Christian Self-Examination: video instruction that facilitates self-examination

The first of the five videos below about self-examination (SE) is an exhilarating exhortation by Dr. John Piper about the main reason one should examine himself to see if he is in the faith.  It orients believers such that the following four videos can be rightly received.

Learning SE is a necessary part of every Christian’s walk with the Lord. These videos are aimed at providing essential information to aid the new Christian to grow in grace.



In the following 28 minute video, Todd Friel discusses a book wherein 12 questions are put forth to aid in SE. But before he shares those questions, he spends 4 minutes explaining how SE should be approached: not obsessively…. The questions undermine our defense mechanisms, enabling us to engage in some type of SE. If one is willing to be genuine in his examination, then he will get a glimpse of some of his barriers to sanctification; some of the ways he is failing in his walk with the Lord…things he has to see to experience poverty of spirit.



The following video (2 minutes) has no audio, but it gives numerous scriptures and the rationale for SE.


The following 7.5 minute sermonette by Paul Washer is in the style of the 12 questions above.




The last video (2.75 minutes) is by a lay person, but I thought his perspective about doing SE was gentle and also useful to those who are considering it. His big point, that God the Holy Spirit wants us to see what we are; to shed the old man and grow into the new man (that we already are — see, categories, Justification, Study Helps, 2nd video).

When we truly see what we presently are, and we know the Bible, then we will understand what God would have us throw off and put on. (Someone doing SE needs to be abiding in God’s appointed means of grace — see post of that title under category of Christian Walk.)



In concluding, I want to recommend that you look at all my posts on SE, see Categories, Self-Examination. As a whole, they have tools, exhortation, motivation and rationale for SE.

In light of the last video above, he said something that would be true for all the videos above, that God wants us to see and own what / who we are; and to know who we are in Christ. It is the Holy Spirit’s purpose to conform us to the image of Christ; if we are unwilling to own what the Holy Spirit shows us (those sinful behaviors that are the outworking of the lust of the eyes, the flesh and pride) then we will be chastened or broken to the point in which we are able to see, like the Publican in Luke 18. The beatitude life is what the Holy Spirit works into us. The first step is poverty of spirit, then mourning for sin. Those steps are very painful because to get there, we have to see that what we formerly believed about ourselves was not true, according to what God says in scripture. We are fallen, sinful beings in Adam and when we become united to Christ by faith, then the Holy Spirit begins conforming us to His image; the ways of Adam must be worked out.

In our walk with God, these things will occur. Self-examination is necessary; so is abiding in God’s appointed means of grace (see categories, Christian Walk, Means of Grace).

May God bless your walk with Him.