In the following 6 minute Huckabee breakdown, he reported on the following points:
- The continued worsening of Biden’s position in the polls
- In generic congressional polls, republicans were favored by 10 points; this was unusual for a mass media poll
- AZ, Fla, GA, NC, NH, PA and WI favored republican candidates by 23%: R 58%; D 35%
- Democrats in the mass media are also in trouble: their betrayal of the public with a bias for the democratic left in most of their reporting has caused many viewers to turn to alternative sources of news
- Many at CNN will soon be fired; since their merger with Warner media, in an effort to bring back viewers, they will begin to actually report real news [in my opinion, who could ever trust them again?]
- The report Huckabee was quoting, a liberal source, acknowledged that Trump was right about the following things: the Russia Hoax; the duped FBI’s overreach; the FAKE news media; gas prices; border security; the middle east; and the growing threat of China
- Whereas, the mass news media, and Rachael Mandau were wrong
- Many Americans are waking up to just how badly they have been duped
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