A W Pink considers Hebrews 10:26-31 in discussing the apostate’s doom. He discusses how preachers had watered down that [and all] scripture in his day [he died in 1952]. They promised believers that if they had accepted Christ [signed a card; uttered the sinner’s prayer…] that their eternal future was secure…. He discussed a three erroneous takes on this passage by Arminians, over-zealous Calvinists; he called out the dispensationalists for “trifling with God’s word.” He aimed to present a biblical take on the passage and seemed to do so. It is an important message for all Christians in this day of far greater heresy and apostasy than in the 1950s. I recommend reading the preceding post on the impact of Christian Liberalism on the church before this post. Video is 43 minutes with a long list of highlights beforehand
Category: Discernment
R C Sproul’s Christian Worldview Dvd summarized from my notes
R C Sproul’s Christian Worldview DVD is very briefly covered in this post. From my notes, I provided ‘nutshell’ definitions for the following philosophical views that are inherent in our culture: secularism; existentialism; humanism; pragmatism; positivism; pluralism; relativism and hedonism. In the last post, I explained a point by referring to pragmatism and thought that a better definition of that term and these other basic definitions could be useful to other Christians in knowing the culture in which they are witnessing Christ. Hopefully, this post will whet the appetite of Christians to hear Sproul on this topic.
Agenda Weekly, Behind The Scenes, Week Of December 4-10 of 2022
Topic of this post in Curtis Bowers’ words: Covid-19 is an integral part of the greater globalist agenda. Elites are still pushing disproven masks, “vaccines,” and narratives because they’re buying time for the other pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. The digital currency, universal ID’s, vaccine passports, carbon scores, surveillance systems, and the 500 new vaccines planned by World Health Organization by 2030 are necessary to complete the digital prison they are building around us. SUPPORT VIDEOS: Must Watch Interview: Your Digital Prison Is Pretty Much Built, & Will Be The Final Lockdown (76 minutes); Tucker Carlson: Zelenskyy’s Cabinet is Devising Ways to Punish Christians (9 minutes); Wuhan Whistleblower: Covid Was A Weapon (28 minutes). FOUR ARTICLES: What Americans Must Do to Stop the Great Reset; The Tyranny of the Minority; Yes, the 2020 Election Was Stolen; Here’s How They Did it: Real-time Election Fraud.
Saving Faith – Counterfeits By A. W. Pink
There is a faith that seems genuine but that has no saving power. This post contains an 8-minute excerpt of a 32-minute A W Pink which provides some specific points that may help you ascertain the quality of your own faith. Since evangelism has been fairly corrupted the past 200 years, with many false gospels and methods of evangelism being foisted upon potential converts, ascertaining whether your faith is genuine or not is an important matter. The 32-minute reading is also included, as well as highlight points on the 8-minute excerpt.
Trendy Christians Err Greatly
This post contains the Evening portion of C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts for November 10. His words are very needful to the contemporary church because these words reveal their betrayal of Him, whom they falsely profess to be their Master. If you are struggling to carry your cross because it is so difficult due to the maltreatment from the world, then Spurgeon’s words will encourage and comfort you, as this message is woven throughout the Bible. Jesus stated it often, see John 15:18-27 for one example, other texts referenced in the post.
What Has Been Will Be Again – A. W. Pink
The following 7-minute video uses verses from Ecclesiastes, Matthew, Revelation… to explain how sensationalists, who are unaware of history, are always talking about new extraordinary events that are signs of the end of the age. The video encourages one to get into the word of God and trust in Him instead of allowing yourself to be influenced by sensationalists who blow current wickedness out of proportion because they do not understand the sin problem and its fruit which has been manifest since the fall.
About Climate Change – Sky News Australia
The following two brief reports (6 and 3 minutes in length) by Sky News, make some very important points about the consequences of ‘climate change’ activism. The big point, is that it is bogus; and a lot of tax-payer dollars are being wasted while energy costs rise….
Self-Denial Defined, Wilhelmus A Brakel
The 5-minute video of this post is on self-denial. It is defined by Wilhelmus A Brakel, who wrote a work titled, The Christian’s Reasonable Service. In his work, the part on self-denial consists of several parts, of which the following video reading is the first. The other sections are noted below the video; also, a link to the Kindle version of A Brakel’s 4-volume work at Amazon.
End Times Fiction With Gary Demar – Apologia Studios [Salvation And Eschatology, Part 6]
In the following 9-minute video, Dr. Gary Demar explains the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, in terms of the context and time of application. The following explanation of the Olivet Discourse is from Got Questions.org: The Olivet Discourse is the name given to the orderly and extended teaching given by Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives. His subject is the end times. This discourse is recorded in Matthew 24:1 – 25:46. Parallel passages are found in Mark 13:1-37 and Luke 21:5-36. The record in Matthew is the most extensive, so reference here will be to Matthew’s Gospel, linked at the end of post.
John MacArthur Rebukes Gavin Newsome
The following 4-minute video by Pastor Everhard praises Dr. John MacArthur for confronting current issues that impact the church. Pastor Matt also compared MacArthur to Solomon Stottard in terms of the quality and length of his ministry. [I often turn to MacArthur for his take on social events; he consistently stands for the Bible. I am trying to learn how to do that. If you are a biblical Christian, look to him for biblical guidance regarding social trends.]