AW Behind the Scenes March 15-21 of 2025 Curtis Bowers and Gary Kah

This post contains the video portion of Curtis Bowers’ Agenda Weekly for March 15-21 of 2025. It was copied and pasted from my electronic subscription. If you appreciated it, since I only post an occasional AW, you might want so subscribe at

In the initial 4 minutes of the following video, Curtis makes another statement wherein he indicated that CNN knew the Trump assassination was going to occur. It is worth hearing. In the last weekly video of Curtis Bowers,’ he implicated a couple of PA officials in that event.

“The battle, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.”

–Patrick Henry

Trump, Economy, Globalism, and Solutions (With Gary Kah)

In 1992, Gary Kah wrote the bestselling book, EnRoute to Global Occupation. Since then, he has carefully watched the globalist agenda in order to help people understand the times. Curtis interviews Gary to discuss Trump’s Cabinet, the economy, deportations, China, civil unrest, Russia-Ukraine, Artificial Intelligence, and much more. Gary also highlights key actions that patriots can take to continue resisting the globalist agenda.
To get Gary’s book or newsletter, go to:

Featured Videos

[There are 5 videos below, varying from 8-minutes to over an hour, that support Curtis’ statements in his video above. Video descriptions are below each video.]

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Watch: MUST WATCH: Why Trump’s Tariffs are the Only Way to Save the Middle Class (96 minutes). A country that doesn’t make anything quickly dies. Former U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer explains how Trump’s tariff program can stop America’s slide.

Watch: Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Lied. Now America Pays (8 minutes). Joe Biden’s fitness for office, the origins of COVID-19, Russian collusion, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the crisis at the border.

Watch: Bank Lobby Threatens ‘Great Taking’ Author: “Only You Can Save Yourself Now” (33 minutes). David Rogers Webb argues that investors only have “an appearance of ownership” under the current financial system. An important video for those who own stocks or bonds.

Watch: Hospital Records In Texas Measles Death Released To CHD (19 minutes). Children’s Health Defense obtained access to the medical records for the girl in Texas who died. After analyzing the documents, Pierre Kory, M.D., concluded that this child, unequivocally, “did not die of measles.” Note: to watch, click the link or photo above.

Watch: Joe Rogan Experience #2281 – Elon Musk (191 minutes). Musk details shocking government corruption and evil. Warning: Language.

Articles of the Week

Read: Will Trump be Able to Abolish U.S. Department of Education? by Alex Newman. “Truly getting the federal government out of education is a long way away.”

Read: Gangsters, Terrorists, and Deep State Judicial Tyranny by Thomas J. DiLorenzo. “Americans – and American presidents – were not always bullied by black-robed totalitarians.”

Read: Europe Goes Full Totalitarian and Puts the Entire Western World at Risk by Brandon Smith. “While a breaking of ties is almost guaranteed, there is also a chance that a war between the U.S. and the European oligarchy is brewing.”

Read: Stephen Miller’s Immigration Agenda Has Been Decades in the Making by Victoria Snitsar Churchill. “The White House Deputy Chief of Staff and immigration policy architect has been a stalwart hawk for nearly 20 years.”

Read: The Church Is Called To Influence The Culture, Not Be A Reflection Of It by J. Warner Wallace. “Thermostats control the temperature, while thermometers simply reflect it.”

Prayer and Action

Pray that God would continue to bless, protect, and direct Trump’s entire cabinet.

Pray specifically for Elon Musk’s salvation. Pray that the persecution he is undergoing would expose to him the frailty of life and his need for Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for forgiveness.

Pray for God to protect our homeland from attacks by the enemies within and without.

Pray for a swift resolution of the Ukraine conflict.

Pray for President Trump to have the wisdom to refuse the military/industrial complex’s desired military adventurism in the Middle East.

Pray for the people of Europe who are being oppressed by tyrannical governments and replaced by foreign Islamic invaders. Pray for true spiritual and political freedom.

Pray that God would direct Trump to impose the tariffs needed to restore fairness to our global trade.

Pray for more parents to exit government education and return to Biblical, heart-felt discipleship of their children.

Invest in real wealth, beginning with seeking first “the kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33). Financial analyst Chris Martenson recommends investing in precious metals, land, chickens, cows, fruit vines, trees, and “good neighbors.”

Visit to get his book, subscribe to his newsletter, or support his work. See our previous interviews with Gary Kah here and here.

Get involved in the critical April 1 Wisconsin judicial race by downloading the Turning Point Action app and making calls to ensure every Wisconsinite casts their vote.

Please send a 2 to 3 line note of thanks to President Trump for his incredible efforts to Make America Great Again by shutting down the Department of Education and returning education to parents and states. Let him know you are praying for him!

President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC, 20500.

Urge your U.S. Representative and Senators to formally abolish the Department of Education and to attach such efforts to a must-pass spending bill. Contact your elected officials here, or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Urge your elected officials to impeach rogue judges and to pass legislation limiting the jurisdiction of lower court judges to block Trump’s actions.

Memory verse of the week: Luke 6:23, “Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.”

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Patriot Spotlight

“Thank you so much for your podcast each week! I have learned so much from today’s program; I so look forward to them. I do share them with my Australian friends. Your family values inspire me to be a better Grandmother.” –Susanne B.

Stories and Questions

We’d love to hear what you’re doing to make a difference! Please send us your stories. If you have a question you’d like us to answer in our weekly videos, you can email Although we’re not able to respond to every email, we greatly appreciate your comments, feedback, and suggestions.

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