AGENDA Weekly Brief Week of July 27 – August 2 of 2024 – by Curtis Bowers

The following article was copied and pasted from my electronic subscription to Agenda Weekly by Curtis Bowers. You may subscribe for $5 per month at

The purpose of Agenda Weekly is to identify the agenda of the political left as it unfolds via weekly events.

[The political left’s agenda promotes socialism / communism. It is opposed to many values that Americans have long taken for granted: property ownership; control over the lives of their children; individual rights; political and religious freedom….]

Begin article:

AGENDA Weekly Brief

Week of July 27 – August 2

Dear Friends,

Charles Spurgeon advised, “You may fear that the Lord has passed you by, but it is not so: He who counts the stars, and calls them by their names, is in no danger of forgetting His own children. He knows your case as thoroughly as if you were the only creature He ever made, or the only saint He ever loved. Approach Him and be at peace.”

1. COMMUNISTS STEAL ANOTHER ELECTION IN VENEZUELA: Hundreds of thousands protested in Venezuela, after Communist dictator Nicolás Maduro stole what was a landslide victory from his anti-socialist opponent. Even mainstream media could not ignore the blatant theft, with The New York Times reporting, “…partial election results…suggest that…Edmundo González, actually beat Mr. Maduro by more than 30 percentage points. The researchers’ estimate of the result – 66 percent to 31 percent – is similar to the result obtained by an independent exit poll conducted on Election Day across the country.” The Washington Post wrote, “Government security forces are detaining volunteer poll watchers…More than 1,000 people have been arrested and at least 16 have been killed in mass protests since the election…”

El Salvador President Nayib Buekele and Argentinian President Javier Milei have both denounced the fraudulent results. Milei said, “Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announces a crushing victory for the opposition, and the world is waiting for it to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence, and death. Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular Freedom Advances in Latin America.”

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who previously worked with Joe Biden to undermine free elections and the anti-socialist opposition in Venezuela, said the United States officially recognizes González as the winner. (Blinken also interfered in the U.S. 2020 election by organizing the letter from 51 intel officials claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation”.)

Pollster Rich Baris observed that the U.S. government has “forfeited all moral authority” to condemn Venezuela for “electioneering” or Russia for “political prisoners.” One X user commented, “I just want the media to care about U.S. election integrity as much as they care about Venezuela’s.”

2. PAGANISM ON FULL DISPLAY AT PARIS OLYMPICS: The opening ceremonies for the Paris Olympics included the following:

  • A single rider on a pale, AI-looking horse, that reminded some of the “pale horse” of Revelation 6.
  • American rapper Snoop Dog wearing a necklace of the Satanic god Baphomet around his neck for the Olympic parade.
  • A giant golden bull head reminiscent of the Golden Calf of Exodus and the Old Testament false god Baal.
  • A decapitated Marie Antoinette.
  • A trans parody of the “Last Supper,” with drag queens imitating the apostles, and a lesbian in the center, who called the scene the “Gay New Testament” and herself the “Olympic Jesus.” The orgy of perversion also included a nearly naked figure representing Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and debauchery, and, shockingly, with a child nearby.

First Lady Jill Biden said the event was “spectacular.” But Elon Musk posted on X, “This was extremely disrespectful to Christians. I believe that was the purpose. Let’s just imagine what it would have been like if a group of transgender influencers did a b-roll mockery of Muhammad or Buddha. Paris would be on fire right now.” Musk noted, “Unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right, Christianity will perish.”

Telecommunications company C Spire, the sixth-largest wireless provider in the U.S., removed all advertising from the Olympics in response. Conservative commentator Benny Johnson called on Christians to boycott “the blasphemous sickening satanic occult ritual formerly known as the Olympics.”

Olympic officials issued a weak non-apology after the backlash, claiming that any similarity to “The Last Supper” was “completely unintentional” and that “there was never any intention to show disrespect towards any religious group or belief.”

The brutal results of the trans religion were displayed the following week when an Algerian biological male boxer knocked out his female opponent in only 46 seconds.

Ed. Note: Galatians 6:7 says, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man sows, that will he also reap.” 

3. WHY THE PERVERSE DISPLAY? John Daniel Davidson, author of Pagan America: the Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come, asked, “Why did the organizers do this? Put bluntly, they did it because they hate Jesus Christ and Christianity, which they consider their most dangerous enemy…” Davidson asserted that today’s elite is not “liberal” but rather “pagan or neopagan,” because they have no tolerance for opposing views. Davidson urged, “Christians need to be prepared to speak out against the mockery of their faith by neopagan elites. They also need to be prepared to fight, suffer, and perhaps die for their faith.”

The anti-globalist Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote, “Satan knows how to do nothing except ruin God’s creative perfection, showing himself as the envious author of every counterfeit. Satan creates nothing: he only ruins everything. He does not invent: he tampers. And his followers are no different…” Vigano called on Christians to “organize around the world with concrete actions, first and foremost with a boycott of the Olympic Games and all their sponsors.”

4. WHY KAMALA IS THE PERFECT STANDARD-BEARER FOR THE ANTI-FAMILY LEFT: Presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris made one of her first campaign appearances on the transgender “RuPaul’s Drag Race” show. The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd reports, “Harris’ run and pro-LGBT track record has ‘energized’ and earned the support of transgender celebrities, lawmakers, and activist organizations who openly hope she will continue ‘the most pro-LGBTQ+ administration in history…’ Harris didn’t hide the Biden administration’s LGBT activism. In fact, she was often its face. She attended and spoke at pride events that often feature sexual deviancy, including transgenderism, celebrated the castration and mutilation of children as ill-named ‘gender-affirming care,’ and offered oodles of statements of support for radical gender ideology from her personal and VP social media accounts.”

In an online fundraising event called “White Dudes for Harris,” homosexual and former Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg said that support for abortion makes men “more free.” Meanwhile, Democrats have been calling Trump’s VP pick, J.D. Vance, a husband and father of three, “weird” for previously saying, “Why have we let the Democrat Party become controlled by people who don’t have children?… We’re effectively run in this country…by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.”

5. KAMALA HARRIS IS A RADICAL COMMUNIST: Communism expert Trevor Loudon detailed, “…Kamala Harris is deeply connected to communist ideologies and individuals. From her parents’ involvement in a group that admired communist leaders like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, to her relationship with Willie Brown, a communist sympathizer, and her mentorship of individuals linked to Maoist communist groups, Kamala Harris’s background is deeply concerning.”

Loudon noted, “Kamala Harris was supported by Steve Phillips, a former Marxist-Leninist and member of the pro-Chinese communist group League of Revolutionary Struggle. Philips married into the wealthy Sandler family, using his connections and wealth to finance and support Harris’s political career, just as he did for Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Stacey Abrams, and others. Furthermore, her political career has been supported by individuals with communist affiliations, including her current chief of staff and her husband, who works for a law firm with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party.” Loudon urged, “Stay informed, stay vigilant. The future of America is at stake.”

6. NEW BOOK EXPOSES COMPROMISED LEADERS IN EVANGELICAL CHURCH: A new book by Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham, titled Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda, has skyrocketed to #6 on Amazon following its July 30 release. The book documents “how progressive powerbrokers – from George Soros, to the founder of eBay, to former members of the Obama administration – set out to change the American church. Their goal: to co-opt evangelicals for political purposes.”

From The Daily Wire, “The book also documents how a megachurch pastor pushed fellow pastors to move their views on sexuality to the Left and how leftist talking points on climate change and ‘systemic racism’ have crept into American churches.” Basham urged evangelical leaders to “get serious about tracing the secular Left influences in any number of evangelical institutions.”

One of the most shocking findings: since 2015, donations from the staff of Christianity Today and from the late Tim Keller’s church and network went exclusively to Democrats.

Order the book here and read excerpts herehere, and here.

7. IS MIDDLE EAST HEADING FOR LARGER WAR? Within seven hours, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran, and Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr was assassinated in Beirut, Lebanon. Hours after Haniyeh’s death, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin assured, “If Israel is attacked, we certainly will help defend Israel.” Meanwhile, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ordered a strike against Israel in retaliation for the deaths.

The globalist Council on Foreign Relations asked, “Do the attacks in Beirut and Tehran signal a wider Israeli war with Iran and its proxies [Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iraqi and Syrian militias]? This is now more likely… The Iranians are vowing revenge, and the Israelis are daring them and their proxies to strike. This is an unpredictable moment. It seems quite unlikely the actors will pull back from a devastating fight. This is the war for which they have all been preparing.”

8. JOE BIDEN ANNOUNCES “COURT-PACKING” PLAN: In an op-ed for The Washington Post, Joe Biden called for a Constitutional amendment to reverse the Supreme Court’s recent decision on presidential immunity, 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices, and “a binding code of conduct for the Supreme Court” (which would be weaponized against conservative justices). In a speech, Biden lashed out at the court for “extreme decisions” and claimed, “There are no kings in America. Each of us is equal before the law. No one is above the law.”

Law Professor Jonathan Turley noted, “President Biden is citing a series of cases with which he disagrees as the basis for seeking to fundamentally change the Court. The message is clear. If the Court ruled as he demanded, it would not have to be changed…”

Judicial Network President Carrie Severino warned, “Joe Biden’s new term limits plan is just a dressed up version of court packing… Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Alito, and Justice Thomas are already past the proposed ‘eighteen years of service…’” Attorney Mike Davis commented, “[The] alleged ‘reforms’ are just one step toward the ultimate goal of packing the Supreme Court to guarantee decisions favorable to Democrats.”

9. MIKE JOHNSON DISAPPOINTS WITH ASSASSINATION INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE: House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) sparked uproar among conservatives after failing to include two veteran snipers, Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) and Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) on the “bipartisan” task force investigating the attempted Trump assassination. One Republican Rep. said, “Johnson, per usual, folds like a cheap lawn chair.” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) revealed, “The reason Eli Crane and Corey Mills, two actual snipers in the United States Congress, aren’t on this [Assassination Investigation] committee is because they don’t vote for the…pending bills.”

Rep. Mills announced that he will conduct a “parallel independent investigation” and said of Johnson’s task force, “It’s very unfortunate but not surprising for anyone familiar with how D.C. works. I’m not a politician, leadership, or a ‘yes man.’” On Wednesday, Speaker Johnson said, “I don’t think there was a big conspiracy. I think it was utter incompetence at the highest levels.”

10. SECRET SERVICE WHISTLEBLOWER CALLS OUT AGENCY: Real Clear Politics reporter Susan Crabtree revealed, “A Secret Service counter-sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until ‘5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions.’ The counter-sniper also said the agency ‘SHOULD expect another assassination attempt’ before November and complained that he is no longer proud to be a USSS counter sniper after leadership failed the officers at the Trump rally in Butler on 7/13…”

The sniper wrote, “This agency NEEDS to change. If not now, WHEN? The NEXT assassination in 30 days?” The agency quickly deleted the email.

11. MORE ON THE TRUMP ASSASSINATION: A whistleblower told Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) that acting Secret Service head Ronald Rowe personally cut agents from the threat assessment team for the Butler, PA, rally. A new video shows shooter Thomas Crooks running across the roof in plain sight just minutes before the attempted assassination. Former Director Kimberly Cheatle said the Secret Service was notified of a suspicious person “somewhere between two and five times.” Yet Trump’s security detail was never notified.

Human Events’ Jack Posobiec noted, “Thomas Matthew Crooks’ home [was] said to have been found as clean as a ‘medical lab,’ and investigators noted a lack of silverware…” Judicial Watch reported that the Secret Service denied its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for documents related to the assassination attempt.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) summarized, “The Secret Service director to me today: a lot of people made a lot of mistakes, but we won’t tell you who, and we won’t fire anybody.”

Acting director Rowe also worked closely with former director Kim Cheatle on January 6, 2021. See more on Rowe’s testimony here.

12. THE BIDEN REGIME’S DANGEROUS “DIPLOMACY”: The Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson observes, “The Biden administration’s prisoner swap with Russia…was a dangerously uneven exchange that saw the release of a Russian assassin along with Russian spies and hackers, all of whom have committed serious crimes in western countries. Essentially, Moscow arrested a bunch of innocent Western journalists and political dissidents, and then used them as bargaining chips to secure the release of its own killers, criminals, and spies.”

The Biden administration announced a “plea deal” with alleged 9/11 conspirators Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid Bin ‘Attash, and Mustafa al Hawsawi, allowing them to escape the death penalty. Political commentator Clint Russell responded, “It’s fairly obvious that the 9/11 ‘mastermind’ received a plea deal because the government didn’t want a trial. Trials mean discovery. Discovery means truth.”

13. IS THE RNC PREPARED TO COMBAT VOTER FRAUD? RNC co-chair Lara Trump and chairman Michael Whatley recently hosted a Protect The Vote event in Tampa Bay, Florida, as part of the RNC’s campaign to recruit 100,000 citizens as volunteer poll watchers in the 2024 election. However, journalist Emerald Robinson reports, “The RNC has no election integrity ground game for 2024. Trust me: I’ve called. I’ve checked. This is exactly what happened in 2020. The RNC told Trump that ‘everything was covered,’ and then the day after the election, ZERO LAWYERS appeared in swing states to fight the steal.” Robinson also revealed that one RNC source told her that “60%-80% of the RNC staff that were fired by Lara Trump and Chairman Whatley have been rehired.”

In a recent interview, former president of the Claremont Institute Brian T. Kennedy urged Americans to protect the vote despite fraud and said, “We’re going to have to outwork the other side. We’re going to have to do everything in our power to get our neighbors, friends, and family voting for the candidate of their choice.”


  • Breitbart reports, “The Democratic National Committee (DNC) officially nominated Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s presidential candidate on Friday, alienating 14 million Democrats who voted for President Joe Biden during the Democrat primary.”
  • Google was caught censoring search results for the Trump assassination, while Facebook temporarily blocked the iconic image of Trump raising his fist after being shot.
  • The Daily Mail reports, “Behind the recent public self-branding of Harris as a kindly, jovial ‘Momala,’ she has earned a nasty reputation as an alleged ‘soul-destroying’ workplace ‘bully.’ Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office still remain in a job. The rest either quit or were fired…”
  • Thirty-three-year-old Christian, wife, mother, and pro-life activist Bevelyn Beatty Williams has been sentenced to almost three and one-half years in prison for protesting outside a New York City abortion mill.
  • The Federalist reports, “Foreign nationals are being unlawfully added to the voter rolls through Motor Voter at state DMVs and other registration drives. President Biden’s Executive Order 14019 demands that agencies amp up their voter registration efforts for anyone seeking federal government assistance – with no carve out for illegal immigrants.”
  • Economist Peter St. Onge, Ph.D reports, “The share of young adults still living with their parents just hit its highest level since 1940. Of course, in 1940, they lived at home because they were saving themselves for a good [husband or wife]. Today, they live at home because rat-infested, one-bedrooms cost 60 hours a week packing groceries.”
  • A new poll from Gallup finds that 54% of Americans support abortion (up from 41% in 2001), 69% support sex outside of marriage (up from 53% in 2001), 78% support divorce (up from 59% in 2001) 68% support having a baby outside of marriage (up from 45% in 2001), and 64% support perverted relationships (up from 40% in 2001). Ed. Note: These tragic statistics are the fruit of decades of godless, immoral public education.


  • “Remember, the principle, ‘you are what you eat,’ is not fully true. You are what you digest, and you are what you absorb. If you’re not properly absorbing all of the nutrients and then utilizing them at the cellular level, you’re not going to fully heal and regenerate.” –Dr. Josh Axe
  • “What we got in the last quarter century was a shrill elite that subjects their Jacobin theories upon a distant other but has absolutely no intention of ever getting near the very disasters they wrought, much less suffering the collateral damage that was inevitable from their social engineering. Or, to put it another way, they were to be our few genius white-coated researchers while we were their many expendable lab rats.” –Victor Davis Hanson
  • “In reality, the media is the propaganda arm of the Democrats. There is no difference between the utterances of the press and the Democrats. If you want to know what the Democrat leadership is thinking, just follow in the mainstream media.” –Rajan Laad, American Thinker
  • “One of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried before and proved disastrous before, time and again.” –Thomas Sowell
  • “Thou, even Thou, art LORD alone; Thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth Thee.” –Nehemiah 9:6
  • “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” –Deuteronomy 31:6


1. U.K. UPHOLDS BAN ON PUBERTY BLOCKERS: The U.K. High Court upheld an emergency ban against puberty blockers, with Justice Beverley Lang writing, “In my view, it was rational for the first defendant to decide that it was essential to adopt the emergency procedure to avoid serious danger to the health of children…” Social commentator James Essen stated, “We must never allow children to be irreversibly harmed in the name of an ideology again.”

2. TEXAS TO KEEP FLOATING BORDER BARRIERS: The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of Texas could keep its floating buoys in the Rio Grande to halt illegal immigrants. Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) stated, “The [Court has ruled] that the federal district court abused its discretion when it ordered Texas to remove the buoys floating in the Rio Grande that prevent aliens from attempting a dangerous river crossing to enter America illegally.”

3. GEORGIANS CALL FOR PAPER BALLOTS: Georgia Republicans and Democrats alike are calling for a switch from Dominion Voting Machines to paper ballots. Jeanne Dufort, Chair of the Morgan County Democrat party, stated, “We believe the experts who tell us that bad guys, foreign and domestic, are interested in overturning election results or interfering with them. And we absolutely believe they now have really good tools to do that.”

4. PRO-LIFE LAW UPHELD IN NEBRASKA: The Nebraska Supreme Court upheld a law banning abortion after 12 weeks and banning transgender treatments for minors. Republican Governor Jim Pillen said that he was “grateful for the court’s thorough and well-reasoned opinion upholding these important protections for life and children in Nebraska.” Sandy Danek, Executive Director of Nebraska Right to Life, declared, “We are grateful for the Nebraska Supreme Court’s decision upholding important protections benefiting Nebraska families.”

Ed. Note: Pray that the hearts of Americans would change to protect all life, beginning at conception.

5. ARIZONA GAINS MORE REPUBLICAN VOTERS: The number of registered Republican voters continues to climb in Arizona. Ben Larrabee of Chase the Vote reported, “Arizona Republicans now have a record-breaking advantage over Democrats in voter registrations…[We have] a +242,777 advantage going into election season. Our electorate may be redder than ever.”

6. TEXAS DEFEATS META: The State of Texas received $1.4 billion from Facebook parent company, Meta, after the company stole “unauthorized biometric data” from Texans. Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton celebrated Texas’ win, explaining the state’s stance against “the world’s biggest technology companies and holding them accountable for breaking the law and violating Texans’ privacy rights.”

7. VIRGINIA AG INVESTIGATES ACT BLUE: Republican Attorney General Jason Miyares said his office was looking into the Democratic donation site ActBlue after it had thousands of donations registered to the wrong names. Charlie Kirk wrote, “It’s trivially easy to find massive, repeated donations to ActBlue that use stolen identities and, quite possibly, stolen credit cards. For example, one person in Virginia has been named in 22,619 separate donations since 2019, totaling more than $800,000.”

8. COACH SUES AFTER BEING FIRED: Track coach John Parks sued the Lake Oswego School District after being fired for saying that transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete against girls. According to Buck Dougherty of Liberty Justice Center, “Coach Parks was retaliated against, falsely accused of discriminatory behavior, denied an appeal, and fired – just for exercising his constitutional right to free speech as a private citizen.”

9. DEI OFFICES CLOSE ON ALABAMA CAMPUSES: The University of Alabama closed its DEI offices on three campuses after an Alabama law banned DEI programs at state universities. The staff from the DEI offices were not fired but instead shifted to other departments. Life Site News reported, “While questions remain as to just how different the new offices will truly be, school officials are framing them as focusing on ‘promot(ing) success for everyone in the UA community…’”

10. RFK JR. GETS ON BALLOT IN MORE STATES: Independent Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is now on the ballot in 34 states after qualifying in Connecticut, Maine, Missouri, Oregon, and West Virginia. Independent activist Holden Culotta wrote, “RFK Jr. seems to be on track to secure ballot access in all 50 states and DC. Legacy media told you he could never get it done. They’re gaslighting you, again, and they’re going to pay for it by losing even more credibility.”

11. TUCKER CARLSON SHOW TOP PODCAST IN U.S.: The Tucker Carlson Show is now the most popular podcast in the United States, overtaking Joe Rogan on Spotify charts. The Post Millennial reported, “Rogan has long been the number one podcast on Spotify…however, some of the large interviews on Carlson’s show may have put the political commentator over the top.”

12. PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY GOES RED: Bucks County, Pennsylvania now has more Republican than Democrat voters. Pat Poprick, the Republican Committee Chairwoman for Bucks County, declared, “We’re all ecstatic. This is something since 2007, that’s the last time we’ve been in the majority, so this has been something that’s been very important to all of us.” Just The News reports, “There are now 198,045 registered Republicans and 197,781 registered Democrats, giving the GOP a 264-voter advantage, according to county data.”

13. VIRGINIA COURT RULES AGAINST TRANSGENDER SCHOOL POLICIES: A Virginia court ruled that students could challenge the Fairfax County School System’s transgender pronoun and bathroom policies. The school requires transgender students to be referred to by their pronouns and allows boys in girls bathrooms. Mother Stephanie Lundquist-Arora stated, “It is such a relief that justice has prevailed this time to preserve our children’s constitutional rights.”

14. CORRUPT MARICOPA COUNTY OFFICIAL OUSTED: Republican primary voters in Maricopa County, Arizona, voted out incumbent Recorder Stephen Richer. Richer ignored complaints about inaccuracies in the 2022 midterm elections and reportedly received leftist funding. The Federalist reported, “[Richer] has allegedly lobbied against a commonsense voter ID ballot amendment and jumpstarted a political action committee to back candidates who share his antagonism toward election integrity efforts.”

15. CONSERVATIVE FIREBRAND RUNNING FOR MISSOURI GOVERNOR: Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) endorsed Missouri gubernatorial candidate Bill Eigel ahead of the state’s August 6 primary, saying that Eigel would “deport illegal aliens, eliminate Missouri’s personal property tax, and unleash the state’s economy.” Breitbart explained, “His priorities include protecting children and families, opposing coronavirus mandates and forced vaccinations, defending Second Amendment rights, and reducing government bureaucracy…”


Blessed Quietness by Manie Ferguson

Joys are flowing like a river,
Since the Comforter has come!
He abides with us forever,
Makes the trusting heart His home.

Blessed quietness, holy quietness!
Blest assurance in my soul!
On the stormy sea, Jesus speaks to me,
And the billows cease to roll.

Everything is turned to gladness,
All around this glorious Guest!
Banished unbelief and sadness,
All is perfect peace and rest.

Like the rain that falls from heaven,
Like the sunlight from the sky,
So the Holy Spirit given,
Falls upon us from on high!

What a wonderful salvation,
Where we always see His face!
What a peaceful habitation!
What a quiet resting place!

Blessed quietness, holy quietness!
Blest assurance in my soul!
On the stormy sea, Jesus speaks to me,
And the billows cease to roll.

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