How old is the Prosperity Gospel?

The vlogger in the following 7 minute video reads critiques from St. Augustine of Hippo about preachers who wrongly preached the prosperity gospel; he then explains the errors, and explains what the Christian faith really requires.   So, regardless of what you think about the prosperity gospel, please listen to what one of the giants of the Christian theologians had to say about it.

“They That Wait Upon The Lord…”

But they that wait upon the Lord – The word rendered ‘wait upon’ here (from קוה qâvâh), denotes properly to wait, in the sense of expecting. The phrase, ‘to wait on Yahweh,’ means to wait for his help; that is, to trust in him, to put our hope or confidence in him. …It means that the people of God who trust in him shall become strong in faith; able to contend with their spiritual foes, to gain the victory over their sins, and to discharge aright the duties, and to meet aright the trials of life. God gives them strength, if they seek him in the way of his appointment – a promise which has been verified in the experience of his people in every age.

The Adoption of the Believer, by Dr. John MacArthur

Salvation is by faith apart from works. Those who have come to Christ by faith are no longer slaves, but adopted sons of God, heirs …All religions and false Christian sects, teach that people are delivered from judgment, saved, by their works: morality [kindness, church attendance, tithing, penance, helping the poor…] …THAT IS SATAN’S BIG LIE; every society since the fall has believed it [and it is currently believed in the western world] …The gospel of faith alone in Christ had been buried by the Roman Catholic Church for 1000 years or so before the protestant reformation [view the movie Luther for a quick study on the reformation and for a glimpse of RCC heresy]

Amos 7:12-13 – Kenneth Stewart Sermon

Pastor Kenneth Steward from Glasgow RP Church of Scotland, preached on Amos 7:12 and 13. Sermon points are below the following scriptures …God sent Amos from Judah to prophesy against Israel; Amos went to Bethel, the false religious center of the northern kingdom …Israel had a NEW way of worshipping the one true God; Jeroboam had instituted worship of golden calves in Bethel

Biden’s Gun Legislation Agenda Raises Red Flags for Rights Groups: Epoch Times

…Christopher Stone, director of communications for the National Association for Gun Rights…“None of these executive actions are about crime control or public safety—they’re about controlling U.S. citizens and stripping us of our basic God-given rights,” he said. “Red flag” laws allow authorities to temporarily confiscate guns from certain individuals deemed a risk. While this appears to make sense on the surface, Second Amendment advocates argue it would violate the “innocent until proven guilty” principle. …“Police officers across America know firsthand that the greatest impact on gun crime is holding repeat offenders accountable,” he said. “The current system of a judicial revolving door with little to no repercussions with regard to current gun laws will not improve simply by adding new laws.”

Newt Gingrich: The Crisis of American Civilization: Epoch Times

We are now in a crisis of American civilization fully as dangerous and real as the crisis of the U.S. Civil War or World War II. During both those crises, if America had lost, it would have ceased to be America—and the cause of freedom around the world would have been dramatically weakened. …In San Francisco, the declaration by the communist district attorney that theft under $900 will not be prosecuted has led to so much shoplifting that Walgreens is closing all 10 of its drugstores in the city. …Traditional media hostility and dishonesty are overshadowed by the internet giants, who are increasingly acting like Russian oligarchs. They are trying to erase a leader who was supported by more than 75 million Americans with a ruthlessness worthy of Soviet tyranny and the Chinese Communist Party.

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