The purpose of Curtis Bowers AW is to reveal the leftist agenda that is unfolding in America via current events.
This article was copied and pasted from my electronic subscription to Agenda Weekly. For $5 per month you can subscribe at
Curtis conducted interviews at various sites in the USA on the following video:
Curtis joins Rory Groves’ family at their country farm for an interview about the purposeful things they are doing to build a strong family and family economy. Are the systems you depend on sustainable, are they working, and how do they compare with what families, churches, communities, economies, and survival looked like 100 years ago? Curtis also explains how a family businesses and projects can bring the whole family together and prepare children for real life.
Featured Videos
You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.
Link for the following video which would not copy and paste, it exposes 2020 voter fraud:
Watch: Exposing 2020 Voter Fraud (16 minutes). Mike Lindell breaks down what actually happened in 2020.

Watch: Google Will Conquer The United States (6 minutes). Google’s net worth, at roughly $1.7 trillion, rivals the GDP of some first-world nations. Note: to watch, click the link or photo above.
Watch: Why Is It Dangerous to Disown Our Past? (5 minutes). Victor Davis Hanson draws parallels between woke frenzy and other revolutionary, genocidal eras.
Watch: Back To Eden Gardening Documentary (103 minutes). An excellent film for those working on producing their own food.
Watch: Targeted Individuals (5 minutes). The U.S. government has targeted thousands of innocent civilians for decades. After 9/11, fusion centers were set up to monitor U.S. citizens.
Watch: TRUTH about the 2nd Amendment (16 minutes). Throughout history, the Second Amendment has been the most debated subject in the Bill of Rights.
Articles of the Week
Read: Why Young Americans Are Not Taught About Evil by Dennis Prager. “Most of our schools teach almost nothing of importance, and nothing is more important than the study of good and evil.”
Read: Rousseau and the Collapse of American Constitutionalism by Stephen B. Young. “It was Rousseau – not Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, or Saul Alinsky — who created the social theory inspiring today’s progressive Democrats.”
Read: How States Can Nullify to Enforce the Constitution by Peter Rykowski. “State (and local) governments can — and must — enforce the Constitution by nullifying lawless federal actions.”
Read: 3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles by Nick Giambruno. “Widespread adoption of electric vehicles anytime soon is a dangerous fantasy based on political science, not sound engineering.”
Read: Petty Covid Tyrants Want To Bring Back Masks And Lockdowns. Don’t Let Them by John Daniel Davidson. “It’s not a question of science but of power. Covid and its ever-changing variants are never going away.”
Prayer and Action
Pray that God will bless, protect, and direct homeschooling families across America who are endeavoring to start and build family businesses. Pray for thankful hearts and for children in each family to recognize the wonderful gift God has given them in allowing them to work with their parents and siblings.
Pray for the persecuted Christians in Ethiopia, that God will comfort them in their trials and use their suffering to turn many to Christ.
Pray for peace in Ethiopia, that Muslims will continue to leave Islam and follow Christ, and that Christians there will be able to raise their families, start churches, and be salt and light.
Pray specifically for Abdu who is an Ethiopian, and a former Islamic scholar. In 2022, Abdu met an old friend who had become a follower of Christ. After hearing the gospel multiple times, Abdu finally put his faith in Christ. Because of his conversion, he was fired from his employment. He now sells pineapples for a living and often uses his new job to tell others about Christ, saying, “Jesus is as sweet as a pineapple.”
Take inventory of preparations made and habits changed during the last year. Are you more prepared now than you were a year ago? In what ways?
Have you found local sources for business, banking, purchasing food, and other needs for your family? What changes would you still like to make?
Make a list of things you’d like to accomplish over the next year to grow your family, become better prepared, and become a greater blessing to others.
Have you ever considered creating additional income streams? Make a list of ideas that could be an option.
Do you still have children at home? If so, is there a business you could help them start and oversee to build the family economy?
As things continue to change we all need to work at having more diversified sources of income. Many people with pensions may not be getting them because of mismanagement and corruption from investment companies. It’s wise to take inventory and consider a plan for generating income even in the “retirement years.”
Learn more about the Groves and support their work at and
Curtis will be speaking at Prepper Camp on September 22-24, in Saluda, North Carolina. Tickets are not sold at the door, and September 10 is the last day to get tickets. For more information, visit
Please mark your calendars! Curtis will be speaking in the following locations and would love to meet you. Venue details and times coming soon.
September 8-9…Appleton, WI (more info here)
Sept 22-24…Saluda, NC (more info here).
October 1…Dallas,TX
October 4…Oklahoma City, OK
October 6…Smithville, TX
October 8…SugarLand, TX
October 9….SpiceWood, TX
October 10….San Antonio, TX
October 11…Dallas, TX
October 12…Ft. Worth, TX
October 15…Frisco, TX
October 26-28…Clayton, MO (more info here)
October 30…Fenton, MO
Memory verse of the week: Jeremiah 6:16, “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls…”
You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.
Patriot Spotlight
“When I first started growing my own food, the peppers and potatoes were quite small. Now, on my third garden, I am really growing full-size produce. I often can make it through the week without a grocery run by pulling something from my raised beds. It is so enjoyable to connect with the earth. I feel like I’m back in the Garden of Eden. It is so satisfying to enjoy a soup made from my backyard grown sage, rosemary, potatoes, carrots, zucchini and some prepper pantry lentils. This summer I took classes in foraging, canning and seed saving, as well as organic gardening. I have made pickles and canned jam that I bring over to my neighbors to build stronger relationships with them. I am surprised at how pleasurable vegetable gardening is, and how it’s allowed me to so easily build community through my abundant harvest. If you haven’t started growing your own food yet, I encourage you to try. You can start small. It’s so worth the effort!” –Kendall H.
Stories and Questions
We’d love to hear what you’re doing to make a difference! Please send us your stories. If you have a question you’d like us to answer in our weekly videos, you can email Although we’re not able to respond to every email, we greatly appreciate your comments, feedback, and suggestions.