What It Costs To Be A Christian, by J. C. Ryle

J. C. Ryle stated that there is a four-fold cost for being a Christian: 1. your self-righteousness; pride; sense of personal goodness; merit… 2. your sins have to turned from, forsaken; every practice, habit, addiction that is wrong in God’s sight; you must be at war with these… 3. It will cost your love of ease: to fight a battle; to run a race; to watch and pray… and 4. It will cost one the favor of the world; to please God will result in being thought ill of by the world….

Suffering Is Not For Nothing, Elizabeth Elliot

This post contains a link to a lecture series by Elisabeth Elliot on Suffering – Suffering is not for nothing. I linked part 4 and recommend parts 5 and 6 also. Additionally, I linked a site that has 40 or more talks by her about life topics, several may be of interest to you. Her purpose was to teach a biblical perspective on suffering, as Christians are called to suffer (those mainstream churches that are about other things, are not biblical).

What is a Christian?

Pastor Ramsey asked the question, What does it mean to be a Christian? He answered that question with a definition that included explaining our union with Christ and how that occurs. He closed by giving several practical benefits of our union with Christ, that all born-again Christians possess. [I provided written sermon points for his mp4 sermon, and I gave more than highlights because this is such an important, foundational sermon.]
This 28 minute sermon will help you understand the blessings you possess because you are a Christian.

How Do I Know I Am Truly A Christian When I Constantly Struggle With Sin? Dr. Stephen J Nichols

In the Christian’s struggle with sin, they may sometimes wonder whether they truly are born again; actually, it is possible to frequently wonder if one is really born again. Dr. Stephen Nichols provided a biblical answer to that question which was asked by someone at #AskLigonier. I found his answer to be very encouraging and insightful, as he redirected hearers to the only foundation of faith; and clearly cited the reason for fluctuations in assurance

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