Breakfast with the Devil, Supper with the Savior [The Thief on the Cross] – Pastor Colin Smith

Two men had pursued a life of crime; they were angry with God, and now they stood on the brink of eternity. Pastor Colin talks about how something changed in one man’s soul, and he cried out to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Discover the stunning words Jesus said to this man. [This 2-part sermon gives very clear teaching about how one is saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Those Christians who fear they will never be sufficiently good to enter into heaven will be greatly uplifted by the contents of this sermon, particularly, Roman Catholics. But I know many Christians, including myself, who wrongly think that our own performance has something to do with entering into heaven. Sermon points are included for part 1

Covenant Theology Overview by Pastor Patrick Hines [Salvation and Eschatology, Part 8, Conclusion]

The 22-minute video in this post addresses the following: the unity of the covenants of the Bible, Old and New Testaments; why faith is the only way of salvation; why works, obedience to the law, cannot save anyone; and why the doctrines of old-school Dispensationalism, which ascribe to God, two different ways of salvation in the Bible, are erroneous. Sermon highlight points are provided.

By Faith – Galatians 2:15-21 – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

The following points are from Pastor Ramsey’s sermon conclusion: We are justified by faith in Christ Jesus; and FAITH does not merely believe some facts / truths about Jesus. Faith is trusting Him and depending on Him to save you By MEANS of His Death and Resurrection; and Faith UNITES the believer to Jesus. “IN HIM” we are made right with God. Thus, we are JUSTIFIED by FAITH; and we are JUSTIFIED ‘IN CHRIST.’ In Athens, Paul declared that God had fixed a day in which He will judge the world [see Acts 17]. How might you be found righteous before God [be justified] on that DAY? By FAITH in Jesus Christ because: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. [The contents of this sermon clearly explain why John 14:6 is true]

Eternal Security and Gospel Assurance — Mike Gendron [former Roman Catholic]

Did you know over half of professing Christianity denies or rejects the Gospel’s divine promise of eternal life? Our Lord Jesus made His gracious and unbreakable promise very clear: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life” (John 5:24). [Then Mike talked about this via the following subheadings: Power of Almighty God; Promises of Our Great God and Savior; Perpetual Intercession of Jesus; Proof of Christ’s Unconditional Love; Protection of the Good Shepherd; Permanence of Divine Gifts; Plain Meaning of the Word “Eternal.” In conclusion, he asked 7 rhetorical questions.]

Q & A Panel on The Protestant Reformation – Ligonier Ministries

The following 32-minute video is a Q & A panel on the Protestant Reformation, held at Ligonier Ministries. From left to right, the panel consists of Pastors Stephen Nichols; Sinclair Ferguson; Derrick Thomas; Burk Parsons and R C Sproul. [The video is from 2018]. Sermon highlight points are included. Also there are links to the movie, LUTHER; and to R C Sproul’s study series on Justification by Faith Alone, which actually emerged as the core issue of the reformation. It is a 15 lecture series, the lecture titles are listed

What Were Martin Luther’s 95 Theses?

This post contains an article on Martin Luther’s 95 theses and those theses, from Reformation day is October 31, if you are protestant, you may know more about what started the protestant movement by spending a few moments reading this post; if you are Roman Catholic, you can discover that the same unbiblical practices that kicked off the Protestant Reformation are still practiced by the RCC. Please read through the Bible and discover that Luther’s points are in line with scripture and the practices of the Roman church are not

R.C. Sproul – God’s Help For Depressed Believers [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 4]

In the R C Sproul sermon of this post, he carefully explains how God gives salvation to a believer. In the process he discusses faith, justification and imputation, all bed-rock doctrines upon which the Christian’s spiritual life is built. He also clearly shows where Protestantism and Roman Catholicism differ, and where the latter veers into unbiblical byways. He uses scripture to make his points. [Sermon highlight points and some passages of scripture are provided]

How Christ Fulfills The Old Testament Sacrifices OF Leviticus – Dr James Boyce

This post contains a 24-minute mp3 sermon by Dr. James Boyce on the Day of Atonement. He makes clear the sacrifices of the Old Testament and shows how Christ fulfilled these. If you aren’t clear on these things, then you will likely glean understanding from his clear exposition of Leviticus 16. His sermon is far more enjoyable to listen to that it is to read through and attempt to understand Lev. 16 on your own.

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