Mass Rape, Sexual Abuse: Communist China’s Genocidal Tool to Eliminate Faith: Epoch Times

Regardless of their ages, the CCP is persecuting spiritual believers of all faiths under the disguise of ‘re-educating’ them. As the world is celebrating International Women’s Day, let’s not forget the horrifying abuses that mothers and sisters, and even grandmothers, are subjected to in the land of communist China. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power in 1949, it has been employing unethical ways to persecute citizens and suppress spiritual groups. Recently, several reports have confirmed how the CCP is using sexual abuse as a tool for re-educating and transforming prisoners of faith, regardless of their age. [This is a picture of the evolution of cancel culture – if you have been thinking that leftism, Marxism and cancel culture are fine, then you need to read this article to clearly see what you support]

The Tenth Commandment, Sermon by Dr. Patrick Ramsey

In Dr. Ramsey’s sermon on the 10th commandment titled ‘Desire,’ he defines the Hebrew word covet as desire; he distinguished ‘good’ and ‘illicit’ desire, providing examples of each and suggesting how one might channel desire to make it good. He also explained what the commandment does NOT require, clarification which many will appreciate

DISCERNMENT: Examples of Man-Centered Preaching And God-Centered Preaching Via Rick Warren & Paul Washer

This post shows a picture of man-centered and God-centered preaching, using two well known preachers: Rick Warren and Paul Washer. A linked video shows how they each addressed a conference of young preachers, providing guidance and encouragement. If you view 15 minutes of the 90 minute video, you will begin to get a sense of the definitions of these two very different styles of preaching which could also be labeled – unbiblical vs biblical; or progressive vs reformed; or possibly modern vs orthodox. Warren typifies modern evangelicalism; Washer typifies reformed evangelicalism (“reformed” derives from the Protestant Reformers, Luther, Calvin…).

The Bruised Reed, Puritan Richard Sibbes

Puritan Richard Sibbes’ book, The Bruised Reed, provides a tender-hearted, Christ exalting exposition and application of Isaiah 42:1-3. Dejected sinners and struggling saints alike have found much encouragement in Sibbes’ book, since the early 1600s; you may also, please spend 15 minutes listening to chapter one: The Reed and the Bruising

How Do I Know I Am Truly A Christian When I Constantly Struggle With Sin? Dr. Stephen J Nichols

In the Christian’s struggle with sin, they may sometimes wonder whether they truly are born again; actually, it is possible to frequently wonder if one is really born again. Dr. Stephen Nichols provided a biblical answer to that question which was asked by someone at #AskLigonier. I found his answer to be very encouraging and insightful, as he redirected hearers to the only foundation of faith; and clearly cited the reason for fluctuations in assurance

Word of Faith Fellowship Spindale NC, And Similar False Ministries, Part 1 of 2

This post discusses the Word of Faith Fellowship in Spindale NC and several other ministries that diverge from the Bible in similar ways. Four talking points are taken from a secular news report on the Spindale fellowship, of which only the first is discussed in this post – individuals that start churches. In this case, Jane Whaley: she had no Christian education; demanded that she be honored (like cult leaders do); abused congregants….

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