The actual 20th century history of the rise of Communism in Russia and China has many parallels with the strategies of BLM and Antifa, as
Author: Michael A
Abstain From Fleshly Lusts Which War Against The Soul: Martin Luther
The following sermonette, emphasizes that the Christian will always have sins with which to contend. There will never be rest until glorification; also, that as
Social Justice Advocates Ignore Atrocities Occurring In China, 2020
Those who support BLM and Antifa, ignore the atrocities occurring in China today, perpetrated by their Marxists brothers. They prefer to focus on abuse that
False Teacher Benny Hinn
The following 7 minute critique of Hinn’s ministry discusses his miracle crusades; his slaying people in the Spirit; holy laughter and his false prophecies. Vlogger,
The Use of Your Time: Jonathan Edwards Book of Resolutions, by Dr. Steve Lawson
Edwards kept three considerations in the front of his mind during his entire life: the shortness of life; the certainty of death; and the length
Being Like God, Long-Suffering; by Dr. Jeff Mayfield
God was long-suffering (LS) with us before our conversion; He is still LS with us when we sin. Our sovereign God’s providences to us will
Longsuffering: Dr. Jeff Mayfield
In the following 4 minute video, Dr. Mayfield explains longsuffering from a Jonathan Edwards’ sermon on 1 Cor. 13:4. I used to work with very
Psalm 119:82 Charles Bridges Commentary
In times when you are undergoing affliction, or for some other reason, the Lord seems distant; the word of God provides comfort. The following commentary
The Justification Of The Ungodly; Dr. Joel Beeke
Dr. Beeke looks at Justification in terms of three questions from the Heidelberg catechism. In the process, he sometimes compares the reformation doctrine of justification
Testing The Spirits, Dr. John MacArthur
The following MacArthur sermon focuses on false Christian ideologies; how to discern them, and encouragement to confront them with biblical truth. This is a battle