Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices – Thomas Brooks

The following are the 12 DEVICES that Satan uses to draw the soul to sin. I included no REMEDIES that Brooks noted in his book, but wanted readers to know these such that they might be moved to read his book. Usually, Brooks provided 4 – 8 remedies about each device, in a few cases, more. Also, part of the table of contents is herein: Satan’s DEVICES to keep souls from holy duties; DEVICES to keep saints in sad condition; DEVICES to destroy and ensnare; Five more of Satan’s DEVICES; Seven characteristics of false teachers; Six propositions concerning Satan and his devices; and, Conclusion: ten special helps and rules

Jehovah Jesus – Rich Moore Christian Music

The Christian song in this post is based on a William Cowper poem. From the video narrative: “Cowper became close friends with the Evangelical clergyman John Newton; together they co-authored the Olney Hymns, which was first published in 1779 and included Newton’s famous hymn “Amazing Grace.” Of the 68 hymns Cowper wrote, “Oh for a closer walk with God” and “God moves in a mysterious way” are the most well known.”

Behold, I am Coming Quickly! – Rich Moore / Scripture Song / Lyrics

The Christian music in this post is based on Revlation 3:10-13; and Isaiah 41:10. Much Christian music these days is based on the opinions of the artists and not on real Bible verses. God the Holy Spirit saves people via scripture, not opinions of man. Also, if you use Christian music to stir up your heart for Bible study or personal worship, then hearing scripture as you listen has to be more spiritually beneficial. Additionally, if you grew up listening to rock music from the baby boomer generation, then you will like the music in this video.

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