When Nations Sport With Death – Geoffrey Botkin

This post emphasizes the differences between two rugby teams: one who follows Christ openly; one who bows down to political correctness: The vlogger’s description follows: Fiji won Olympic Gold in rugby against who? Another nation which emerged out of cannibalism in the 18th century into Christianity, but which is now trading-in reverence for Christ for irreverence, and going backward to dark superstitions and primitive emotions. This is not why New Zealand lost a rugby match, but it will be how they could lose their national civilization. [The 7 minute video of this post is about how Marxists deceived New Zealanders in the 20th century; it applies to the US presently]

Why Laura Morris Quit Teaching School – Geoffrey Botkin

On the day she quit her job as a teacher, Laura Morris told the school board, “I quit your policies, I quit your training, and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas to our most vulnerable constituents – children.” Take a look at all the tens of thousands of parents who are appearing at school board hearings to protest policy. Imagine what would happen if they all simply did what Laura did.

Is Orwell’s Book, 1984 Becoming A Reality?

“Almost certainly we are moving into an age of totalitarian dictatorships – an age in which freedom of thought will at first be a deadly sin and later on a meaningless abstraction. The autonomous individual is going to be stamped out of existence.” Orwell’s fictional work, 1984, reflects the political realities of many nations, past and present; these realities are increasingly more evident in our modern culture too – In the battle between totalitarianism and freedom, no one can afford to stand on the sidelines   

What Happens in Afghanistan Doesn’t Stay in Afghanistan – Epoch Times Commentary

George Orwell wrote, “The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.” The Biden administration tried that idea on for size in Afghanistan. But here’s the problem: losing a war rarely means you put the unpleasantness behind you and move on to things you’d rather deal with. Instead, lose a war and you just might end up with other and bigger problems, and maybe other wars. …We’ve seen this before. When America appears weak, confused, distracted, and at its own throat, only bad things happen. Consider some of the things that happened after South Vietnam fell to communist North Vietnamese forces in 1975—while the United States stood by with eyes primly averted while tens of thousands were executed, hundreds of thousands tossed into prison camps, and the “boat people” exodus led to immense suffering and dying. [For a history lesson on US failures in foreign policy and the terrible world-wide impact, read this article. It will also help you understand what is presently in play.]

How Google Targets Conservatives and Perpetuates CCP Propaganda – Epoch Times

In an episode of “Crossroads” titled “To Target Trump, Google Rewrote Its News Algorithms,” Joshua Philipp interviews Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies, former Google employee and now a reporter with Project Veritas. In the interview, Vorhies talks about the tactics and motives behind Google’s actions, which he claims is the world’s most dangerous totalitarian global organization.

Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by  the flesh? Galatians 3:3

The apostle Paul’s comments to the Galatians in 3:3-5, Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by  the flesh? And Proverbs 2:1-5, particularly verse 5, are used, along with a comment from the diary of Jonathan Edwards that provides an experiential comprehension of Gal. 3:3, to discuss that very common problem that Paul confronted so long ago. This post is an isolated moment, or a meditation from my ongoing struggle with sin and learning to walk with the Lord

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