Putting on the Breastplate – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

In the Christian life, one must fight a daily battle against the accusations of the devil. How then do they fight against these accusations and respond by living in the truth of the Bible? When Satan tries to distract and condemn them with their imperfections, failures, and unworthiness, how do they respond in a way that keeps their focus on God and not themselves? In this sermon on Ephesians 6.14 titled “Putting on the Breastplate,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains how the breastplate of righteousness protects the Christian from these accusations by reminding them of who they are in Christ Jesus. [This is MLJ’s last sermon on verse 14 in this 67-part series. It is different from others on this verse. I pasted in all the scriptures mentioned in the points by MLJTrust]

Righteousness of God by Faith – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What do Christians do when they face spiritual depression, and their feelings and emotions forsake them? How exactly does this breastplate of righteousness help when Christians go through times like these? In this sermon on Ephesians 6.14 titled “Righteousness of God by Faith,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones speaks on the importance of putting on the breastplate of righteousness and how it protects the Christian from the lies of the devil. Rather than relying on FEELINGS AND WORKS to feel secure in one’s salvation, the breastplate of righteousness reminds the Christian that it is the righteousness of Christ through faith that saves them.

The Breastplate of Righteousness – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The sermon is yet another sermon by MLJ that is wonderfully rich in doctrine and in wisdom from experience (it seems to me). He explained the following scripture in the process of his sermon: …and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith…. If you do not know the difference, this sermon will provide you with some understanding

Reconciled to God (Remastered) – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

A sermon by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Being Reconciled to God. “There is no human being that has sinned beyond the bounds of redemption and salvation in Christ Jesus. None.” …Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches through the account of the paralyzed man whose greatest need was fixed by Jesus. This man had heard that Jesus could heal him and had faith that Jesus could do it. His faith brought him to have his friends lower him through a roof to get to Jesus; he was a desperate man. Yet Jesus offers something so much more than just the physical healing of the man—Jesus forgives his sins. …To receive forgiveness and healing, we must have faith in Jesus, repent of sins, and obey his commands. We must accept his diagnosis of our need and his method of salvation. Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds listeners that unless sins have been forgiven, no one is able to live a truly happy life regardless of how “good” their situation may be.

J D Vance Converted Religions – Here is Why it Matters by Todd Friel

The video opens with J D Vance stating why he became a Roman Catholic. Todd Friel noted that Vance is typical in that many young adults who were raised in Protestant churches, later turn to the Roman Catholic Church, RCC. The initial 5 minutes of the video explain why the RCC is not biblical, as the way they ‘infuse’ righteousness into a believer via baptism performed by a priest is Man-Made dogma. The rest of the video goes through what the reformers did to get the Bible into the common languages of the people and other relevant matters. He briefly explained the efforts of several reformers from 1200’s to the Protestant Reformation. Below his video, I inserted some scripture that explains from the Bible those RCC errors, as Friel’s teaching was too condensed to include such things from the Bible.

Doctrines of Justification and Imputation explained in simple terms – Ligonier Ministries

This post explains the foundational doctrines of Justification and Imputation. Justification is explained by a 6-minute video transcript by Barry Cooper of Ligonier Ministries; imputation is explained by R C Sproul via a 1-minute, 19-second video, the transcript is also provided. This post is being published to add clarity to the post of Saturday, wherein Mike Gendron explained why it is that the Roman Catholic Church is NOT the One True Church; also, tomorrow’s post is about J D Vance’s conversion to Catholicism. In the video, Todd Friel briefly explains the trend of young Christians to do that, then he explains the biblical gospel and how the reformers were active in the church between 1200 and 1540. He showed how their work of translating the scriptures into the common language and ironing out the doctrines of justification and imputation returned the church to that of the first century apostolic church….

The Sacrament of Baptism – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What is the purpose of baptism? Why did Jesus teach baptism after someone is saved? In this sermon on the sacrament of baptism (the second sermon in his series on the sacraments of the church), Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones walks through a topic sometimes debated even amongst believers. Baptism’s meaning, he says, is an outward illustration of the inward cleansing from the pollution of sin. Its purpose is not to cleanse from sin and regenerate because that would mean that people are saved through the work of baptism, something that Scripture clearly denies. So, what does it accomplish? Baptism serves as a sign and seal of one’s justification and remission of sins. And yet, he says, not everyone is eligible to be baptized. This teaching runs counter to the Catholic teaching on baptism….

The Covenant Made at Sinai – Sinclair Ferguson

The video of this post is by Pastor Sinclair Ferguson. In 5 minutes, he explains the unity of the Old and New Testaments by means of speaking of the covenants God made with men.  In the process, he explained that since the fall, salvation has only been by grace. In other words, people who say, “Old Testament salvation is by law and the New Testament salvation is by grace,” seriously err. [That is, teachings like Dispensationalism, developed in the 19th century, are wrong when they propound two ways of salvation; and religions that believe they can earn their way to God, to heaven… are also wrong.]

Sanctification in Romans 6 to 8 – Martyn Lloyd-Jones – MLJTrust

…“It is impossible for a Christian to remain in continual sin due to sanctification.” This is a freeing truth. From the moment of conversion, the Spirit of Life dwells in the believer, and they cannot be subject to the carnal. Moreover, this is a promise for all Christians, not just a blessing that some receive and others don’t. And yet, the struggle against sin is still a daily battle for followers of Christ. To help the listener better understand, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that from the moment of salvation, Christians are dead to sin since they have been united with Christ and His life. The Christian spirit is alive to Christ, yet their bodies are still under the bondage and dominion of sin…. [From MLJTrust’s explanation of this sermon. They also provided sermon highlight points.]

The Covenant of Grace in the Old Testament – Martyn Lloyd-Jones [Part 1]

This sermon by MLJ clarifies that the Bible is unified by its covenants. Furthermore, the most important covenant is the covenant of grace which was hinted at in Genesis 3:15. It is established fully via the duration of the Bible, in the various other covenants. If you have been under the impression that there are two peoples of God; or that the Old and New Testaments reveal differing ways of salvation…; then this sermon will show you the errors of such thinking that abounds in our society because of the man-made doctrines of dispensationalism.

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