Catholicism’s Distortion of Divine Forgiveness – Mike Gendron

The September issue of Mike Gendron’s Newsletter contains briefs on the following topics: Catholicism’s Distortion of Divine Forgiveness; Sinners Can Never Make Satisfaction for Sins; Divine Forgiveness Through One Mediator; Divine Forgiveness by Believing the Gospel; Allie Beth Stuckey interview of Mike Gendron – 6000 questions from Catholics; Peculiar People Are Passing into Paradise; and The Prophetic Global Religion

Philippians 3:9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own… Albert Barnes’ Commentary

This post uses the commentary of Albert Barnes to consider Philippians 3:9 “and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith.” This topic is foundational to the Christian life, Romans and Galatians are about it. From my own struggles, and writing about the false teachings that pervade the 21st century church, I am certain that most Christians do not understand this doctrine sufficiently well, such that they are certainly relying only on the imputed righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. If you cannot say with certainty that you do, then take a few moments and get some helpful insight.

Baptismal Regeneration Is a Deceptive Hoax – Mike Gendron – Proclaiming the Gospel to Roman Catholics

This issue of Mike Gendron’s Newsletter covers the following topics and more: The Falsification of Spiritual Blessings; Scripture Exposes Rome’s Deceptive Teaching; The Timing and Purpose of Water Baptism; Water Baptism Cannot Cause Spiritual Rebirth; Only God and His Word Can Cause Spiritual Life; Do Not Be Deceived About “The Chosen;” Letters to Equip and Encourage the Saints. [Gendron cites Roman Catholic practices and contrasts them with biblical truth and doctrine.]

The Article on Which the Church Stands or Falls – R C Sproul

Was the Reformation debate over justification by faith alone a tempest in a teapot? There are many today who think so, many who argue that the Reformation is over. In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul will explain why the Reformers spoke of justification by faith alone as the article on which the church stands or falls, and why we are never to compromise on this essential truth of the Christian faith. This message is from our 2013 National Conference, No Compromise:

What is effectual calling? – Got Questions Ministries

My purpose in posting this article is to explain the concept of effectual calling, as it occurs often in the scriptures. And those who only read bits and pieces of scripture usually don’t understand such terms. Effectual calling occurs early in the process of salvation. Understanding such doctrines is important to having a fuller comprehension of the Christian life: how one is saved; what God is doing in the life….

What does it mean to trust in Jesus? – Got Questions dot org

This brief article from Got Questions Ministries gives a thorough answer to what it means to ‘trust in Jesus.’ I am certain that if you are answering that question with your own reason, that you have answered in an incomplete way. Furthermore, most ideas about Christianity that are floating around in the social sphere are very wrong. Just read through the Bible and you will begin to see that. Mainstream, seeker friendly churches also err greatly. So, please spend 5 minutes of your time and get the correct answer.

Guarding the Glorious Gospel of God – Mike Gendron

This post contains Mike Gendron’s monthly newsletter. Mike was a practicing Roman Catholic for 37 years before being born again. He and his wife thereafter began their ministry ‘Proclaiming the Gospel’ to witness the biblical Christ to Roman Catholics.  I highlighted some words from Letters to Mike that speak to the ALISTAIR BEGG MATTER of the past week. Mike stated those words when questioned as to whether to attend a RCC wedding. 

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