This post identifies the Pagan roots of the Christmas celebration and how it evolved to its current form

False Christian teachings, trends….
This post identifies the Pagan roots of the Christmas celebration and how it evolved to its current form
Two 3 minute videos show: the horrors of Marxism, and Cuban Americans supporting Trump because they have lived under communism and know its realities
A Family Of Organized Crime Carried Out Under The Guise Of Government Work
The swamp may get drained in the very near future!
The Bolt Report of Sky News Australia herein provides an accurate assessment of social media censorship; the Biden scandal and voter-related matters in America
This is part two of Dr. Mayfield’s explanation of Jonathan Edwards sermon on 1 Cor. 13:7; his chief point is that if one would have gospel blessings, then he is required to bear a cross
Dr. MacArthur defines the elements of Christian unity, and the inherent blessings of a unified church contending for truth, from Philippians 1:27ff
In this post, Dr. R. C. Sproul explained Christian holiness and the holiness of God
The following 34 minute Jonathan Edwards sermon is on Isaiah 35. The sermon is about verse 8, but uses all 10 verses of the chapter
Dr. Mayfield explained a Jonathan Edwards on the gains of suffering for Christ, from 1 Corinthians 13:7