The Devil and the Nations – Martyn Lloyd-Jones – [Syncretism Part 3]

This post contains a video short wherein John MacArthur talks about the restraints the God has given us to restrain evil in society, to restrain the sinner. In MLJ’s sermon, he explained how the Devil works to use people to oppose God. He explained how God permits rulers and nations to rise in power but then ultimately shows them there is only one God, Him; and that they are very little in comparison to Him…. MLJTrust added sermon description and breakdown; I added some points from the sermon that I though emphasized the past decade, regarding the chaos and evil on the world stage.

What Does the Bible Say About Purgatory? – Got Questions Ministries

The 5-minute Got Questions Video of this post explains that the Roman Catholic concept of purgatory is not biblical. Also, there are links to Got Questions posts about related topics such as plenary indulgences. Additionally, a few verses of scripture were inserted to show that the doctrines of men are not accepted by God; that show from the Bible how 19 kings of Israel were cursed for following doctrines of men (established by Jeroboam, son of Nebat). That example speaks to such things as purgatory and the counterfeit Pentecostal revival movement that was established upon the lies of Charles Fox Parham and Agnes Ozman (clearly explained by John MacArthur in his book, Strange Fire pages 20-25); furthermore, it speaks to the SBC’s addition of CRT and LGBTQ+ dogmas to the Bible; the JW’s; the Latter Day Saints….

The Last Words of Several Well-Known Atheists – Pastor Daniel

This post contains two 5-minute videos about death; and a 2-minute scripture reading of Proverbs 5: VIDEO 1: Pastor Daniel read the final words of 8 atheists and 5 Christians. We all need reminding of just how close death is and we need to think about the state of our souls, as our opportunities to seek God’s grace run out at the time of death. VIDEO 2: a video about the un-biblical Roman Catholic concept of purgatory. When I listened to video 1, I realized that many do not think that their eternal destiny is locked in when they die, like the Bible says. I was glad to find a video and article by Got Questions that biblically addresses this falsehood. (The article on Purgatory has several links to matters that are extremely relevant to the matter of death and eternal life) finally, video 3, a reading of Proverbs 5. Below that, I pasted in the scripture and a succinct commentary with some verses.

The Trumpets in Revelation – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What do the trumpets in Revelation stand for? Why are they in the book? How can their teaching be applied today? In this sermon on the trumpets, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches more about these symbols from the book of Revelation. He notes that the trumpets afflict only one-third of their objects. This is contrary to the seals of Revelation, which afflict things as a whole. What do the trumpets represent? They represent what happens to those who persecute God’s people. Many times when people are punished for their sin, it is easy to think that it is all a coincidence, but Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that these calamities in Revelation are sent by God Himself….

The Suffering and Safety of the Redeemed – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Symbolism is a regular part of life. Symbolism and pictures are used in language every day in order to help people better understand what they are trying to say. In this sermon titled “The Suffering and the Safety of the Redeemed,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener better understand symbolism and the general themes of Revelation. This type of poetic language is everywhere in the book of Revelation, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand. Many of the symbols in this book are repeated, and Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out that this is a type of parallelism. He sees the book as divided into two main divisions with various subsections….

J D Vance Converted Religions – Here is Why it Matters by Todd Friel

The video opens with J D Vance stating why he became a Roman Catholic. Todd Friel noted that Vance is typical in that many young adults who were raised in Protestant churches, later turn to the Roman Catholic Church, RCC. The initial 5 minutes of the video explain why the RCC is not biblical, as the way they ‘infuse’ righteousness into a believer via baptism performed by a priest is Man-Made dogma. The rest of the video goes through what the reformers did to get the Bible into the common languages of the people and other relevant matters. He briefly explained the efforts of several reformers from 1200’s to the Protestant Reformation. Below his video, I inserted some scripture that explains from the Bible those RCC errors, as Friel’s teaching was too condensed to include such things from the Bible.

The Intermediate State – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What happens between death and the final resurrection, the so-called “intermediate state”?
The sermon of this post is from MLJTrust, they described it as follows: In this sermon on “The Intermediate State,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents and explains several views on the intermediate state. Some propose that souls sleep until Jesus comes again; some argue that the dead reside in Abraham’s bosom or a place of suffering until the final judgment; others argue that only those who have eternal life with God will even exist eternally, a view called conditional mortality. But what does the Bible say? Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents a biblical case for why both believers and unbelievers will live eternally, either with God or apart from Him forever in suffering.

London Police Settle with Street Preacher Arrested for Offending Muslims – The New American

London’s Metropolitan Police recently paid a $13,100 settlement to a Christian street preacher they arrested after her preaching angered a Muslim mob — the second such settlement the bobbies have paid her in two years. Hatun Tash, a former Muslim, “regularly critiques and debates the Qur’an and Islam at Speakers’ Corner,” a section of Hyde Park set aside for free speech and demonstrations…. Tash, director of the ministry Defend Christ Critique Islam (DCCI), has a YouTube channel with almost 700,000 subscribers. She claims to have seen “over 1,000 ex-Muslims” become Christians in Great Britain and to be “discipling many people” around the world.

Exposing the Campaign for Immorality – John MacArthur

Dr. MacArthur opens this message by explaining the different kinds of wrath of God that are apparent in Romans 1: eschatological wrath (end times); sowing and reaping wrath which is dealt out as consequences for the sin a person sows; cataclysmic wrath, God unleashes this type of wrath via miraculous use of the natural order, such as the flood or any other massive disaster that catapults souls into eternity; eternal wrath, as in those who suffer hell; but the wrath referred to in Romans 1 is different, it is the wrath of abandonment. …This type of judgment is, per the text: Romans 1:18  But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. …When man abandons God as revealed in creation, in conscience, in holy scripture; suppressing the truth, God judges that society.  Even though that society considers themselves to be wise, that society is the ultimate ship of fools…. 

Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted – Trinity Psalter Hymnal 342

This post contains one hymn sung by Brian Cochran. It was copied and uploaded from his YouTube site. I have been experimenting with singing as part of my personal worship for the past year, off and on. I find that my heart is warmer and more prepared for reading God’s word if I have sung a few hymns beforehand. This hymn is one of my favorites because it reminds me of Jesus’ atoning work, His suffering… for me. I am moved to consider my priorities and clearly see that the things of self are still way too important…. I’m in my 70’s and need to seek God’s help to rectify this while it is possible.

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