Exposing the Campaign for Immorality – John MacArthur

I received another link from Grace To You, John MacArthur’s Bible ministry titled, Exposing the Campaign for Immorality. 

MacArthur is doing what God’s word calls a preacher to do. At the same time, there are many preachers compromising by supporting the DNC. Avoid such preachers. If you have not read through your Bible then you do not understand the significance of your error. But you are responsible for knowing scripture if you “identify” as Christian.

These things are not a matter of opinion. This fight is raging in the spiritual realm and the effects are seen in the physical world.

Words from the email I received:

“We live in a culture that calls evil good and substitutes darkness for light (Isa. 5:20). Many affirm the very things that God condemns and exalt the sin He has promised to punish. This twisted corruption is not limited to the horrors of abortion, as John discussed in last week’s message in this series. Today homosexuality, transgenderism, and sexual sin of every stripe are aggressively promoted to the most vulnerable in our society. In fact, you’re seen as unloving or a prude if you don’t want perverted acts and ideology promoted to your children.

God’s people cannot condone such corruption. While the world gives enthusiastic approval to these soul-destroying sins, we must be willing to tell the truth. We must love those lost in sexual sin enough to confront them with the truth of God’s Word.”


Mp3 version of the message:

Contents of the initial several minutes of the message:

Dr. MacArthur opens this message by explaining the different kinds of wrath of God that are apparent in Romans 1: eschatological wrath (end times); sowing and reaping wrath which is dealt out as consequences for the sin a person sows; cataclysmic wrath, God unleashes this type of wrath via miraculous use of the natural order, such as the flood or any other massive disaster that catapults souls into eternity; eternal wrath, as in those who suffer hell; but the wrath referred to in Romans 1 is different, it is the wrath of abandonment.

In Romans 1: 24, 26 and 28, wrath of abandonment is executed when God ‘gives them over’ to the consequences of their behavior, escalating iniquity and disaster leading to further judgment.

This type of judgment is, per the text: Romans 1:18  But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. [NLT used because it states the matter more clearly than other versions].

Romans 2 indicates that the Law of God is written upon the heart of mankind.

When man abandons God as revealed in creation, in conscience, in holy scripture; suppressing the truth, God judges that society. 

Even though that society considers themselves to be wise, that society is the ultimate ship of fools….

From the 24-minute mark: “The only hope the homosexual has is to see the sin for what it is and to find grace in Christ.”  [He cannot do that if Christians do not present the gospel message to him.]

[If you listen through the message you will find that MacArthur truly values the souls of all types of sinners; his love was focused herein on the LGBTQ movement. The closing of the message was very moving, in this regard. However, his words about a government that encourages people to sin was rebuked via scripture.

Scripture is from God, it is true. Preachers that support homosexuality do not care about God, His word, or the souls they are helping to ruin. My words, but that message is within MacArthur’s sentiments via his sermon.]

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