Newt Gingrich: The Crisis of American Civilization: Epoch Times

We are now in a crisis of American civilization fully as dangerous and real as the crisis of the U.S. Civil War or World War II. During both those crises, if America had lost, it would have ceased to be America—and the cause of freedom around the world would have been dramatically weakened. …In San Francisco, the declaration by the communist district attorney that theft under $900 will not be prosecuted has led to so much shoplifting that Walgreens is closing all 10 of its drugstores in the city. …Traditional media hostility and dishonesty are overshadowed by the internet giants, who are increasingly acting like Russian oligarchs. They are trying to erase a leader who was supported by more than 75 million Americans with a ruthlessness worthy of Soviet tyranny and the Chinese Communist Party.

Supreme Court Justice Thomas Suggests Facebook, Twitter Could Be Regulated Like Utilities: Epoch Times

Thomas agreed that Trump’s Twitter account did “resemble a constitutionally protected public forum” in certain aspects, he noted that “it seems rather odd to say that something is a government forum when a private company has unrestricted authority to do away with it,” possibly referring to Twitter’s ban against Trump following the Jan. 6 incident. “Any control Mr. Trump exercised over the account greatly paled in comparison to Twitter’s authority, dictated in its terms of service, to remove the account ‘at any time for any or no reason,’” he added. “Twitter exercised its authority to do exactly that.”

An Open Letter to Twitter, Newt Gingrich: Epoch Times

Twitter locked me [Newt Gingrich] out over a tweet that criticized the Biden administration’s approach to the Southern Border—and raised concern over immigrants crossing the border illegally who may be infected with COVID-19. I was reacting to a recent story that federal officials have no way of testing people who are picked up by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol—or forcing them to quarantine.

WSJ Editorial Board Suggests Revising Section 230 Protections for Big Tech: Epoch Times

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial board came out this week to express support for curtailing broad legal protections for technology companies after one of the newspaper’s opinion articles was fact-checked by Facebook. “We’ve been leery of proposals in Congress to modify Section 230 protections that shield internet platforms from liability. But social-media giants are increasingly adding phony fact checks and removing articles flagged by left-leaning users without explanation,” the board wrote in an op-ed title “Fact-Checking Facebook’s Fact-Checkers.”

Socialist Policies Can Be Resisted Peacefully If People Do Not Lose Hope: Trevor Loudon: Epoch Times

When socialists carry out a revolution they try to demoralize people, shock them, make people feel there is no hope and little point in standing up against it, Loudon said. …The communist wing inside the Democratic Party is the Congressional Progressive Caucus which was set up by the Communist Party USA and the Democratic Socialists of America, Loudon said. The caucus consists of 93 members of the House of Representatives and one senator.
Its members control many congressional committees and have introduced several socialist policies and ideas such as the Green New Deal, the $15 minimum wage, fracking bans, critical race theory, changes to voting procedures, and packing the Supreme Court, Loudon said.
Some policies currently being enacted attack freedom of religion and freedom of speech, he added. …There are about 80 million people who voted for Donald Trump and his agenda to Make America Great Again and they constitute the majority voting base, Loudon said. The base just needs to be organized similarly to how Democrats did it to elect their candidates, he added.

Sen. Blackburn Wants NBA to ‘Come Clean’ on Its Deal With Chinese State Television: Epoch Times

“Commissioner Silver cut a deal to air NBA games on the same station that regularly broadcasts Communist propaganda and forced prisoner confessions,” Blackburn told The Epoch Times in an email, referring to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver. “Commissioner Silver needs to come clean—did he agree to censor players’ free speech to return to Chinese state-run airwaves?” …Blackburn asked Silver to provide details about the CCTV deal by March 30, including whether the agreement bars the NBA from speaking on topics deemed unacceptable to the Chinese regime such as Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Xinjiang, and the financial impact of the CCTV’s broadcast ban.

How to Live in an Upside Down World; by Dr. John MacArthur

Via the 20 minute sermon in this post, Dr. John MacArthur brings much clarity regarding the catastrophic social changes unfolding before our eyes. If you have been distressed about what you see happening in politics, religion, education…then you may glean the kind of understanding which could redirect you and enable you to find meaning and purpose in the midst of this seeming chaos, strengthening your walk with the Lord.

Buyer’s Remorse? Let’s Blame the Press: American thinker

In his first week in office President Asterisk has done his old boss proud.  In just six days, lunch bucket Joe has signed 36 executive orders and put tens of thousands of jobs at risk.  He’s cancelled major construction projects like the Keystone XL pipeline and the border wall — resulting in lost jobs for the very unions who endorsed him.  He is reestablishing a moratorium on energy exploration on federal lands and rejoined the Paris Agreement on climate change.  These orders will cause further job losses in the energy sector and lost revenue in states that supported him.  If that were not enough, his relaxation of border control and immigration enforcement will result in an influx of illegal immigrants competing for the remaining jobs.  Luckily, Joe has also thoughtfully issued and order expanding food assistance programs.  Thousands of unemployed workers may need it.

Video: Facts Matter (Jan. 13): Why Impeachment Will Likely Fail; State of Emergency Declared in DC: Epoch Times

The video linked to this post discusses: Impeachment; CNN removed from airports; PBS anti-conservative talk caught on air; Human trafficking Florida; Kyrgyzstan president; Iran capturing a ship for possible sanction negotiations; China devising exploding helmets for some of their soldiers (possibly those with a high risk of going AWOL): the helmets also have a video cam for monitoring action and troop whereabouts – great for monitoring, tracking, controlling and disposing of soldiers. Times of each story are noted so one might advance to next story

Twitter, Facebook: $51 Billion Combined Market Value Erased Since Trump Ban: Epoch Times

Social media giants Facebook and Twitter have collectively seen $51.2 billion in combined market value wiped out over the last two trading sessions since they banned President Donald Trump from their platforms following the U.S. Capitol breach. As users attempted to flee to Parler and other social media websites, Amazon Web Services suspended its service with Parler on Jan. 11, triggering a lawsuit from the company hours later. …Most recently, Google’s YouTube removed new content from Trump’s account and suspended his channel for at least a week, saying that the channel violated its policies for “inciting violence.”

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