Democrats Won’t Know What Hit ‘Em! | Monologue | Huckabee

The following 7 minute update on the status of America by Gov. Huckabee reveals a lot of leftist ideology that Americans are opposing; apparently, the opposition resembles a grassroots uprising.

Video highlights:

  • Big media and social media have clearly brainwashed a lot of Americans with their propaganda and misinformation campaigns
  • The election of radical leftist politicians is harming this nation
  • America has helped more people out of poverty than all the other nations combined
  • It is shameful that our government is funding planned parenthood; the agency founded by Margaret Sanger, an atheist and bigot who designed that agency to exterminate Black people
  • How can leftist democrats claim they are against White supremacy and racism and support planned parenthood?
  • Dr. Fauci’s coverup of the origin of the Wuhan virus is being delved into
  • Big corp have surrendered to wokeness, donating millions of dollars to BLM and other Marxist / communist organizations, while they cozy up to the CCP to have products made in China so they can extort Americans
  • Big corps; American pro sports; and Hollywood are allowing the CCP to call shots in their businesses so they can make big money while they ignore gross human rights violations [aren’t the leftists the ones who care about people? Actions speak louder than words, and their actions define them as hypocrites – unless you’re watching the state narrative on big media and social media]
  • Wokacola machines are being removed in Georgia
  • Parents across the US are showing up at school board meetings to protest the transgender issues involving restrooms, showers and sports participation
  • Pronouns usage laws are being challenged
  • Gov. DeSantis prohibited NCAA trans sports participation
  • Churches in CA who opposed shutdown while strip clubs remained open are growing – Rob McCoy [and John MacArthur]
  • The military is beginning to confront wokeness



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