’t deceive any more students.
You can see my complaint here:
Thank you for your response, Colleen. I just went to the video and listened to that part that mentioned the PCCI and noticed that Doreen did not evaluate it during her interview. I will note below my bullet point for readers to check out your comment, so they are warned. Michael A
Michael, it’s possible she didn’t evaluate it because she didn’t know about PCCI. It’s also possible Tracy doesn’t know about it. The only reason I know is because I asked a question in PCCI Family (their Facebook group) about the enneagram and the occult roots. We are encouraged to ask questions, and then students and instructors can give their side of things.
There was a much needed conversation going on among students, and one of the PCCI staff members sent me to a podcast with the founder of PCCI, and two other instructors, and I was very disappointed that glossed over the occult teachings.
I wouldn’t have known how deeply involved PCCI founder was in the sorcery world had he not silenced me in the Facebook group. That alarmed me, so I started researching him, and that’s when I found out how involved in sorcery he is, but he wraps God around it to justify it.
I have involved the Missouri Attorney General because of the deception going on, and the $4,000 plus dollars the founder is keeping, and I can’t even finish my certification path now. It took me 2 years of classes and I got shunned so bad, that they won’t even respond to me about them interrupting my certification path.
Honestly, I don’t think anyone knows yet. They are very good at making it all look Christian, but the truth is, it’s a money making machine and they write books. It’s those books they want you to read. Not the Bible.
I wish I could get the entire conversation out of Facebook, but I’m so blocked that I can’t even see PCCI forums any more, but I know my comments are still in there, because I can see references in my activity log. I just can’t get to them.
I don’t know what happens next.
This comment will appear at in that post also, so any reader will be warned of the anti-Christian practices of the PCCI. Thanks again Colleen