Celebrities who died in 2023 – Contemplation: Hebrews 9:27 …as it is appointed for man to die…

From the YouTube site, The Life and Sad Ending

Titled:  In Memoriam 2023 With Human Narration – An Original T.L.A.S.E. Documentary

The purpose of this post is to remind readers that life is very fragile and short; and that it is essential to put some time into considering what happens after you leave this world.

If you are a person of faith, then you most likely think about heaven and hell, especially when you attend a funeral. When I was 22, the sudden death of my mother moved me to delve into the study of religion because I had too many uncertainties about what might happen to me upon dying.

I also knew that I had to understand what God expected of me that I might go to heaven.

I was born again at age 53, after having unsuccessfully looked for God in many eastern religions and throwing in the towel in failure. A decade later, He revealed Himself to me during my first complete read of His Holy Bible.

That single accomplishment was the best one of my entire life up to that point and since then.

I read through it a couple of dozen additional times; more frequently during the several years I battled prostate cancer….

As you listen to the author of this video announce the names of those famous people who died in 2023, think about your own demise and how reading through God’s word could help you find out just what God expects of you. You must do that; you must not trust a preacher, priest… as we have examples weekly, of formerly biblically orthodox teachers and preachers turning from God’s word to some form of syncretic Christianity (one that combines Pagan rituals…; like Christian yoga; or Marxist CRT).

Your soul depends upon knowing what God wants from you; being trendy; socially acceptable in your faith will certainly cause you spiritual ‘ship wreck.’

Video is 12 minutes; 30 seconds:

Content: 63 deaths noted, of which there were, 11 musicians / singers; many actors; a few football greats; and a few wrestlers.


Recommended Studies:

***Plan to read through the Bible this year, especially if you have never done that

***Find a church that preaches the Bible (after you have read it, you will be able to discern)

***Read through the Bible so that you can discern false teachers and preachers – in our culture, it seems that counterfeit preachers out number biblical preachers by about 10 to 1.   I have published many posts on false teachers and preachers, but there are many more out there. If YOU know the Bible, then you can discern these wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Narrative and links that accompanied the above video at YouTube:

Video-page linkhttps://www.youtube.com/@TheLifeandSadEnding/videos

319,916 views Dec 31, 2023 #2023 #inmemorian #thelifeandsadending

319,916 views • Dec 31, 2023 • #2023 #inmemorian #thelifeandsadending

#thelifeandsadending #inmemorian #2023

The Death report with narration for the year 2023

Canon in D Major by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…

Artist: http://incompetech.com/

Featured Image: Photo by Daian Gan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/2-white-headstone-inside-cemetery-during-daytime-102128/