The Difference Between A Democracy And A Republic

…So, while they built into the Constitution significant democratic elements, they also built in non-democratic features to protect liberty and prevent tyranny. It wasn’t simply that they favored representative government over direct democracy, though they did; it’s that they rejected the idea that “the majority wins” was by definition the just outcome.

Pfizer Scientists in Undercover Videos Say Natural Immunity Likely Better Than COVID-19 Vaccination – Epoch Times

A trio of scientists at Pfizer were recorded speaking to undercover reporters about the existence of natural immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19, with one saying employees had been told not to discuss the protection publicly. Natural immunity refers to the protection people enjoy against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus after recovering from COVID-19. “When somebody is naturally immune—like they got COVID—they probably have better, like not better, but more antibodies against the virus,” said Nick Carl, one of the scientists. “So your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination,” he added later.

Six Key Takeaways From Senate Hearing With Facebook Whistleblower – Epoch Times

The Senate heard testimony Tuesday from former Facebook employee Frances Haugen, who came before the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security to raise the alarm about practices in Facebook that she said demanded congressional action. …After the hearing, Facebook issued a statement suggesting it was open to having the government “begin to create standard rules for the internet.” The hearing itself was initially prompted by an expose by The Wall Street Journal that showed Facebook had hidden research data on the harmful effects of its platform. However, the conversation between Haugen and the subcommittee delved deeper into the company’s practices.

‘Unmitigated Crisis:’ Florida Sues Biden Administration Over Release of Illegal Immigrants – Epoch Times

Federal law requires the government to detain the asylum seekers until authorities rule on their case. But under President Joe Biden, it has released at least 225,000 illegal immigrants, including asylum seekers, so far, according to Customs and Border Protection data. …Also on Tuesday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, announced an executive order that bars all Florida agencies under his purview from facilitating illegal immigration and requires state officials to collect information on the costs and scope of illegal immigration in the state. “Since President Biden took office—which has been less than one year—the Border Patrol has released nearly a quarter-million illegal aliens into the United States,” DeSantis said in a statement. “This executive order makes it clear that Florida resources will not be used to prop up the failed open border agenda enacted by this administration.”

Vaccine Passports Promote Hate – Asa Boxer; Epoch Times Commentary

Legally speaking (in Canada at least), hate speech is a public utterance, publication, or symbolic representation that promotes the vilification and detestation of an identifiable group.

In recent months, I have witnessed the proliferation of lawn signs stating, “Hate has no home here.” Those displaying these signs are by and large well-meaning folk who feel that their message telegraphs support to those who might otherwise feel marginalized. A more effective message would state, “We welcome all kinds; we love YOU!” Instead, the signage implies that there’s a certain kind of person who is not welcome. These deplorables are being vilified and detested. In other words, the anti-hate movement is itself promoting hate. With the advent of the COVID era, due to the efforts of some, there has been an effort to characterize those who oppose lockdowns and various other misguided forms of government overreach as “haters.”

State Sanctioned Killing for Organs Could Spread Beyond China If Not Challenged: Dr Torsten Trey – Epoch Times

The following 12 minute Epoch Times video excerpt talks about various aspects of the CCP’s organ harvesting trade, including: the targeted people; the rationale for targeting them; the rationale for the CCP’s methods in conducting such a business for profit; and western people who are complicit. I want to add that such heinous activities are characteristic of Marxist regimes, so 20th century history indicates; and what is more frightening is that Marxism is conquering the sleeping peoples of the US while the drown themselves in practical atheism, self-indulgence, materialism…things we’ve been brainwashed to do by those pulling the strings

Agenda Weekly Sample For September

This post contains an mp3 version of Curtis Bowers’ Agenda Weekly for the first week of September and two of the 5 short videos he had on his home page. It is intended to be a sample and to show the value of subscribing to his site for $5 a month. His coverage is of weekly events and the agenda driving them; he provides insight into why events unfold the way they do; how and why the social and big media spin these events to keep citizens in the dark…. There is a 7 minute Glenn Beck interview about what he experienced in Afghanistan in his recent attempts to fly out Christians and other Americans…. There is a 4 minute video about the plight of Afghan mothers and daughters who will now become part of someone’s haram

Is Orwell’s Book, 1984 Becoming A Reality?

“Almost certainly we are moving into an age of totalitarian dictatorships – an age in which freedom of thought will at first be a deadly sin and later on a meaningless abstraction. The autonomous individual is going to be stamped out of existence.” Orwell’s fictional work, 1984, reflects the political realities of many nations, past and present; these realities are increasingly more evident in our modern culture too – In the battle between totalitarianism and freedom, no one can afford to stand on the sidelines   

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