AGENDA Weekly Brief Week of January 27 – February 2 – 2024

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AGENDA Weekly Brief

Week of January 27 – February 2

Dear Friends,

Charles Spurgeon said, “A prayerless church member is a hindrance. He is in the body like a rotting bone or a decayed tooth. Before long, since he does not contribute to the benefit of his brethren, he will become a danger and a sorrow to them. Neglect of private prayer is the locust which devours the strength of the church.”

1. SIX CHRISTIAN PRO-LIFERS FACE UP TO 11 YEARS IN PRISON: A Nashville jury found six pro-life activists guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances and a felony conspiracy against rights charge for participating in a peaceful protest at a Tennessee abortion mill on March 5, 2021. Their sentencing is scheduled for July, and they each face fines of up to $260,000 and up to 11 years in prison.

Journalist Greg Price posted two pictures with the following description: “On the left is an illegal alien who beat the **** out of an NYPD officer. He was released from jail without bail. On the right is a father of 11 children who was arrested for praying outside an abortion mill. He was just convicted in federal court and faces 11 years in jail.” Mary Szoch of the Family Research Council commented, “As countless little boys and girls are being trafficked across the border and wars wage across the world, the Biden administration thinks the most important thing to focus on is prosecuting peaceful protestors attempting to save unborn babies from a brutal death.”

Pro-life leader Rusty Thomas gave this response: “Pray that this awakens the church and awakens our nation. This is despicable. This is tragic. We’ve lost our moral compass. We don’t know the difference between right and wrong and good and evil anymore. It’s gotten so mucky and murky. This just demonstrates just how far we have gone from the Father’s house and how desperate we are for the Lord’s intervention.”

2. UPDATES FROM TEXAS BORDER FIGHT: More red state governors and attorneys general are backing Texas up, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is sending 1,000 Florida National Guardsmen to the border. A record 302,000 illegals crossed the border in December, including 19 on the FBI terror watchlist. Rather than take responsibility for deliberately creating the crisis, President Joe Biden is pushing for Congress to support the new “bipartisan” immigration deal about to be released in the Senate, a bill which would only worsen the problem, codify allowing five thousand illegals into the country each day, and create further incentives for criminal illegal immigration.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who thus far has done little to address the border, said he firmly opposed the bill, stating, “Any border ‘shutdown’ authority that ALLOWS even one illegal crossing is a non-starter. Thousands each day is outrageous. The number must be ZERO.”

Frank Gaffney, Jr., head of Center for Security Policy, wrote, “The truth is that Joe Biden deliberately created the present crisis. Only a man determined to perpetuate it could try to portray a bill that would admit at least five thousand more unlawful immigrants every day and create new amnesty incentives for coming here as one that will ‘shut down the border.’ The Biden-Mayorkas invasion will not end with more such malfeasance. That requires instead finishing ‘the wall,’ enforcing our existing immigration laws, and removing those who violated them – starting with the unaccompanied, military-age Chinese and jihadist males.”

In related news, Breitbart reports that George Soros is seeking to use mass immigration to “turn Texas blue.”

Ed. Note: A recent video shows Governor Greg Abbott (himself a WEF member) refusing to denounce the World Economic Forum and its globalist agenda. World Affairs Brief editor Joel Skousen writes, “Abbott is a compromiser who has rarely held the line against the establishment, though he is trying hard to convince conservatives that he’s a hardliner now.”

3. ROCKEFELLERS FUND LEFT-WING BIBLE STUDY FOR EVANGELICALS: A forthcoming Bible study program called The After Party is being developed by Duke Divinity consulting professor Curtis Chang, New York Times columnist David French, and Christianity Today editor-in-chief Russell Moore. Journalist Megan Basham reveals that this Bible study was bankrolled by several left-wing foundations, including Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, One America Movement, Tides Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, and the John Pritzker Family Fund, all of which fund radical causes, including abortion, LGBTQ issues, and mass immigration.

Basham writes, “One would be hard-pressed to identify evangelical voices who’ve done more to bring a divisive focus on politics into the pews – all under the pretense of de-escalation and bipartisanship…As a friend told me, ‘If you want the church to be less political, start by focusing less on politics yourself.’”

4. SHOULD CHRISTIANS ATTEND SAME-SEX WEDDINGS? In a recent radio program, Pastor Alistair Begg of Cleveland’s Parkside Church advised a grandmother to attend the “wedding” of her grandson, who was “about to be married to a transgender person,” as long as the grandson knows she disapproves of the relationship. Begg claimed that not attending such a ceremony only reinforces “judgemental” stereotypes people have about the Church.

Theology Professor Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D. explained why Christians should not attend such weddings, writing, “From a Biblical perspective, attendance at a gay or transgender wedding is no more an agree-to-disagree point of practice than is a Christian attending the marriage between a man and his mother, or a Christian going to an idol’s temple as a non-worshipper to maintain contacts. There is no faithful early Christian leader who would have advocated such attendance. Remember that in a transgender or gay union, the parties declare their intent to sin without remorse as long as they live and invite attendees to celebrate that commitment with them. Nor is it loving to attend such a ritual event, since the attendance speaks louder than any words claiming disagreement.”

Ed. Note: For more, read the full article, Why Christians Who Love Their Gay And Trans Neighbors Won’t Attend Their Weddings.

5. GEN Z MORE CONFUSED, MORE LEFTIST: A new survey from the Public Religion Institute found that 28% of Gen Z-ers (aged 13-25) identified as LGBTQ, compared to 16% of millennials, 7% of Gen X, and 4% of Baby Boomers. Andrea Widburg noted that these “numbers defy biological reality. They can occur only because of indoctrination, leaving kids unanchored to traditional norms and biology.” Additionally, 21% identified as Republican, and 36% as Democrat.

Ed. Note: The New American’s Selwyn Duke observed, “Brutal Chinese dictator and mass murderer Mao Zedong used the Red Guards – a paramilitary, student-led group whose first members were middle schoolers – to effect his destructive ‘Cultural Revolution.’ Approximately a decade later, the savage Khmer Rouge in Cambodia would have children inform on adults, give them authority over their elders, and might even put 12-year-olds in charge of work camps…As Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov warned, it takes only 15 years to demoralize a nation – because that’s just how long it takes to raise one indoctrinated generation.”

6. ARE TECH CEOS OR PARENTS MORE AT FAULT? Five Tech CEOs, including Facebook and Instagram’s Mark Zuckerberg and TikTok’s Shou Chew, testified at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing titled “Big Tech and the Online Child Sexual Exploitation Crisis.”

The Daily Signal reported, “Several lawmakers questioned the tech chiefs about stories of minors who used social media platforms where they were bullied, blackmailed, accessed illegal drugs, and introduced to sexual predators. In some instances, the minors committed suicide because of these encounters.” After being pressed by Senators, Mark Zuckerburg and Evan Spiegel (Snapchat) gave weak apologies to parents for the harm their platforms caused children.

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh urged parents to protect their children, writing, “The solution is obvious. Badgering Mark Zuckerberg at a hearing is never going to solve this problem. I’m all for having laws protecting kids – particularly when child sex trafficking and pornography are involved. But at a certain point, parents need to be willing to do some actual parenting. Accountability here needs to begin not with one tech CEO, but with the millions of parents who give their kids devices with Internet access in the first place…”

Ed. Note: For more, read Walsh’s article, The Best Way To Protect Your Kids From Being Harmed By A Smartphone Is To Not Give Them A Smartphone. Unfortunately, if legislation is passed, it most likely will do little to address the real problem, but will instead be used to implement greater censorship, surveillance, and government control of technology.

7. NEOCONS AGITATE FOR WAR WITH IRAN AFTER DRONE ATTACK: Three American soldiers were tragically killed and at least 40 injured in a drone attack on a U.S. military base in Jordan. “Target Tehran,” tweeted Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), while Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) demanded, “Hit Iran now. Hit them hard.” Congressional candidate and former Green Beret Joe Kent replied, “We’ve seen this coming. This was an inevitable conclusion by leaving our troops in these locations undefended. Essentially, we left them there as bait because so many people in Washington D.C. want to go to war with Iran.”

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) tweeted, “In 2007, Sen. Biden put the President on notice that he would impeach him for going to war with Iran without Congressional approval. Consider this your notice @POTUS @joebiden.”

8. U.S. ECONOMY CONTINUES TRENDING SOCIALIST: The latest official GDP numbers from the fourth quarter of 2023 claimed that GDP grew an impressive 3.3%. But Zero Hedge explained that even if we assume the figures are accurate, “Over the same time period, the U.S. budget deficit rose by more than 50%, or $510 billion. And the cherry on top: the increase in public U.S. debt in the same three-month period was a stunning $834 billion, or 154% more than the increase in GDP. In other words, it now takes $1.55 in budget deficit to generate $1 of growth… and it takes over $2.50 in new debt to generate $1 of GDP growth!” Economist Professor Peter St. Onge concluded, “Essentially, [GDP is measuring] the pace at which we’re going Soviet, replacing private wealth with government waste.”

9. VACCINE NEWS: John Campbell, Ph.D. reported that over 100,000 excess cardiovascular deaths have occurred in England since 2020, and said, “We’ve got an epidemic of heart disease here…Why aren’t universities being given emergency grants to investigate this?”

After searching the VAERs database, tech entrepreneur and vaccine researcher Steve Kirsch concluded that COVID-19 vaccines cause dementia, with a 1000x greater likelihood of getting dementia after taking the COVID vaccine than other vaccines.

In Canada, pro-freedom Dr. Mark Trozzi lost his medical license after refusing to stop exposing the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”

The CDC’s updated 2024 immunization schedule recommends more vaccines and doses for pregnant women, children, and adults. Brian Hooker, Ph.D. responded, “This amounts to nothing more than a very dangerous medical experiment foisted on America’s infants and children.”

The Defender reported, “A review paper published last week in the journal Cureus is the first peer-reviewed paper to call for a global moratorium on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The authors say that reanalyzed data from the vaccine makers’ trials and high rates of serious post-injection injuries indicate the mRNA gene therapy vaccines should not have been authorized for use.”

Ed. Note: For more, see Ed Dowd: UK Excess Deaths are Up a Staggering 22% among 1 to 14-Year-Olds.

10. JURY AWARDS TRUMP ACCUSER $83 MILLION: A Manhattan jury awarded author E. Jean Carroll $83 million in her suit which contended that Donald Trump had defamed her character by denying her claims of sexual assault. Trump attorney Alina Habba shot back, “We will immediately appeal. We will set aside that ridiculous jury. And I just want to remind you all of one thing. I will continue with President Trump to fight for everybody’s First Amendment right to speak. Everybody has a right to defend themselves when they are wrongfully accused.”

Shockingly, District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan advised the jurors, “My advice to you is that you never disclose that you were on this jury, and I won’t say anything more about it.” Trump’s attorneys plan to use an “insane” and previously unknown “conflict of interest” between Judge Kaplan and Carroll’s lawyer in an attempt to overturn the verdict. Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley, herself an accused two-time adulteress, said this: “I absolutely trust the jury, and I think that they made their decision based on the evidence.”


  • Live Action reports, “In a recent poll of 200,000 people in the Netherlands, a whopping 80 percent indicated that they support assisted suicide for anyone who feels that their life is ‘complete.’”
  • The Washington Post reports, “A jury handed down a $2.25 billion verdict, including $2 billion in punitive damages, against agrochemical giant Monsanto, according to the lawyers of a man who said he developed cancer from using the company’s weed killer, Roundup.”
  • Breitbart reports, “ The lower house of Russia’s parliament on Wednesday approved a bill that would allow authorities to confiscate money, valuables and other assets from people convicted of spreading ‘deliberately false information’ about the country’s military.”
  • U.K. Environmental lobbyist Donnachadh McCarthy claimed having children is a “moral issue” due to the amount of carbon each child produces. McCarthy said, “That’s equivalent to 1000 years of electricity for a household. So each child has an impact, and we’re saying one is great, two is plenty, and three is selfish.”
  • The Gateway Pundit summarized information proving that the January 6 pipe bomb “discovered” near DNC headquarters was, in fact, a false flag operation. The FBI had the license plate and metro card of the perpetrator but blocked interviews or further investigation.
  • Leo Hohmann reports, “Joe Biden’s Transportation Security Administration is moving forward with plans to expand facial-recognition technology at 430 U.S. airports…”
  • Christian veteran Michael Cassidy has officially been charged with a hate crime for beheading a Satanic statue in the Iowa capital.


  • “Hakeem Jeffries [the Democratic Minority Leader] is the Speaker of the House. Every major piece of legislation this Congress – today, expanding the Child Tax Credit – has  passed with more Democratic votes than GOP votes…” –Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
  • “This is not a political debate which you’ve been invited to participate in. This is a destruction of you and your culture and your beliefs and your children and your future as a country. Your attitudes need to change, and your timidity needs to be replaced by bravery…” –Tucker Carlson to Canadians
  • “Polls and sentiment don’t mean anything. Democrats know that. He who harvests the ballots and counts the votes decides the winner.” –Attorney Mike Cernovich
  • “The problem with the Davos crowd is that they’re very interested in controlling other people. They’re professional busybodies…They’re dangerous. Most of them are real criminal personalities. They like to control other people, which is a sign of sociopaths. It’s going to be hard to reverse the momentum that’s built up in the world.” –Doug Casey
  • “The goal is to usher in a transhuman future by creating human-machine hybrids that will be ‘superior’ to natural or non-enhanced humans…What Musk and Neuralink are doing amounts to building a second Tower of Babel or a revisiting of the serpent’s offer in the Garden of Eden: You will not surely die; you will be as gods. They want godlike intelligence and, ultimately, eternal life – and they’re willing to tinker with the human body and mind, deconstruct and reconstitute it even, if that’s what it takes.” –John Daniel Davidson, responding to Elon Musk’s announcement of the first Neuralink brain implant
  • “American men are stuck in what’s been dubbed a friendship recession, with 20% of single men now saying they don’t have any close friends, an all-time high, per PBS.” –X user Unusual Whales
  • “Your punishment for having a knife when they searched you would be very different from the thief’s. For him to have a knife was mere misbehavior, tradition; he didn’t know any better. But for you to have one was ‘terrorism.’” –Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


1. ABORTIONS FALL TO ZERO IN MISSOURI: Missouri Governor Mike Parson (R) celebrated the fact that his state now has zero abortions. Parson proclaimed, “We have fought the fight for life and reduced the number of abortions in our state from 8,000 annually to zero.” In 2019, the governor signed a trigger law that would ban almost all abortions if Roe v. Wade was ever overturned.

Ed. Note: Sadly, more Americans are using the “kill pill” as abortion restrictions increase.

2. UTAH BANS TRANSGENDER BATHROOMS: Utah Governor Spencer Cox (R) signed a bill banning males from entering female bathrooms and locker rooms. Cox stated, “We want public facilities that are safe and accommodating for everyone, and this bill increases privacy protections for all.”

3. ALABAMA LEAVES AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION: In a unanimous vote, the Alabama Public Library Service voted not to renew its membership with the leftist American Library Association. Clean Up Alabama responded, “[T]he decision to not renew the ALA membership is certainly better than the alternative, but it is not the same as disassociating from the ALA. There must be a complete severing of ties with the ALA if we expect to see long-lasting changes in our Alabama public libraries.”

4. ILLINOIS AND MASSACHUSETTS KEEP TRUMP ON BALLOT: The States of Illinois and Massachusetts shot down efforts to kick Donald Trump off the ballot. Trump spokesman Steven Cheung responded, “This latest win is another crushing defeat for the Soros-funded, left-wing activist groups and their attempts to steal the election…The unconstitutional ’14th Amendment’ cases are being defeated across the country on a near-daily basis…”

5. TRUCKERS HEAD TO BORDER: The “Take Our Border Back Convoy” is heading down to the border of Texas and California to protest the illegal invasion of the U.S. Kim Yeater, one of the convoy leaders, stated, “America, we’ve got to take our border back, shine the light on what’s going on, expose it. We need to hold our elected officials accountable for closing the border and sending the illegal immigrants home back to their countries.”

6. STATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL STAND WITH TEXAS: Texas continues to defend its borders, and 26 Republican Attorneys General have sent a letter to the Biden Administration, expressing their support for the State. The letter states, “Nothing in the Constitution stops Texas from stepping up and doing its part to protect itself, and in so doing also protecting States across the country. By following the Constitution, Texas is doing what the federal government has failed to do.”

7. SLOVAKIAN PRIME MINISTER TO INVESTIGATE COVID VACCINES: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico stated, “The Slovak public simply needs an answer…about vaccination, what it actually was, why people were vaccinated with various experimental vaccines without any tests, why all sorts of drugs were pushed into people, why there was statewide testing…we will tell the Slovak public what on earth actually happened during COVID.”

8. FRENCH FARMERS CONTINUE PROTESTING: French farmers in Paris plan to obstruct “at least seven critical entry points to the city” in their latest protests against their globalist government. The French government did not satisfy a list of demands from the farmers, and Maxime Buizard of the Young Farmers Union stated, “The idea is that there are no trucks that can serve the capital, to ensure that no product enters Paris, to make Parisians understand that they need farmers to live.”

9. SCOTTISH FARMERS JOIN EUROPEAN PROTESTS: Scottish farmers are protesting their globalist leaders and their oppressive policies. Robert MacDonald, the chairman of the Cairngorms Crofters and Farmers Group, spoke about the tyrannical control over Cairngorms National Park, stating, “The focus of the park is on conservation and rewilding; this is secluding farmers…”

10. FLORIDA REQUIRES BIOLOGICAL GENDER ON DRIVERS LICENSES: The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles ruled that drivers must use their biological gender on their licenses or be open to criminal penalties. Robert Kynoch of the Department of Highway Safety wrote, “Permitting an individual to alter his or her license to reflect an internal sense of gender role or identity, which is neither immutable nor objectively verifiable, undermines the purpose of an identification record and can frustrate the state’s ability to enforce its laws.”

11. DISNEY LOSES SUIT AGAINST RON DESANTIS: A federal judge dismissed a case brought against Florida Governor Ron Desantis (R) for lack of merit after the company had accused the governor of violating their right to free speech. Just The News reported, “DeSantis revoked Disney’s self-governing status in the former Reedy Creek Improvement District last year and appointed a new board to oversee the area.”

12. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE OPPOSES WHO: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) stated, “I’m a hard NO on the WHO World Pandemic Treaty for Disease X.” Greene has also said, “The American people do not want the WHO enforcing any rules on their own personal decisions regarding their health.”

13. TURNING POINT ACTION IDENTIFIES BATTLEGROUND VOTERS: Charlie Kirk’s organization Turning Point Action has provided GOP state and county leaders with information identifying 4.5 million Republicans who have not voted and how to reach them. Kirk stated, “It’s a turnout game. It’s the exact opposite of what people would have believed. I believe it’s all going to come down to three states… Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.”

14. CONGRESSWOMAN SHARES VISION FOR FAMILY CAUCUS: Members of the Congressional Family Caucus hosted an event focusing on the challenges facing the family. Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) shared her vision, stating, “I want to support policies that make it easy for people to get married and provide for their household…give women information before they have an abortion, [and pass] legislation that gives tax breaks for families of a husband and wife that have children.”

15. NATIONAL GATHERING OF PRAYER HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.C.: The National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance was held in Washington, D.C., with believers from all over the nation and the world gathering to confess the sins of America. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins stated, “America needs God. While some may refuse to accept that reality, we readily acknowledge that America truly does need God. It is for that reason that we come together…to repent of sin.”


I Believe We Shall Win by William Hodgson

We’re a band that shall conquer the foe,
If we fight in the strength of the King!
With the sword of the Spirit we know
We sinners to Jesus shall bring.

We have conquered in times that are past,
And have scattered the foe from the field;
So we’ll fight for the King till the last,
And the sword of the Spirit we’ll wield!

Our foe may be mighty and brave,
And the fighting be hard and severe;
But the King is the Mighty to save,
And in conflict He always is near!

Ever true in the army of God,
We will fight in the name of the King!
We shall win with the fire and the blood,
And the world to His feet we shall bring!

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