This post is the first in a series aimed at explaining the “one world movement.” Having been a Baha’i back in the late 1970s, I am familiar with the oneness movement as they expressed it. But that religion makes up a very small portion of those interested in oneness.
The basis for this series is a book by Dr. Peter Jones, The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat
Dr. Jones’ book provides an excellent explanation of the chaos in our world today; and the information in his book is beneficial to Christians who want to witness the gospel.
The foundational tenet of Jones’ book is that there are only two world views that can be illustrated by the concepts of oneism and twoism. Hinduism, for example, characterizes the first and Christianity, the second. That is, in oneism, God is not distinct from created things, as He is in Christianity.
However, while I am reading Jones’ book and deciding how to write about it, I thought it beneficial that I provide some examples of oneism as they have been showing themselves during the 20th and 21st centuries. These expressions differ in the 21st century in that they are openly expressed with no effort to hide in the darkness as in earlier times.
The first examples are about Satanism / Paganism in the 20th century:
The following points are a brief overview of Aleister Crowley’s goals aimed at changing culture and religion:
- To usher in the New Age of the AntiChrist via:
- The drug revolution
- The sexual revolution
- The synthesis of western occultism with eastern mysticism
- The rebellion against all authority, especially Christianity
- The establishment of a new world order.
Crowley’s social goals, as seen in the first brief video below, may seem very unrealistic to some readers, yet they are almost accomplished at this moment; the last point only remains to be attained. However, buzz about a one-world religion can be heard everywhere and is the concern of the Pope; the New Spirituality; Wicca; the Baha’i Faith; and many Christian groups, such as the Emergent Church; Rick Warren…. Therefore, attainment of this last goal seems very close.
After the following video, there is a 5 minute video about how the Eagles rock group fits into Crowley’s plan; then two sermons by Dr. John MacArthur which supply background information for Crowley’s third point above, sexual revolution.
The following video shows how the Eagles carried forward Crowley’s goals:
Following are two mp3 sermons by Dr. John MacArthur on the sexual revolution and its impact on our society and the church. The sexual revolution is Crowley’s third goal. And as you will see in the next post, sexuality that deviates from the biblical model given by God, is a core aspect of Paganism / Satanism.
Audio PlayerThe following sermon is part two:
Dr. Peter Jones book: The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat; or his classroom study Only Two Religions available on Audible at Amazon for $23.95 (the latter is based on the former).
Dr. Jones has videos on YouTube addressing related topics. These would definitely be worth hearing.
My post on yoga from 2018: therein, the late Caryl Matrisciana shows how the eastern worldview, yoga, psychedelic drugs…were ushered in via the Beatles and their affiliations with Yogis from India. Crowley encountered his spirit guide via yoga meditation; his spirit guide guided him into his evil lifestyle. That is the type of encounter one can expect from yoga meditation spirit guides. Furthermore, if one has no biblical understanding, then he may be led into evil via seemingly peaceful experiences, such as yoga meditation.
*Since this post identifies one of Crowley’s goals as sexual revolution, it is somewhat related to the posts on sexual temptation, to read these, see: Categories: Lust; Spiritual Warfare