The following video from Good Fight Ministries covered mockery of the Lord’s Supper by numerous musicians and at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.
The title of this video at Good Fight Ministries is as follows: Crowley’s Satanic Replacement of Christ with Dionysus. I changed that title to make it more clear that this post is about the Paris Olympics.
Highlight points are included for the section on the Paris Olympics; you may use the Time Codes below to access an individual part of video, but that action will take you to the same video at YouTube.
I had previously heard several descriptions of the blasphemy that occurred at the Paris Olympics opening ceremony and think this version is the most complete assessment of what occurred.
A post from my series on Paganism is linked to explain Crowley’s goals for society in the early 20th century. Therein is another video by Pastor Joe Schimmel wherein he clarified those goals.
Pastor Schimmel explained the Paris ceremony as a mockery of the Lord’s Supper, over which, theatrically speaking, Dionysus was superimposed over Jesus and then that god began to lead the cerebration.
He explains the many names by which Dionysus is known and the link between this god, Satan and Crowley.
In explaining his assessment of the event, he cited passages from Crowley’s writings… to clarify for viewers the perversions that were being used to denigrate Christianity.
0:00 Introduction
1:17 Did the Olympics mock The Last Supper or was it just art?
8:10 Madonna mocked The Last Supper
10:11 Ariana Grande and Beyonce
12:23 Pastor Joe shows the opening ceremony was a satanic ritual
The video of this post is from the YouTube site, Good Fight Ministries
Video-page link:
Highlights are of the last portion of the video which you might access by the Time Codes below for 12:23. [Bracketed statements, emboldening, and underscoring are mine.]
- This portion of the video is concluding an earlier talk on Beyonce; therein, host Chad Davidson plugs a video Goodfight did on Beyonce, Sasha, the Super bowl and Satan; see timecodes below, to go to those portions of video
- The Olympics, the biggest event in the world, displayed a scene blaspheming the Lord’s Supper; it was from the pages of “Crowley-anity”
- Crowley-anity, in other words, Satanist Aleister Crowley’s teachings replacing Christianity
- Leonardo Da Vinci’s depiction of The Last Supper portrays the last gathering of Jesus and His disciples at the time of Him declaring the New Covenant in His blood, for the salvation of sinners
- Many mock and hate the Lord Jesus Christ, possibly because He stated:
- John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
- The blasphemous portrayal of the Lord’s Supper included transvestites and a little boy; Crowley’s end game, and that of his pedophile followers, is going after little boys
- A man with his “junk” hanging out stood next to the little boy
- Pastor Joe Schimmel gave a biblical view of Dionysus worship
- Crowley taught that Jesus Christ was a pseudo-Christ; that the true Christ was Dionysus
- The Olympic ceremony was a perverse depiction of Christ and His disciples, over which was superimposed a picture of Dionysus worship, eclipsing Christ
- Thereafter, Dionysus was pictured leading the ceremony in song
- Then, supposed, gorgeous models did a walk; then those, who had supposedly been with Jesus, began to follow the Dionysus procession
- That is, he took over
- Dionysus also herein represents Horas, the conquering child, the false god of the New Eon
- Pastor Joe began to cite specific passages from Crowley’s writings about Dionysus and the other names by which this god was known
- Dionysus worship was to get drunk and to partake of sexual perversion
- “Bacchus [Dionysus] divine and human… the adulterous lord of thunder, ravishing brutally his virginal victim… one serpent is thy soul!
- Bacchus, twy formed, man-woman
- What does twy fomed, mixture of man and women
- What does that description sound like?
- A trans person
- It also sounds like the “Baphomet:” the satanic figure that has horns; female breasts; a phallus
- Bacchus, Dionysus, Pan, Satan, and the Baphomet are all one
- Crowley’s worship of this male-female god was to “bear sons in Dionysus”
- Children of the New Eon, New Age, that are all perverted, not even knowing their gender
- That is, the portrayal of Dionysus worship that opened the Olympic games was demonic to the core; if those who produced it were unaware of its demonic core elements, then demonic spirits worked through them to materialize it
- It is likely more accurate to say that the people who designed the Paris Olympic opening ceremony were pushing Crowley-anity; that they knew what they were doing
- As a side note, Pastor Joe mentioned that “Thelemapedia” exists for those wanting to know about Crowley-anity
- It is the encyclopedia of Thelema and Magick [Crowley’s ‘law of thelema’ is ‘do what thou wilt’ or self-worship
- There you will find instructions in thelema, from those: “Among the male worshipers of Dionysus, the records suggest ritual transvestitism as a component of the cult.”
- They closed by noting other false social movements
Link to post 1 in my series on Paganism; it explains Aleister Crowley’s social goals at the turn of the 20th century:
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Link to article on the “Baphomet” image used above:
Link to Satanic Temple article:
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