Cultural Marxist Influencers – Part 1-B – Fuller Definition of CM

The following brief video is from the YouTube site: IAmWhoIAm

Title of video: Cultural Marxism explained in 7 minutes [highlight points are below video]:

[For those who know little or nothing of Cultural Marxism, the following link is to a post in this blog that provides instruction on its basic elements, via several 5-minute videos: Intersectionality (Ben Shapiro); Controlling words (Michael Knowles); Political Correctness dogma, Greg Lukianoff; Social Justice vs Justice (Allie Beth Stukey); and Marxism, Prof. Paul Kengor.  ]

Narrative that accompanied the following video at YouTube:

Reupload – original is deleted “This is an excellent short video explaining the source and nature of Cultural Marxist movements like political correctness, modern feminism, pansexualism, multiculturalism, “whiteness studies,” etc.

For an in-depth critique of the thinkers whose writings shaped Cultural Marxism, see Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left by the eminent British philosopher Roger Scruton. Scruton brilliantly exposes the pretensions, obscurities, and inanities of Sartre, Foucault, Galbraith, Marcuse, Lukacs, Habermas, Adorno, Rawls, Dworkin and others of their ilk. The book is not just a philosophical tract but a work in critical political economy and contains one of the most penetrating discussions of the Marxist labor theory of value that I have ever read.” – Joseph Salerno  [End]

I found the video to be better than any I’ve heard, thus, I wanted to add it to my category of CRT/CT for those who are trying to understand what the democratic Marxist left is doing to America.

It is also an excellent source for better understanding how those ‘trendy’ leftist evangelical pastors are corrupting the church, via these ‘progressive’ ideas:


HIGHLIGHT points [bracketed statements, emboldening and underscoring are mine]:

  • Cultural Marxism; contemporary left; Frankford School (FS)
  • The FS was critical of capitalism and Soviet socialism
  • In the pursuit of societal change, as the FS sought to address the shortcomings of classical Marxism
  • They called their system, Critical Theory (CT)
  • Core aspect of CT: creation of interdisciplinary theories that might serve as instruments of social transformation  
  • In the 1960’s CT gained traction with some segments of the left wing: Students for Democratic Society (SDS)
  • Today, its influence can be seen throughout western academia, dominating the social sciences and humanities: e.g.: Gender Studies; Whiteness Studies
  • One of the original members of the FS: Herbert Marcuse
  • Brief summary of Marcuse’s work will provide a glimpse into the ‘culture of intolerance’ on college campuses:
  • The following passage is from his 1965 essay, Repressive Tolerance: A Critique of Pure Tolerance
  • “The small and powerless minorities which struggle against the false consciousness and its beneficiaries must be helped. Their continued existence is more important than the preservation of abused rights and liberties which grant constitutional powers to those who oppress these minorities.”
  • Movements inspired by or born out of CT include: Social Justice; Feminism; Neo-progressivism; Post Colonialism
  • The FS, via CM aim to question every aspect of society: gender; sexual orientation; family; race; culture / religion
  • Their goal is to transform these to benefit oppressed groups
  • Classical Marxism is contrasted to Cultural Marxism
  • Marx’s economic theories aimed at resolving the class struggle between the haves and the have-nots [images depict these groups]
  • CM revised Marx’s terminology so that they could apply it to modern cultures, they relabeled those conflicted groups: the oppressed (without privilege) and the oppressors (privileged)
  • In classical Marxism, the concept of ‘working class;’ was translated, ‘minority’ in Cultural Marxism
  • From the above conceptualizations, derive such concepts as: heterosexuals are oppressive; sis-gendered people are oppressive; Whites are oppressive; Christians are oppressive
  • Those who do not fit into the above groups are counted among the oppressed
  • [The following are examples of leftist logic / reasoning, based upon the above theories of the FS]
  • If heterosexuals are oppressive, then the solution is pansexuality
  • If Whites are oppressors, then the solution is racial diversity
  • If sis-gendered people are oppressors, then the solution is to encourage transgenderism
  • If Christians are oppressors, then the solution is to propagate Islam
  • Another popular original member of the FS is Theodor Adorno
  • In Adorno’s book, The Authoritarian Personality, he defined the following traits, behaviors, roles… as pathological [diseased, sick…]:
  • Parenthood; pride in one’s family; Christianity; traditional gender roles and attitudes towards sex; love on one’s own country
  • [That ideology, embraced by CM, is undoubtedly behind the chaos and immorality in our society; it also has to underlie the incessant and irrational cry of ‘Christian Nationalists.’ I have been pondering for some time, just what is wrong with believing in God; wanting the rule of law, safe neighborhoods; vetting immigrants; having a functional border; being able to voice concern at the PTA about sexual predators being granted access to impressionable children who normally trust adults…]
  • The left considers opinions not aligned with their own to be pathological!
  • [That is likely why they shut down all attempts at reasonable dialogue; always acting as though their position is above reproach]
  • Political Correctness (PC) is a chief tool of CM
  • Via PC, CM questions common language and changes it. The following are two examples:
  • For illegal immigrant: undocumented migrants; for ethnic discrimination; affirmative action
  • Defining and re-defining words can be seen as controlling discourse and altering cultural norms
  • [Also, especially regarding morality, CMs have used the media to bombard our society with immoral, atheistic beliefs for the past several decades, these have desensitized many to the harm of such immorality. Belief in God is mocked; dissent from popular opinions and trends is mocked via PC… we are being conformed to the mold of CM. How long will it be before such dissenters are compelled to go to ‘re-education camps’ as those of the CCP? After all, their culture is the model the global elites admire and are seeking to install]
  • Racism and sexism are re-defined as prejudice and power
  • Such new definitions underlie illogical statements like:
  • There’s no such thing as sexism against men; that’s because sexism is prejudice and power; men are the dominant gender with power in society
  • Or, I’m an ethnic minority and a woman; I cannot be a racist or sexist towards White men [regardless of the heinousness of my conduct]
  • Cm maintains an unwaveringly favorable view of the oppressed
  • A group of angry Muslims shown, carrying a sign that reads: ‘Kill those who insult Muhammed’
  • [Such is perfectly fine because they rightly stand against the ‘oppressive’ Christians, as far as CMs are concerned]
  • A person holding a Black Lives Matter sign is shown kneeling in the foreground of a burning building; BLM is described as a peaceful, legitimate protest movement [that is how CM defines it; so it must be true, so they believe. That is the same twisted logic that described concerned parents at a PTA meeting, terrorists]
  • [Our media described BLM via such euphemisms because our media is an arm of the political left which has embraced CM and all its twisted thinking explained above]
  • NO DEVIATION FROM THE ABOVE NARRATIVE WILL BE PERMITTED! [a long line of sheep, walking single-file through deep snow is pictured as what is expected of all of us; we must be completely conformed to the ‘narrative’ of the left; we are bounded by it as the sheep in the image; we must worship the god of the Marxist state…]
  • Classical Marxism offered its subjects the Utopian social system
  • Cultural Marxism only offers us a desolate form of eternal warfare between even more narrowly defined groups of offended minorities
  • The only meaningful consequence that this wide application of CT could possibly have is the marginalization of traditional European culture
  • [Below is a link to Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals. It is a 2-page post that briefs readers on the tactics of the Marxist democrat left; lying is a foundational tactic; as is manipulating others via oppositional tactics to embrace the socialist agenda, and much more]
  • Rules for Radicals
  • The following link is a post that highlighted (from the rules for radicals post) the tactics of the left currently in use:

The above video is from the YouTube site: IAmWhoIAm

Only one video on this site:

Author: Lew Rockwell…