What the Lord Hates About The United States

This post cites attributes of the wicked from Isaiah 1-6 and Psalms 10-12, indicating that these are things the Lord hates. Election 2020 was overflowing with the types of behavior described in the aforementioned scriptures; this may be happening because God has more fully given this nation over to its God-hating ways (manifested in the antiChrist ways of Marxism, which many embrace); there is still cause to repent and turn to God however

Video: The Dangerous Roots of Cancel Culture and How to Push Back–Interview with Jeff Myers: Epoch Times, Crossroads

Joshua Phillip interviewed Dr. Jeff Meyer on cancel culture. Phillip’s questions were great, they brought out the following aspects of our culture war: the opposing worldviews were defined; the idea they have of truth was clarified; coping skills of each were discussed; the failure of each to establish dialogue was discussed; possible remedies were noted. A very important point was made about social media ideology: 55% of interpersonal communication depends upon posture and body language; 38%, depends upon tone of voice; and only 7% depends upon words. Therefore, medias that use only words to interact, are doing a miserable job conveying the messages one intends to give to another. [This interview is the best I have seen on describing the elements of the culture war and providing those who would have dialogue with much to consider and apply.]

GOP Senators Objecting to Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona Electoral Votes: Brooks: Epoch Times

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Pa.), the first senator to announce a challenge, signed on to object to the electoral votes in Pennsylvania, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said he’s objecting to votes in Arizona, and Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) is objecting to votes in Georgia, according to the Alabama republican. “LOTS of Congressmen object to AZ GA MI NV PA WI electoral college votes. In Senate, Hawley=PA Cruz=AZ Loeffler=GA, so battle engaged there. STILL NEED SENATORS FOR MI NV WI!” Brooks wrote on Twitter. “America—urge your senators to fight voter fraud & election theft!” …Hawley revealed that Antifa activists protested outside his home in Washington, demanding that he drop the electoral challenge, as his wife and newborn were in the house. “Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t travel,” he wrote, adding that they “screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door.”

‘The True Face of the Chinese Communist Party Has Been Exposed’: Secretary Pompeo: Epoch Times

“You go back all the way to Tiananmen Square. We’ve known the nature of this regime, and frankly, freedom-loving people across the world who have known the nature of authoritarian regimes throughout history. And yet we ignored it,” Pompeo answered. Pompeo explained that the reason for the disregard of the CCP’s (Chinese Communist Party) grave human rights violations was a great extent due to the existence of a belief that if the United States engaged in fair and reciprocal trade and engagement, the situation would ameliorate, however, reality showed that the idea was clearly “false all the way through.” …“Even when you look at Europe and Australia and Southeast Asia, they know to, they know that the Chinese Communist Party is up to no good.”

A Time for Choosing: A Test for Our Souls: Epoch Times Editorial Board

Some Americans are ignorant of these facts because they have been misinformed by a media that willfully withholds information. The reason for this might surprise you. There has been a force quietly at work in our country, in plain sight, that has gradually taken over ideological control of most of our institutions, businesses, media, and even our culture. This force is Marxism and communism. For those who have been following this story, there is no surprise here. For those who have never heard of this, it sounds far-fetched and unbelievable. It is not that we weren’t alerted. It was the stated goal of the Soviet Union to infiltrate our political parties, media, and academia, in an effort to subvert America from within. This process is now almost completed.This decades-long communist subversion of our nation came to a head in the 2020 election.

A Perfect Storm Seeks Destruction of the US: Epoch Times, Commentary

And so, in the name of “health,” they mask and muzzle us, restrict our freedom of movement and faith in the open defiance of the Constitution, vilify our culture, proscribe our words and thoughts, erase the canons of our arts and literature, destroy the middle class and their sources of livelihood, and tell us it’s for our own good. Because we’re so incorrigibly bad. They’re not just trying to cancel Odysseus, or Shakespeare, or even Trump anymore, they’re trying to cancel you. What are you going to do about it?

ROFL. Charmin-soft Portland mayor admits he’s been conquered by Antifa neckbeards and finally asks for federal help: Not The Bee

Ted Wheeler, mayor of Clowntown AKA Portland, has finally just admitted that he’s a dweeb who has been conquered by the Neckbeard Basement-Dweller Brigade AKA Antifa, and has requested federal and state assistance after shunning outside help for months in favor of patting Antifa on the head and telling them how good and oppressed they are. …DO NOT MISS this amazing quote from Socialist Ted, delivered at a Friday press conference: “My good-faith efforts at de-escalation have been met with ongoing violence and even scorn from radical Antifa and anarchists. There are just some people who want to watch the world burn. That’s what we’re up against here.”

Yes this is real: Congressional Dems ban terms like “Father, mother, son, daughter, brother” in the name of Wokeness: Not The Bee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rules Committee Chairman James McGovern (D-MA) were the ones who announced this new level in the Congressional circus. I have to say, I didn’t think that clowns were that entertaining anymore, but they sure proved me wrong! …Part of the rule package includes the creation of a committee (there’s one for everything!) on “Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth,” which would require House members to “honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender neutral.” …In practical terms, this means they will ban anyone from using the following terms in the House: “Father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew…

Chicago Teachers Union leader pushes for schools to remain closed … while sitting by a pool in Puerto Rico!: Not The Bee

I’m glad Ms. Chambers can vacation in the Caribbean and risk getting Covid FOR THE SECOND TIME (yes, she already had it) and possibly spread the virus literally around the globe, but her students are supposed to just stay home, do nothing, and maybe talk to her on the internet every once in a while. That must be a really great experience for them. I’m sure their parents would be satisfied if Ms. Chambers maybe just Zoomed the kids every once in a while and showed them the view down in Puerto Rico. What is it, about 80 or so down there? Sweet. It’s 32 in Chicago. But that’s cool. I hope she’s having fun on her vacation!

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