The Wiles of the Devil – Ephesians 6:10-13 – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

In times of battle and great war, military leaders will do all that is necessary in order to obtain information about their enemy’s strategy. Likewise, in the spiritual warfare of the Christian, they have to know how the enemy will attack. Thankfully, they have been told in God’s word who the enemy is and how he operates. Therefore, there is great encouragement in considering the works of the devil. In this sermon on spiritual warfare from Ephesians 6:10–13 titled “The Wiles of the Devil,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones uses this Scripture to aid the Christian in their understanding of the fiery darts that come from his hand and his evil army. While Satan is not omnipresent and is always subservient to God, he nevertheless has much power. His attacks on the world and Christian people specifically are strategic….

The Free Gift of God’s Grace – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

…Many misunderstand the kingdom of God and hold to a false salvation that is rooted in the belief that eternal life is a reward for a good life on earth. But besides offering no hope to a sinful person, it misses the entire glory of the free salvation in Christ — everyone justly deserves hell because they have all broken God’s law, yet Christ was offered as an acceptable substitute in their place in the reception of God’s wrath…. [MLJ explored the themes of this parable sufficiently well as to help listeners see whether they are making such a fatal error.]

The Trumpets in Revelation – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What do the trumpets in Revelation stand for? Why are they in the book? How can their teaching be applied today? In this sermon on the trumpets, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches more about these symbols from the book of Revelation. He notes that the trumpets afflict only one-third of their objects. This is contrary to the seals of Revelation, which afflict things as a whole. What do the trumpets represent? They represent what happens to those who persecute God’s people. Many times when people are punished for their sin, it is easy to think that it is all a coincidence, but Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that these calamities in Revelation are sent by God Himself….

The Intermediate State – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What happens between death and the final resurrection, the so-called “intermediate state”?
The sermon of this post is from MLJTrust, they described it as follows: In this sermon on “The Intermediate State,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents and explains several views on the intermediate state. Some propose that souls sleep until Jesus comes again; some argue that the dead reside in Abraham’s bosom or a place of suffering until the final judgment; others argue that only those who have eternal life with God will even exist eternally, a view called conditional mortality. But what does the Bible say? Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents a biblical case for why both believers and unbelievers will live eternally, either with God or apart from Him forever in suffering.

Redemption: The Eternal Plan of God – Martyn Lloyd-Jones [Part 2]

The sermon of this post is by Martyn Lloyd-Jones and is the followup sermon to the one just posted, on the covenant of grace in the Old Testament. If you want an improved understanding of the unity of the entire Bible that results from God’s plan of redemption, this sermon and the one last posted in this blog will be of much help to you. MLJ was one of the most biblically-sound pastors of the 20th century, he preaches the Bible like few do these days. The Bible has not changed it is God’s revealed truth for His people….

The Modern Philistine – by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

…“The essence of wisdom for the church at a time like this is to look back into her own history.” When she does this, what will she find? She will find that no revival has ever been known in history that denied the fundamentals of the Christian faith or neglected such vital truths. These truths are constantly buried by “the rubbish of the Philistines.” Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the vital truths and doctrines denied by the Philistines: the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Bible, the doctrine of sin, and the wrath of God. Revival cannot happen without the proclamation of these truths. It is with arrogance, pride, and the tendency to glorify oneself rather than God that stands between us and His mighty blessings of revival.

Romans 12:21  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good – Dr. James Boice

John Perkins, a black pastor in 1960’s Mississippi, was unjustly arrested and beaten unmercifully. He saw what hate can do to men, and–in response–Perkins chose to do the seemingly impossible. Join Dr. James Boice on The Bible Study Hour as we hear the pastor’s story and learn how–like him–we can fulfill the Apostle Paul’s directive to “overcome evil with good.” [Video description from YouTube] I have to say that the biblical fidelity of Boice’s sermon speaks to the unbiblical nature of CRT and other social movements that the 21st century church is drinking down that it might be found “relevant” in the eyes of the world…. Be a student of the Bible so that you are not led astray.

BIBLICAL SERMON ILLUSTRATED: Pastor Voddie Baucham – The World the Devil and the Flesh

I recently received a question from a reader who was confused about how to discern biblical from un-biblical preaching / preachers. This post aims at helping such readers. Seasoned Christians who believe in the doctrines that come from the Protestant Reformation, know that Dr. Voddie Baucham is a great preacher. Nate Sala, the creator of this video looks carefully at Baucham’s sermon to show just why that is so. Listeners will gain in two ways from hearing the video of this post: they will hear a biblically sound sermon and get some insight into Baucham’s purposes (and the purposes of biblical preachers); furthermore, they will get a 3-point tool by which they can measure preaching they hear, at their church and elsewhere.

How the moral law leads believers to Christ – Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion excerpt

The purpose of this post is to use the writings of John Calvin, who thoroughly understood scripture, to show why God gave the law through Moses. The goal in that is to show Christians that it is impossible to get into heaven by obeying the law. The law, as in Romans 3, was merely given to show us that we are helpless to obey it. We must rest in the righteousness that Christ earned by obeying the law during His earthly ministry. The book of Galatians and the initial 5+ chapters of Romans say just that. So, every Christian MUST learn how to submit to the Holy Spirit and quit working to earn merit before God….

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