In 2015, the Supreme Court foisted a great injustice on the American people: the legalization of homosexual marriage. The result has been a head-on collision of biblical truth and social norms. In the eyes of the world, telling the truth about homosexuality is officially hateful and bigoted. It may even come with legal consequences. Some Christians responded by bending to the culture’s pressure campaign and softening their views on homosexuality in the name of tolerance. …True believers do not have the liberty to withhold biblical truth because it has become unpopular.
Category: Discernment
John MacArthur on Alistair Begg’s Leaving the Ministry and on his “Weakest Moment”
The video of this post shows Pastor John MacArthur answering a question for one of his parishioners about the Alistair Begg’s ‘trans wedding counsel’; MacArthur also spoke about Begg’s planned retirement from ministry.
Exposing the Campaign for Immorality – John MacArthur
Dr. MacArthur opens this message by explaining the different kinds of wrath of God that are apparent in Romans 1: eschatological wrath (end times); sowing and reaping wrath which is dealt out as consequences for the sin a person sows; cataclysmic wrath, God unleashes this type of wrath via miraculous use of the natural order, such as the flood or any other massive disaster that catapults souls into eternity; eternal wrath, as in those who suffer hell; but the wrath referred to in Romans 1 is different, it is the wrath of abandonment. …This type of judgment is, per the text: Romans 1:18 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. …When man abandons God as revealed in creation, in conscience, in holy scripture; suppressing the truth, God judges that society. Even though that society considers themselves to be wise, that society is the ultimate ship of fools….
The Lie of Witchcraft Today – Good Fight Ministries
This post contains a video short of Pastor Joe Schimmel addressing an actresses’ statement about witchcraft. Pastor Schimmel’s Good Fight Ministries has many video shorts featuring other actors; they have many in depth videos on about every un-biblical topic a Christian might encounter in this society. It is a good site for growing in discernment.
DNC 2024 – A Celebration of all that God Hates – John MacArthur
This post contains an email I received from Grace To You, Pastor John MacArthur’s ministry. It is a short email with a link to a sermon series by MacArthur. An excerpt: The 2024 Democratic National Convention is a revelation of the sinful depths to which our society has sunk. It’s a celebration of all that God hates. A keynote speaker, Oprah Winfrey, declared that without aborting babies there is no American dream. Achieving limitless abortion is at the top of their agenda. The Democratic party has become a death cult….
BLM (Blatant Lies Multiplied) | Timothy Brindle – Wrath and Grace – Voddie Baucham
This post contains two very short videos, the first is a song about BLM; the second, a one-minute statement confronting Cultural Marxism with Christian truth. These videos came from Dr. Voddie Baucham’s YouTube site, Wrath and Grace. The song is by Hip Hop artist, Timothy Brindle who is also a pastor. The Christian doctrine in his music is always thoroughly biblical. His other music contains themes that remind me of John Newton’s hymns.
How American Voters Got Dumb — Peter St Onge Ph.D.
In 4 minutes, Dr. Onge covers the matter of public school failure. Seemingly, it is doing what elites designed it to do. He notes that the government school model was borrowed from Prussia who instituted it to indoctrinate their children so as to yield obedient citizens….