Putting on the Breastplate – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

In the Christian life, one must fight a daily battle against the accusations of the devil. How then do they fight against these accusations and respond by living in the truth of the Bible? When Satan tries to distract and condemn them with their imperfections, failures, and unworthiness, how do they respond in a way that keeps their focus on God and not themselves? In this sermon on Ephesians 6.14 titled “Putting on the Breastplate,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains how the breastplate of righteousness protects the Christian from these accusations by reminding them of who they are in Christ Jesus. [This is MLJ’s last sermon on verse 14 in this 67-part series. It is different from others on this verse. I pasted in all the scriptures mentioned in the points by MLJTrust]

Righteousness of God by Faith – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

What do Christians do when they face spiritual depression, and their feelings and emotions forsake them? How exactly does this breastplate of righteousness help when Christians go through times like these? In this sermon on Ephesians 6.14 titled “Righteousness of God by Faith,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones speaks on the importance of putting on the breastplate of righteousness and how it protects the Christian from the lies of the devil. Rather than relying on FEELINGS AND WORKS to feel secure in one’s salvation, the breastplate of righteousness reminds the Christian that it is the righteousness of Christ through faith that saves them.

The Breastplate of Righteousness – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The sermon is yet another sermon by MLJ that is wonderfully rich in doctrine and in wisdom from experience (it seems to me). He explained the following scripture in the process of his sermon: …and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith…. If you do not know the difference, this sermon will provide you with some understanding

Girded with Truth – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

MLJ explained what it means to put on the truth of scripture. In the process, he clarified in a variety of ways what that truth is and how many in the church have erred via Liberalism and other ideas of men. A video reading of 1 Corinthians 15 and the complete text was added to this post because those ideas were an important part of his sermon.

The Truth of God – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

In the sermon of this post, MLJ went more deeply into concepts about God’s truth. He briefly discussed death and war in the process of emphasizing our need to surrender fully to scripture and the Holy Spirit. His points were very relevant in terms of current events of our day surrounding the EU’s support of Ukraine after Trump refused to embolden Zelensky, who was not ready for peace…. Also, I added a point from MLJ’s words that was not covered by MLJTrust, but that is very relevant to the false NAR movement of our day.

The Truth Revealed in Scripture – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This post contains sermon #48 in MLJ’s series, The Armor of God. He is traveling very slowly through this passage, teaching its doctrines very carefully. If you desire to learn what the Armor of God is, as it was identified by the apostle Paul, and how to put it on, then I certainly recommend hearing the series. In my 20 years as a Christian, I have blogged a lot of pastors, true and counterfeit pastors, and notice that modern Christians seek a lot of different things in their worship experience….

Proclaiming the Gospel to Roman Catholics – Mike Gendron’s March Newsletter

In his newsletter of this month, Mike Gendron discusses the following topics briefly: Why Did Jesus Have to Die? How Can Sinners Escape Divine Justice? Divine Justice Must Be Satisfied; How Can God Be Just and Justify the Unjust? Divine Justice at the Great White Throne; Christ Made Us His Ambassadors; Spurgeon’s Clarion Voice on Catholicism; Pope Defies President Trump and VP Vance; and Letters to the editor. Mike’s site and store are also linked.

C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts for February 28

The MORNING entry emphasizes that believers should solely rely on God for their needs, both earthly and spiritual, expecting His constant grace and future heavenly rewards. This includes anticipating angelic escorts at death and eternal glory in His presence. The EVENING entry uses the story of Elijah and the widow to illustrate God’s faithfulness in meeting daily needs. Just as her flour and oil never ran out, believers can trust that God’s grace will perpetually supply their necessities. This unwavering divine support surpasses any earthly resource, offering continuous comfort and encouragement through Christ.

The Faith of the Gospel – Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

MLJ herein carefully explains how it is that those Christians who focus on feelings, experiences, fresh revelation… cannot put on the belt of truth because the truth that the apostle Paul referred to is something all together different. It is based upon objective truth statements. He explained such that all readers might understand. I was fascinated by how he explained the error of relying on experiences, the mystical type of experience one might feel via an encounter with God, for example; that such people will inevitably come to a place wherein they say such things as, “well that is your truth, but mine differs….” Such erroneous statements are commonly made in our 21st century culture. This is a pretty deep sermon; part of his process of teaching Christians about the belt of truth as described in the scriptures.

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