James 1: 2-11 – Trials – Pastor Patrick Ramsey

This post contains a sermon from James 1: 2-11 on God’s purpose in sending trials and how to deal with them such that you might begin to know Christian maturity, fullness… being made perfect. Since all Christians will encounter trials from God to grow their faith, it is critical that you know how to go through these trials; upon what you should focus and why that ought to be your focus. This sermon makes those things very clear.

What is the Keswick movement, and is it biblical? – Got Questions Ministries

This post is explains some errors of Keswick theology by comparing it with scripture. An excerpt: After salvation one must have another encounter with the Spirit; otherwise, he or she will not progress into holiness or the “deeper” things of God. This second encounter with the Spirit, in Keswick terminology, is called “entire sanctification,” “the second blessing,” or “the second touch.” This emphasis on a second, post-salvation experience corresponds with the Pentecostal idea of the “baptism” of the Spirit. Some Keswick teachers would even say that sinless perfection is possible after one receives the “second blessing.”

The Perversion of Love – John MacArthur

In this post, Pastor John MacArthur uses Ephesians 5:1-7 to explain God’s love and Satan’s counterfeit, perverted version of love that world-lings seek. In the process, the born-again Christian will likely get some clarity about what is pleasing to God and what types behavior, longings… are to be avoided.

Israel and the Church, Part 2, The Temple

This post contains Pastor Ramsey’s sermon on the temple; it is part two of a three-part series on Israel and the Church. Scriptures from the Old and New Testaments were used to explain God’s covenantal goals and purposes; the role of the temple is explained in terms of how it facilitated the accomplishment of God’s goals. Furthermore, the real temple is identified via many scriptures. It is not what the dispensationalists have taught; or what the typical prophecy buff anticipates.

ONGOING SIN – Pastor Paul Washer

In the video of this post, Paul Washer calmly communicates important points about ongoing sin in the daily Christian life. I found the video very encouraging and informative, and believe that others can also benefit from his insights on this major matter in the Christian life. [A list of bullet points precedes his video]

The Gospel of Jesus Christ – Booklet – by Paul Washer

This post is for people who aren’t quite clear on the gospel and want to know it better; or for those who have witnessed the gospel and want to also provide material for reviewing discussion points…. The initial couple of minutes of the video explaining Washer’s booklet cover the following points: who is God; what is man – it is essential that believers understand these two points from a biblical perspective; what God has done to satisfy His own justice and to simultaneously be able to show mercy to the wicked; why was the resurrection necessary; what does it mean to believe; how can you know that you believe; what does it mean to repent; how can you know that you actually have repented; what is assurance and how can you grow in it….


This post contains a 12-minute video, read by Pastor Mark Fitpatrick of Arann Reformed Baptist Church. Arann Reformed Baptist Church www.arann-reformed.com. It is from Christian Sermons and Audio Books, YouTube. [Owen is still regarded as a foremost authority on the topics of temptation and the mortification of sin. All Christians have to understand this topic and have tools for fighting the good fight….]

Romans 1:5-7 Pastor Patrick Hines Podcast

Pastor Hines explains the meaning of the following verses in this 12-minute podcast: Romans 1:5-7  [5]Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name, [6] among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ; [7] To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (New American Standard Bible) [Sermon highlight points precede sermon]

The Fearful End of Ignorance – Studies in The Pilgrim’s Progress by Thomas Sullivan

This post is about a sermon on The Pilgrim’s Progress, focusing on the character ‘ignorance.’ The contents of the post emphasized how this is relevant to all Christians who are born again and walking in the WAY; in other words, on pilgrimage through the wilderness of this world. Highlight points identify the contents of the 40-minute sermon with some statements from the sermon. Also, there is a link to a post from last week that identifies all the characters in Bunyan’s book and concepts, themes…. Besides the Bible, Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress is the most meaningful book you will read about the Christian walk. It identifies many aspects of the Christian battle, especially diversions temptations, lies, false teachers… that take a believer off the true path. The believer must return to that path after becoming aware of being temporarily duped, deceived, tricked….

The Sinful Desire of Lust – Eros love – Mini-Series 3B

This post contains a 3-minute video by Dr. Heath Lambert about LUST. At the YouTube site, Zondervan, the video was titled, Why Can’t I Stop Watching Porn? He provides a biblical understanding of Lust and explains how it drives that craving for MORE. More money, power, material objects… porn. Those struggling from addiction of any kind will benefit from hearing his biblical explanation of the problem of lust. This post is a further explanation of eros love as described in post 3 of this mini-series. Dr. Spencer’s video is attached to this video also, it provides a thorough explanation of eros in the initial 4 moments of teaching; also, a video by Dr Spencer on lascivious is included; it identifies eros that has progressed to a near soul-damning state.

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