AGENDA Weekly Behind the Scenes – Week of August 3-9-2024

This post contains a portion of Agenda Weekly’s video report. To subscribe for $5 per month, go to

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.”

–2 Thessalonians 2:3

Curtis interviews Dr. J.B. Hixson to discuss his book series, “The Spirit of the Antichrist.” We are seeing the face mask of evil come off as those who worship Lucifer are running toward the finish line of global destruction.

This conspiracy started more than 6,000 years ago in the Garden of Eden, but more and more people worldwide are becoming aware of it. Hixson covers important aspects of the Luciferian Conspiracy, including spirits of power, perversion, phenomena, the UFO issue, paranormal, pluralism, and the trans movement.

The following video is one of the other 5 videos from this portion of Agenda Weekly; it is relevant to other stories in this issue:

MUST Watch: Flood Of Migrants Into The West A Direct Result Of Destruction During Arab Spring (10 minutes). Noor Bin Laden explains how the current unrest in the U.K. was deliberately caused by the U.K. government’s own policies, in order to legitimize a more authoritarian regime.


Articles of the Week

Read: Elon Musk Labels Himself A ‘Cultural Christian’ – But What Does That Mean? by Ken Ham. “Jesus didn’t just come to give some ‘good and wise’ teachings.”

Read: 20 Million Americans Want To Move. Here’s How They Could Change The Country by Josh Abbotoy. “Many conservative Americans want to reconnect with, and transmit to the next generation, a genuine American way of life.”

Read: The Trigger For WWIII Just Arrived – What Are The Implications For Americans? by Brandon Smith. “There are multiple powderkeg events in progress around the world right now, but the Middle East situation looks to be the most disastrous by far.”

Read: “The Unhumans Are Coming” by John Leake. “Revolutionaries or communists are best understood NOT by the ideological doctrine they espouse, but by the emotions they harbor – namely, resentment, a sense of grievance, and a desire to destroy institutions and people.”

Read: The UK riots, Communism 2.0, and the Strategy of Tension by Noor Bin Laden. This article includes critical information and insightful videos on how the 1984 trap is being sprung in the U.K. right now.

Prayer and Action

Pray for the loved ones of the 62 people who lost their lives in the plane crash in Brazil today.

Pray that that more people would awaken to the spiritual reality of evil increasingly displayed in current events, and place their trust in Jesus Christ.

Pray for Donald Trumpfor his salvation and that of his family, for his safety, for his campaign, and for election integrity.

Continue to pray for Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, Alex Jones, Andy Frisella, Russell Brand, and David Icke. Pray that each would get saved, or, if they are already, that they would grow in their relationship with God.

Praise God for Olympic athletes who have used their platforms to glorify God!

Consider getting one or more of Dr. Hixson’s books at If you purchase all three, you can get a $10 discount with coupon code: AGENDA.

If you live in Florida, join the fight against Amendment 4 at This ballot initiative “pretends to ‘just bring things back to how they were with Roe vs. Wade’ – but it actually goes much further – allowing for abortion throughout all 9 months of pregnancy with no protections for the unborn baby.”

Curtis will be speaking in several Midwestern states and would love to meet you! Please share the schedule below with any who may be interested. Times and addresses are coming next week. Please pray for safety, good health, and impact for these meetings.

Monday, August 19
Mt. Pleasant, IA.

Wednesday, August 21
Holdingford, MN.

Thursday, August 22
Amery, WI.

Sunday, August 25
Menahga, MN.

Thursday, August 29
Bemidji, MN.

Friday/Saturday, August 30-31
Faribault, MN.

Tuesday, Sept. 3 – Saturday, Sept. 14
Lansing, IA.

Monday, September 16th
Louisville, KY.

Memory verse of the week: Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”

You can share this week’s Behind the Scenes video here or the audio at this link.

Patriot Spotlight

“Thank you for all the help and encouragement you and your family have shared with your subscribers and others to help us navigate these difficult times.” –Terry S.

Stories and Questions

We’d love to hear what you’re doing to make a difference! Please send us your stories. If you have a question you’d like us to answer in our weekly videos, you can email Although we’re not able to respond to every email, we greatly appreciate your comments, feedback, and suggestions.

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