The following are highlights from Steven J Lawson’s book on Jonathan Edwards. The topic of self-examination is considered via several of Edwards’ resolutions. D. Martyn
Author: Michael A
The Cure For Talebearing; by Pastor Cory Greiss
The following mp3 sermon, by pastor Greiss thoroughly covers the sin of talebearing via the use of much scripture; and the Heidelberg Catechism; a cure
Black Female For Congress, Baltimore, MD: Kim Klacik
Kim walks through Baltimore as she makes the following points in her 2.5 minute video (introduction to video by Anthony Brian Logan, and then he
Marks Of True Conversion: by George Whitefield
Whitefield’s sermon thoroughly explains how one grows in grace once he has been converted; his description of this process mirrors the beatitude declarations of Christ.
Entering the Land, by Dr. Patrick Ramsey
Dr. Ramsey’s sermon is about Israel’s struggle of entering into the Promised Land. He related that to our own struggle to enter into the New
Regeneration (The New Birth), by Dr. Duane Spencer
Regeneration is an act of God wherein spiritual life is given to a person; thereafter, it can be said that he is “born again,” as
Satanic Perils, by Oswald Chambers
This 7 minute video looks at sin from a different perspective than is common to the Bible. It is biblical, but goes into just how
7 Things We Can Learn From The Puritans, by Dr. Joel Beeke
If you’re not clear on the value of Puritan theology for your walk with the Lord, then spend 4 minutes listening to Dr. Beeke’s list.
Why The World Rejects God’s Word, by Dr. John MacArthur
The following sermon is a great assessment of the current evangelical church. Dr. MacArthur gives some great resources in the process of explaining why it
AOC Calls for Wealth Tax As Billionaires Flee NYC
The following 6 minute video notes that Governor Cuomo is not in agreement with AOC over taxing the fleeing billionaires upon whom NYC is so