Faith by which one believes in Christ

After the following 3 minute video on faith, repentance and belief, I briefly discuss how one might learn to assess his level of belief by self-examination.



In the above video, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson explained faith, repentance and belief as actions, not some abstract theories. That is, one must observe and consider his actions regarding Christ to get a sense for the quality of faith, repentance and belief he possesses.

For example, some time ago, in my struggle to walk with God and keep His commands, I began to be aware that whenever I sinned, it was because I was believing lies that had been taught me during my secular life. 

More specifically, if I chose to make a trip to the mall or to Amazon to buy something to cheer myself up while experiencing some kind of distress, INSTEAD of turning to God’s word to find direction, comfort…those actions revealed to me my current level of belief.

That is, those actions told me that I am still believing that blessing, comfort, happiness, etc., comes to me via the acquisition of things.

We have been raised up from infancy hearing commercials that tell us, e.g., “Grab the gusto,” or “Be part of the now generation….” 

This kind of thinking has brainwashed us into believing that blessing comes via materialism, current experiences such as traveling, social events, obtaining degrees and such worldly pursuits.

The words of Christ in the beatitudes indicate that God says just the opposite. He says that the path to blessedness comes via self-denial, submitting to Christ’s Spirit who abides in us and following Him via His commands.

When I sin, I am following the way of self. That is, I am being selfish; I am not denying myself, picking up my cross and following Christ.

When I am being selfish, I am NOT BELIEVING WHAT GOD HAS SAID about the true way of blessedness as was defined by Christ in the beatitudes. Look at the way He stated that blessedness is obtained in the nutshell versions of the beatitudes that follow:

***Blessed are those who are poor in spirit…:  for the Holy Spirit has worked within them such that they clearly see that they are spiritually bankrupt. That they must depend wholly upon God for all things spiritual. And that Christ’s righteousness is the only thing that will make them acceptable to God. It takes a lot of struggling, falling in the battle against sin…meditating upon one’s rationale for sinning…seeing the futility of one’s attempts to quit sinning in his own strength… to get to this point: to quit trusting in one’s own strength and righteousness, wealth, popularity, personal power, material objects….

Every time we sin, we have an opportunity to examine our conduct to see what kinds of lies we have been trusting more than God’s word (see Psalm 119:29, 30).

This mindset requires a willingness to humble oneself and admit, own, acknowledge SIN to God and to those humans to whom we have sinned against.

***Blessed are those who mourn their sin…: For they have come to understand that it has ruined them and that they are powerless to escape its hold without Christ. They have seen their ruinous plight and mourn that they are so vile and are beginning to lose trust in all worldly things.

***Blessed are the meek…: For they are coming to experientially understand their sinfulness and actively mourning it; therefore, they are not trusting in their intellect, their wealth…but are becoming more submissive to God’s Spirit because they perceive the foolishness and futility of trusting in themselves….

You may hear the other beatitudes in the new series that I’m currently posting, it should be complete before Christmas.

The main point that I have been unfolding herein is that our BELIEF in Christ is forged in us by His Spirit when He convicts us for sinning and opens our eyes to our motives in sinning (those lies we are still believing that move us to pursue the vain promises of sin instead of God’s true promises that are grounded in the truth of His word). 

That is to say, that if you do not own your sin; examine it as to how it is harming you in your relationship with God; meditate upon your own motives for sinning; seek God’s help in critiquing and understanding your motives; seek deliverance from your foolishness in prayer…then you are backsliding (if you ever really had true faith, belief, repentance). 

God’s Spirit gives us the wherewithal to do such things. If you carefully read and reread Psalm 119, you will see those things in the psalmist’s interactions with God.

I have progressively come to understand that Satan and his world system routinely dupe me; that is, that my belief in God’s promises and commands is far from perfect and that I am still far too self-reliant as opposed to being reliant upon God’s power via prayer; His promises; His other means of grace.

So, in the video above, when Dr. Ferguson said that our belief is apparent in our leaving our sins and following Christ, this is true, but it is not an intellectual exercise. It is in part, but mostly it is the work of God’s Spirit: convicting us of sin; shining a light on our sin; moving us to seriously consider our plight, and to consider what moves us to keep believing the lies that sin tells us and sinning to acquire those supposed blessings. 

For, if I am doing those things, then my belief in Christ will be apparent to me and to others observing me. That is, faith, repentance and belief are reflected in our actions: they are in our minds, but others see our inner life as it unfolds through our actions.

I am getting the impression that God will deliver me from this struggle when I have become poor in spirit…meek…merciful…am being persecuted for righteousness sake. In other words, deliverance would come when I am trusting in God and not all those other things. But God seemingly has to show me just how vain, futile, empty…my ways are that I might be moved to trust in His truth and power instead of in my experiences, my strength….

According to my observations, I have a ways to go.

We must know that we are sinners and that God is Holy, Sovereign, Almighty…and we are completely dependent upon Him. We must know those things experientially, not theoretically. 

I am convinced that God leaves us to struggle with some sins that we might come to an understanding of our weakness and His strength.

Therefore, I must repeat that idea that I have often stated in this blog: If you do not admit, own, confess your sins to God and to those humans that need to hear your words of admission, that they might forgive you…then you have not begun that pilgrimage that God requires us to walk with Him (read The Pilgrim’s Progress for a fuller understanding of that journey; you may hear it read on YouTube; also, for Amazon Prime members, The Pilgrim’s Progress, a guided tour, is free for viewing. It is presented in 19, 23 minute lectures wherein Dr. Thomas explains its allegories and reads parts of the book. The author, John Bunyan, was born again and his story is a vivid portrayal of the pilgrimage all born again believers walk; therefore, it is very beneficial to hear it. I heard it after I read through the Bible and was beginning my own walk. Shivers ran down my spine at Bunyan’s portrayal because it is so accurate).

I would also call that pilgrimage, the beatitude way or the way of sanctification.

God would have us cry out for deliverance, as the following scriptural examples indicate:

Pro 2:1 My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands.
Pro 2:2 Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.
Pro 2:3 Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding.
Pro 2:4 Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.
Pro 2:5 Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God.   [This is a great chapter to frequently read and meditate upon; and to look at your own life to see if such things are occurring within you.]

Psa 119:25 Daleth   I lie in the dust; revive me by Your word.
Psa 119:26 I told You my plans, and You answered. Now teach me Your decrees.
Psa 119:27 Help me understand the meaning of Your commandments, and I will meditate on Your wonderful deeds.
Psa 119:28 I weep with sorrow; encourage me by Your word.
Psa 119:29 Keep me from lying to myself; give me the privilege of knowing Your instructions.
Psa 119:30 I have chosen to be faithful; I have determined to live by Your regulations.
Psa 119:31 I cling to Your laws. LORD, don’t let me be put to shame!
Psa 119:32 I will pursue Your commands, for You expand my understanding.

The above section of Ps. 119 particularly describes what I was writing about above — the believing in lies that keep one from following Christ; seeking, via prayer, God’s deliverance via understanding, godly wisdom by which we might exercise belief, trust in God instead of ourselves and more. Ps. 119 is full of things that a pilgrim going through this world must experience.