The following 6 minute video is supposed to be a devotional on judgment day, but I would call it a meditation. Plumer makes many statements about judgment day, as though he is walking around it and viewing it from every possible perspective; from his words, emerges a very clear picture. If you listen, then you will definitely learn some new things about judgment day; and learning new things about that day could be a very beneficial for your soul.
Category: Judgment / Hell
The Degrees Of Sin: Building A Christian Conscience – R C Sproul
R C Sproul articulated a secular psychiatrist’s argument against Jesus’ statements in the Sermon on the Mount; the psychiatrist believed Jesus to be saying that lustful thoughts are equivalent with adultery; R C explains the man’s errors. If you have never thought much about the degrees of sin and righteousness spoken of in scripture, then you will obtain much insight from this teaching video
The Threatenings of God – James Smith
In the following 4 minute video, Reverend James Smith succinctly mentioned many of the forms of judgment God the Holy Spirit documented in scripture; Smith did so in the process of giving a thorough overview of biblical judgment. This little video is well worth hearing and pondering before judgment day. If you have never read through the Bible, then spend 4 minutes hearing an overview of God’s looming judgment
Woe to those who call Evil Good, and Good Evil / Isaiah 5 Song / Lyrics – Rich Moore
From Rich Moore: I am a singer, guitarist, and songwriter. This is a new original contemporary Christian song I recently wrote and recorded which will be on my soon to be released album. May those who listen find it a great blessing, to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, in these last days…praise God. (Music and video owned and copyrighted by Rich Moore Music)
When God Sends Mass Delusion, Dr. John MacArthur
This post contains two brief videos: a John MacArthur 4 minute sermon excerpt on 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-11 on God sending delusion and why that occurs; and a 6 minute video that shows that the following phenomena, that are occuring in the church, also occur in occult meetings: uncontrollable laughter; involuntary jerking and shaking; drunkenness; transfer of power, and an invisible force. I believe that the second video is a fine example of God sending delusion to those who will not believe His truth.
This Is Why Most People Are Going To Hell – Voddie Baucham
In the 12 minute sermon excerpt of this post Dr. Voddie Baucham uses scripture to explain why most people are going to hell; that includes, most Christians also. He explains sin, repentance, faith in terms of how it looks in a person’s real-life experience. He talks briefly about the preachers who lead people onto the broad way of destruction and the kinds of beliefs that keep one there and he contrasts those beliefs with biblical truth
Paul Washer – I Know What Your god Is (Sermon Jam)
The following 10 minute sermon excerpt by Paul Washer is aimed at helping listeners understand the privilege that God has given them regarding kingdom work. He explains that we tend to view these opportunities wrongly. His critique of Christ followers clarifies how we tend to miss the mark. Furthermore, he noted that it is the work of God’s Spirit to wake us up to our sinfulness, wrong priorities…that we might seek Him in prayer to get right. [I have found that I need to listen to Washer and preachers like him every couple of months that I might wake up again to what is important.]
Watching Men Die, Pastor Rolfe Barnard, Ecclesiastes 12:1-7
Rolfe Barnard’s message is about his time of starting a church in an oil boom town in Texas; therein, after he got a church building…he talked about being the only preacher for 26 months, in a town of 50,000; about conducting at least 3 funerals a day, some days as many as 7; he talked about the horrors of those who were experiencing dying, as the majority of them had lived lives of ill repute. The last 8-10 minutes of his sermon were extremely vivid, as he clarified the meaning of the word ‘cast’ from the phrase, ‘cast into the lake of fire.’ He used a true story to convey much horror. You don’t want to miss that. If you have time for nothing else, listen to that, as we all need to have as clear an understanding as we can about death so that we might spend our lives rightly.