Conversion Testimony: From Homeless Addict, To Preacher of God’s Word

This post is about the conversion of Mike Waters, who lived on the streets for 6 years and was converted at a rescue mission in Michigan. He was trained at the mission to be a chaplain and some time thereafter, was called to a church in Ohio.

Mp3 talk highlight points:

  • Mike divided his testimony into 3 parts: Darkness, his history of addiction; Mercy, the Lord saving him at a rescue mission; and Faithfulness of God, keeping him in the faith
  • Darkness: he was raised in a loving home that was not Christian; his parents were hard working and he had the necessities; parents remained married until father’s death
  • He began to smoke marijuana in the late 1970s and also began drinking alcohol, eventually becoming an alcoholic
  • He missed a lot of school, but they still graduated him; thereafter, he went to the military.
  • After 2 years he was discharged from the military, after having been in a lot of trouble due to alcohol
  • When he arrived home, he discovered crack cocaine which led him into a life of homelessness and addiction from 1988 – 1994
  • Mike described the events that unfolded between those years and what led to his conversion
  • He was born again at a rescue mission in Holland, Michigan, after having lived off and on at several missions and at other peoples homes, cars, garages…
  • Mercy: after being saved, he began to work at the mission, eventually becoming a chaplain there after educating himself via Puritan theology books, and other sound theological works, and reading through his Bible…
  • He explains how that unfolded
  • He closed by talking about his being called to a church in Canton, Ohio; and about his marriage, children…


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