There are two brief videos in this post, each are sermon excerpts of pastor Tim Conway sermons. The first provides a useful picture of the problem of repentance and the second a graphic depiction of hell. Each will slap you startle you with a dose of biblical reality. We all tend to backslide on occasion, even the great warrior king and poet, David backslid. I believe many Christians are grateful for his failure, as it demonstrated to all who read the Bible that God is merciful and forgiving; and sinners may start walking with God again, even after great failures. The videos provide warnings and encouragement for such as are in need of these.
Category: Self-denial / Obedience
Philippians 1:21 – For To Me To Live Is Christ, And To Die Is Gain
This post provides comments from two sources on Philippians 1:21. It is a very popular verse, but I formerly had a vague conception of its meaning. I decided to read commentaries on it today and thought I’d share those for others who also do not know exactly what riches it contains.
Self-Denial And The Christian Walk
The Christian walk and self-denial from Calvin’s Institutes by Dr. J. Mayfield
A Summary of The Christian Life. Of Self-Denial: Book 3, Chapter 7 Calvin’s Institutes
If you’re a Christian and want to know some important aspects of the Christian life, then hearing from the Institutes of the Christian Religion is
John Calvin’s Institutes for the Christian Religion Book 2, chapter 3: For Self-Understanding
This section of the Institutes discusses the depravity of the hearts of mankind. It is titled, Everything Proceeding from the Corrupt Nature of Man Damnable.