Socialism uses “political correctness” to attack basic moral discernment and artificially force everyone to be the same. This has come along with the legalization and normalization of all manner of anti-theist and profane speech, sexual perversions, demonic art, pornography, gambling, and drug use.
Category: Paganism / Neopaganism
Supreme Court Orders Review of California Restrictions on Churches
Supreme Court Orders Review of California Restrictions on Churches
INFOGRAPHIC [chart expands, computer required]: How Falun Gong Is Persecuted in China: The Epoch Times
Falun Gong Is Persecuted shown via graphic illustrations – If you think socialism is good, please read this post!
We Will Not Bow, Dr. John MacArthur
When a nation’s leaders hate God, oppose His law, usurp Him, then they are on dangerous ground
Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism A choice that transcends the political right and left
Communism will take: your right to worship God; own property; pass an inheritance to your children; speak freely; own a gun; protect yourself and family…
CCP requiring apologies internationally: Sky News Australia
Businesses and corporations are bowing to China-money world-wide; some international specifics given herein
Three Ways America’s Mainstream Media Resemble Communist Media: Epoch Times
Three Ways America’s Mainstream Media Resemble Communist Media: Epoch Times
I Grew Up in Communist China, Here’s My Warning to America: Epoch Times
I Grew Up in Communist China, Here’s My Warning to America: Epoch Times
Candace Owens Challenges Facebook Fact-Checker PolitiFact, Wins Correction
This article would likely not be printed in mainstream news
Christians Are Called To Stand For Righteousness
Dr. MacArthur discussed our culture in terms of the platforms of the democrats and the republicans and indicated how Christians should align themselves