R.C. Sproul – God’s Help For Depressed Believers [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 4]

In the R C Sproul sermon of this post, he carefully explains how God gives salvation to a believer. In the process he discusses faith, justification and imputation, all bed-rock doctrines upon which the Christian’s spiritual life is built. He also clearly shows where Protestantism and Roman Catholicism differ, and where the latter veers into unbiblical byways. He uses scripture to make his points. [Sermon highlight points and some passages of scripture are provided]

How Christ Fulfills The Old Testament Sacrifices OF Leviticus – Dr James Boyce

This post contains a 24-minute mp3 sermon by Dr. James Boyce on the Day of Atonement. He makes clear the sacrifices of the Old Testament and shows how Christ fulfilled these. If you aren’t clear on these things, then you will likely glean understanding from his clear exposition of Leviticus 16. His sermon is far more enjoyable to listen to that it is to read through and attempt to understand Lev. 16 on your own.

Holiness, by J C Ryle, Sanctification, Part 3A

This post is the first of two about sanctification; it consists of passages copied and pasted from chapter 3 of J C Ryle’s book, Holiness. The contemporary evangelical church errs greatly in its understanding of basic doctrines of the faith: regeneration, repentance, faith, justification and sanctification. This mini series based on Ryle’s book will provide information about those topics for Christians who want to walk in the narrow way. Most of the church today is on the broad way, according to, for example, what Jesus taught in Matthew; and what Paul taught in Romans and Galatians. Ryle’s book is biblical.

A Better Sacrifice – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

In his 24 minute sermon, Pastor Ramsey clarified the great differences between the old covenant and the new covenant.  The net result of Jesus’ better sacrifice is that as the mediator of this new covenant His sacrifice is final, complete, effective and powerful.  But those words are empty if you have no understanding of the covenants and how they differ; and what blessings the new covenant holds for believers. Please listen and bolster your knowledge of the entire Bible

The Adoption of the Believer, by Dr. John MacArthur

Salvation is by faith apart from works. Those who have come to Christ by faith are no longer slaves, but adopted sons of God, heirs …All religions and false Christian sects, teach that people are delivered from judgment, saved, by their works: morality [kindness, church attendance, tithing, penance, helping the poor…] …THAT IS SATAN’S BIG LIE; every society since the fall has believed it [and it is currently believed in the western world] …The gospel of faith alone in Christ had been buried by the Roman Catholic Church for 1000 years or so before the protestant reformation [view the movie Luther for a quick study on the reformation and for a glimpse of RCC heresy]

What is a Christian?

Pastor Ramsey asked the question, What does it mean to be a Christian? He answered that question with a definition that included explaining our union with Christ and how that occurs. He closed by giving several practical benefits of our union with Christ, that all born-again Christians possess. [I provided written sermon points for his mp4 sermon, and I gave more than highlights because this is such an important, foundational sermon.]
This 28 minute sermon will help you understand the blessings you possess because you are a Christian.

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