NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Despite consumer opposition, companies believe backing transgenderism will win them more long-term cash because it has the approval of global regulatory power players, according to women’s rights activist Kay Yang. The push is part of a philosophical movement aimed at allowing for customization of the human body with sex-change surgery, technological advances, and more, she said. And companies seek to be part of this fast-growing lucrative industry. Yang speaks with authority on the push to build acceptance for transgenderism. She’s seen that cabal from the inside. …Monetizing the Human Body – Sex-change surgery, cross-sex hormones, and breast implants are just the beginning, she said.Trying to “customize” the human body with technology is called “transhumanism”—going beyond being human.
Category: Paganism / Neopaganism
Babylon – What Most Christians Don’t Know
This post used an Answers in Genesis video: In discussing Babylon as it is revealed in scripture, he talked about the term Babylon also being a metaphor for the godless systems of mankind that reveal his pride and rebellion against God. These anti-God systems of power are shameless and corrupting; they applaud debauchery, mock virtue, cancel truth… and are obsessed with power. …As the following 10-minute excerpt begins, he is talking about mankind’s rebellion at Babel and showing parallels with the pride and rebellion of our own day….
Where can seekers find community outside organized religion? Meet The Nearness – RNS [Part 1 of 2]
This post contains an article from Religious News Service on a new spiritual coop called, The Nearness. I am NOT recommending this coop, but am critiquing it from a biblical perspective. This is part 1 of 2 ; the second part contains three one-minute videos and a 25-minute video: one by MacArthur on the difference between religion and biblical Christianity; one that describes The Nearness, from their YouTube site; one on a new course they are offering; and a video by R C Sproul that explains encounters with God. Therein, he uses scripture and personal testimony of his conversion. Part 2 will be posted tomorrow
UMC bishops request 2026 General Conference as hundreds more churches disaffiliate
This post contains an article from Religious News Service about United Methodist Churches that are disaffiliating over issues related to the LGBTQ movement. The purpose of the post is to keep readers informed on current events impacting the church amid the culture wars in America. Many churches have compromised by turning from biblical practices and values to worldly ones….
Ex-Pfizer VP Warns of Ongoing ‘Global’ Conspiracy, ‘Biggest Crime in History’ Involving Loss of Freedom and ‘Billions’ of Deaths (Watch)
This post contains a 3-minute Twitter video with the following caption: BREAKING: Former VP at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, says there is a plan to kill millions, if not billions of people. [In the video, he speaks about the aims of the globalists and encourages individuals to stand against their efforts; Curtis Bowers, of Agenda Weekly and others have similar suspicions about the globalist’s agenda]
C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts for April 14
Again, when I went to my E-sword pc Bible program, the following devotional opened before me and I read it to my blessing. Both messages are great; but the second one speaks specific encouragement for times such as this: I posted earlier today, a video about the globalist agenda, how the one-world order is crystallizing before our eyes. The second message below is comforting in light of these developments; it is also comforting for all conditions a believer might experience: cancer, Covid19….
The One-World Order is Crystallizing Before Our Eyes
The following video by John Henry, whose YouTube site is, The Gospel of Christ, is about the various parts of the world order that are taking form before our eyes. Those who read my posts by Curtis Bowers, may know many of these things, but I think that John Henry’s video puts the story together very succinctly and well, via many credible and familiar sources. Believers should not fear what is happening, but become more dependent and committed to Christ, and witness His gospel; as there are undoubtedly many who will come to Christ during these times.
Psalm 9 and the Antithesis – Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast
My last three posts are about events that are presently unfolding in our society; the two posts on Curtis Bowers’ Agenda Weekly, touched on the topic of the Nashville shooting by identifying underlying factors. This post explains the “antitheses” more specifically, using Psalm 9. An overview and some discussion points are precede his podcast.
We Are In A Mess: The Incessant, Multifaceted Assault on America – Curtis Bowers
Curtis addressed 5 points in his video: 1 what is happening to our economy; 2, war, motives for it and more; 3, the Covid sham – that it was started by America, A Fauci supervising; it was planned and and a prep run occurred in 2019… and the next one is to be in 2025, and has been planned out via meeting in Brussels; 4, the climate hoax, which is a religion…; 5 cultural collapse; how the trans movement is being used; the victims of Nashville shooting shown on screen (29 minute mark) and how trans movement is being pitted against Christianity….
The Price of Eliminating Consequences – Victor David Hanson, Epoch Times Commentary
Recently there were some remarkable online videos of a Portland, Oregon good Samaritan confronting shoplifters and forcing them to dump loads of their pilfered goods. More stunning, however, was the sheer outrage—of the thieves! They pouted. They screamed. They resisted. How dare anyone stop them from stealing anything they wished. The criminals entertained no fear of any consequences for walking out with bags of things that were not theirs. They had no care that mainstreaming their habits would undermine the entire fabric of society.