We Blunder and Stumble in our Holiest Endeavors – J. R. Miller (Christian devotional)

This brief devotional will give you some clarity about what God would have you doing with your life. To be more specific, and to summarize Miller’s words: God has placed you in a specific place, amid a specific group of people, with specific needs…; He has given you talents, interests, abilities… that He expects you to use to SERVE those around you…. J R Miller states that message in a pleasing and kind manner. His words will help you to see and act on those little specific things all around you.  [After publishing this post I discovered shorts by MacArthur and Baucham that apply to the matter discussed by Miller, these were added under the Miller video]

Galatians 5:17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit….

Learning to walk in the Spirit is absolutely essential if you would please God and make it into heaven. I am not satisfied with my own comprehension of such verses found in Paul’s epistles. These verses specifically identify a problem that occurs throughout scripture in that God calls us to repent and obey, and we want to rule our own lives and follow our own inclinations…. Seeing the problem clearly in your own walk is the first step in rectifying it. Exhortations that hold out the solution are found in the epistles and generally in scripture; that would be submitting to the Spirit’s guidance out of a love of God; using God’s appointed means, the armor He has given us with which to fight the fight of faith. But to use God’s appointed means of prayer and scripture reading, e.g., when we are bent on pleasure seeking to fulfill the inclinations/lusts of our heart, is impossible….

God’s Purposes for taking His children through grief, loss, darkness…. Pastor Patrick Hines

The video in this post is a podcast of Pastor Patrick Hines wherein he addresses Christian suffering. He used the text of 1 Peter 1:3-9 and after a brief intro, talked about a Christian pastor who committed suicide, and near the end, he discussed a man who was tortured by Vladimir Lenin’s officers and imprisoned for more than a decade. The latter, grew immeasurably from his ordeal and was more used by God…. Much was said about each man and his response / reaction to afflictions sent by our Sovereign God. You can learn something from Pastor Hines teaching to deal with the afflictions God sends into your life. He discusses a couple of useful books in the podcast.

The Apostates’ Doom – A. W. Pink / Studies in the Scriptures / Christian Audio Books

A W Pink considers Hebrews 10:26-31 in discussing the apostate’s doom. He discusses how preachers had watered down that [and all] scripture in his day [he died in 1952]. They promised believers that if they had accepted Christ [signed a card; uttered the sinner’s prayer…] that their eternal future was secure…. He discussed a three erroneous takes on this passage by Arminians, over-zealous Calvinists; he called out the dispensationalists for “trifling with God’s word.” He aimed to present a biblical take on the passage and seemed to do so. It is an important message for all Christians in this day of far greater heresy and apostasy than in the 1950s. I recommend reading the preceding post on the impact of Christian Liberalism on the church before this post. Video is 43 minutes with a long list of highlights beforehand

Repent or Perish! – A. W. Pink

The following 5-minute devotional says much about repentance and the hindrances to it.  The chief obstacle is self, which he addresses in a succinct but thorough manner. [One big problem of the Christian walk is learning to deny self. This culture has made that a huge problem because we are taught from childhood, by TV ads and by observing what the people around us value, that self-gratification is the height of personal freedom.] Sermon highlights precede the 5-minute video

The fight of faith, A W Pink

This post contains a 20-minute reading from A W Pink’s writings about fighting the good fight of faith. His description of the fight is very useful because he boils things down such that one can begin fighting. Sermon points precede the video, so those who do not have 20 minutes to spare, can read the points, which are more than just highlights.

Hebrews 13:13 – Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured. 

The following brief commentary is on Hebrews 13:13 – “Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured.”  Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp – As if we were going forth with him when he was led away to be crucified. He was put to death as a malefactor. He was the object of contempt and scorn. He was held up to derision, and was taunted and reviled on his way to the place of death, and even on the cross. To be identified with him there; to follow him; to sympathize with him; to be regarded as his friend, would have subjected one to similar shame and reproach…. [This intro is most of Barnes’ commentary; John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible is also included in this post. Together, they provide better understanding]

Giving Place to the Devil – A. W. Pink / Studies in the Scriptures / Christian Audio Books

Arthur Walkington Pink (1886-1952) was an evangelist and Biblical scholar. The video below is a reading from his Studies in the Scriptures. While taking notes on the video and transcribing them, I noticed that A W Pink took many biblical warnings, admonitions, encouragements… and organized them for those who sincerely desire to understand how they are failing to walk in obedience. He focused mostly on how a believer leaves himself open to the assaults of the devil – giving place to the devil as it is put in scripture. And his points thoroughly cover the topic

It Is Utterly Impossible – Octavius Winslow

The following 2 minute 34 second video is a devotional by Winslow on loving Christ because of specific things He had accomplished for you.  A few of Winslow’s thoughts from this very brief meditation / devotional: He gave you Himself: Robed in your nature; Laden with your curse; Oppressed with your sorrows; Wounded for your transgressions; Slain for your sins….

Conquering Sin – Two Booklets Reviewed by Pastor Dave

A dear friend of mine gave me one of the following booklets which I just began reading: Killing Sin Habits, by Stuart Scott.  I found a review on that book and another booklet today, and I wanted to blog it because posts related to sin and temptation are frequently read from this blog.  In the following review, Pastor Dave provided an overview and critique that may move some readers to examine these booklets for help. [Also in this post is a link to Pastor Dave’s site where 23 other articles are linked, the titles of each are listed herein]

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