The following article was copied and pasted from The New American, link below:
Fastest Growing Criminal Enterprise
According to a 2012 UNICEF report, around 30 million children were trafficked globally between 1982 and 2012. The child sex trade has exploded in the decade since that report came out.
With wars, revolutions, economic dislocation, social collapse, and mass migration affecting much of the globe, the number of vulnerable children has vastly increased. At the same time, the perverse market for sex with children has been stoked by the booming internet-fed child porn industry, school programs aimed at sexually grooming children, and an organized pedophile lobby that has rebranded its deviant predators as being merely “minor-attracted persons.”
How is it possible that we could allow millions of children to be swept into this horrific vortex and subjected to unspeakable crimes? A big part of the answer can be found in the responses (and non-responses) we have seen to Sound of Freedom, the new film starring Jim Caviezel, which is the first major effort to shine a light on the shadowy world of child sex slavery. (See “Ending the Silence” and “Rescuing God’s Children.”)
Much of the “mainstream” media simply ignored the film. No reviews. Not even a mention. Others savaged it. Typical of the mauling by the critics was the Daily Beast offering titled “How Hollywood’s ‘Jesus’ Jim Caviezel Went Full QAnon,” which was picked up and run by Yahoo! News and other outlets prior to the movie’s release. The Daily Beast/Yahoo piece also featured a CNN attack titled, “False Prophet: ‘Passion of Christ’ Star Pushes False QAnon Conspiracy.”
The fact that Sound of Freedom even made it to theaters is something of a miracle. It should have been out in 2018, when it was finished and ready to go. What happened? Well, according to Caviezel, Disney bought up distribution of the film from Fox and refused to release it. Disney, of course, has “evolved” over the past few decades from legendary producer of wholesome, family-friendly entertainment to toxic purveyor of “woke” LGBTQ degeneracy. Neither Disney nor any other Hollywood studio was interested producing a movie that would expose the lurid underworld of the child flesh peddlers. And when upstart Angel Studios came forth with an heroic independent effort to do so, the Tinsel Town heavyweights were too busy celebrating Pride Month (with parades of naked men exposing their private parts to children on public streets) to even offer a thumbs up in support of Sound of Freedom.
Child sex trafficking exists on the horrendous scale that we see today because corrupt elites are complicit in it — in various ways and at various levels. Long before the Jeffrey Epstein/Prince Andrew scandals, high-profile cases of large-scale child sex rings involving prominent politicians, celebrities, and business moguls had erupted in England, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In every case, a sickening pattern emerged of powerful political figures and intelligence agencies colluding with major media platforms to smother investigations and silence growing public outrage.
During the 1980s and 1990s, England was rocked by a series of pedophile scandals involving members of Parliament, a prime minister, diplomats, and the MI5 and MI6 intelligence agencies. Liberal Party Member of Parliament Cyril Smith, Conservative Party Prime Minister Edward Heath, Home Secretary Leon Brittain, MI6 Deputy Director Peter Hayman, and dozens of other prominent Brits were reliably accused by multiple victims of being active pederasts and having victimized hundreds of children, including very young boys and girls. Many of the accused were also associated with the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which provided pedophiles with secure email, as well as meetup opportunities. PIE also campaigned to abolish age-of-consent laws (essentially legalizing child pornography and pederasty) and advocated for legalizing incest. The lengths to which the British government, its intelligence services, and the U.K. media went to squash investigations into these charges is shocking.
During the same time period, the same British elites covered up another massive child sex-abuse scandal involving the decades-long crime spree of pederast performer Jimmy Savile, the flamboyant BBC radio and TV personality who was presented to the public as a “prodigious philanthropist” for his fundraising campaigns for children’s hospitals and charities. He was even knighted “Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile.” Turns out he was using his fame to gain access to and rape hundreds of children, some as young as five. The folks he worked with at BBC knew. The folks he worked with at the National Health Service knew. Lots of people knew. Yet, famous “philanthropist” Jimmy Savile was allowed to continue molesting kids for decades. Only after his death in 2011 did the people in the know express shock and allow investigations to go forward. Only then were the victims, who had previously been ignored (or vilified), finally listened to. But those who had protected and abetted Savile were not brought to justice.

Dirty secret: For decades, BBC personality Jimmy Savile molested children with impunity. His crimes were covered up by influential Brits who could have stopped it. (AP Images)
Belgium’s X-Files
The sensational abduction/rape/torture/murder trial of serial sex offender Marc Dutroux in 2004 offered a chance to expose the involvement of the power elite of Belgium and the European Union in the child flesh peddling trade. He was convicted in 1989 of kidnapping, raping, and torturing five girls age 12 to 19, and sentenced to 13 years in prison. However, he was paroled in 1992, three years into his sentence. How many children he kidnapped, tortured, and killed before his re-arrest in 1996 is not known, but it is undoubtedly more than he is officially credited with. In 1995 he kidnapped eight-year-old classmates Julie Lejeune and Mélissa Russo, whom he imprisoned, tortured, videotaped, and eventually starved to death. He kidnapped at least four additional girls, two of whom were killed.
Dutroux’s arrest brought hundreds of thousands of Belgians into the streets in protest of the blatant injustice that had allowed the monster the freedom to victimize more children. Public outrage grew in 2004, when Dutroux’s trial began and it became apparent that a coverup was in the making. Evidence pointed to Dutroux and his several accomplices being low-level players in a much bigger pedophile ring that involved high-level politicos. The X-Files — What Belgium Was Not Supposed to Know About the Dutroux Affair, a thoroughly researched book by a team of veteran crime reporters, made it plain that an extraordinary effort to discredit witnesses, misdirect the trial, and dismiss crucial evidence was underway. The judge, the prosecutor, and the investigators who were originally assigned to the case and who were pursuing that evidence were removed and replaced by people who were willing to close the books with Dutroux solely taking the rap. Higher-ups could breathe easily again.
Epstein’s Elite Circles
Where these and other scandals of previous decades have failed to flip the lid off the global child trafficking trade, the case of Jeffrey Epstein could possibly succeed. Epstein, the super-wealthy convicted child molester, died in prison in 2019 while awaiting trial on new charges of sex trafficking minors. His death, which was conveniently (and unconvincingly) ruled a suicide, has failed to close down inquiries into the network of his rich and famous associates and their possible connections to the global child flesh trade.
In June of this year, JPMorgan Chase, the world’s biggest bank, agreed to pay $290 million to Epstein’s victims. The bank had knowingly facilitated Epstein’s decades-long crime spree, keeping him as a client for years after he had been convicted as a sex offender and after its own employees had filed numerous suspicious activity reports regarding his cash withdrawals and investments. The bank said that Epstein committed “heinous crimes” and “any association with him was a mistake and we regret it.”
Deutsche Bank agreed to a $75 million payout to Epstein’s victims and paid a $150 million fine to New York regulators for failing to police its financial dealings with Epstein. A related lawsuit by the government of the U.S. Virgin Islands is still pending. An interesting wrinkle in that case is the trouble that prosecutors have been having in trying to serve a subpoena on Google billionaire Larry Page. (He is believed to be hiding out on one of several private islands that he owns.)
The execs at JPMorgan and Deutsche are not alone in abetting Epstein’s “heinous crimes.” Epstein could boast a Rolodex of contacts among the high and mighty to rival anyone. Billionaire CEOs, famous scientists, British royalty, Hollywood stars, movie moguls, tech titans, politicians — he courted them all, and they courted him: Bill Gates, Woody Allen, Bill Clinton, Ariane de Rothschild, Peter Thiel, Les Wexner, Leon Black, Harvey Weinstein, Ehud Barak, Noam Chomsky, to name a few. Many of them are movers and shakers in elite globalist circles such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Epstein was a member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, as well as a regular at the WEF Davos glitterati fests. Of particular interest should be the recent revelation that Biden’s CIA Director William Burns (a CFR member) had multiple meetings with Epstein. As we have previously reported, there is solid evidence to indicate that Epstein’s sex trade was an intelligence blackmail operation. Of course, not everyone who appeared in his infamous little black book, his appointments calendar, or the flight logs of his Lolita Express was or is guilty of directly participating in his villainy. But it is difficult to absolve them of all culpability. At the very least, they conferred respectability on his predatory practices. And, as more evidence comes out, we are likely to find that many of those now denying involvement in his global pedophile ring were indeed knowing participants.
Classic coverup: Belgian Marc Dutroux, a serial rapist and murderer, was just a low-level player in a large pedophile ring involving high-level officials in the Belgian government. Naturally, the elites tried to hide their involvement. (AP Images)

Facebook/Instagram Pedo Pushers
On June 7, 2023, The Wall Street Journal published a stunning article entitled “Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network” that seriously indicts the social-media outlet.
“Pedophiles have long used the internet, but unlike the forums and file-transfer services that cater to people who have interest in illicit content, Instagram doesn’t merely host these activities. Its algorithms promote them,” the Journal reported. “Instagram connects pedophiles and guides them to content sellers via recommendation systems that excel at linking those who share niche interests.”
According to the Journal report, Instagram (which is owned by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta/Facebook conglomerate) enabled people to search “explicit hashtags” and then connected them to accounts that used the terms to advertise child sex material for sale. Instagram algorithms also immediately provided researchers with “‘suggested for you’ recommendations of purported child-sex-content sellers and buyers.”
The fetid Epstein cesspool has awakened millions to the fact that many of “the great and good” are actually the foulest of criminals preying on the most vulnerable and innocent. And Sound of Freedom is providing an educational vehicle and a crusading impulse that may finally gain the political impetus to bring the traffickers to justice and free the children.