Resisting the Devil – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Temptation is a constant trap that the devil puts in the path of Christians. Satan is constantly prowling around as he tries to convince Christians into crediting their salvation to the binding of rules and regulations. He twists and distorts the truth of the gospel by making the Christian think that they are still under the power and dominion of sin. …He points out in Scripture how the breastplate of righteousness is a reminder that the old self has been crucified with Christ, resulting in liberation from the laws and regulations they were bound to before.

Trump’s Tariff Plan Explained in Lay Terms: Batya Ungar-Sargon

I know Batya from seeing her being interviewed on Sky New’s “Lefties Losing It.” She is a brilliant commentator. The video in this post is an excerpt of an interview featuring her on the Bill Maher show. Batya claims to be a MAGA leftist. I would have never guessed she was a leftist. In the process of the interview, the question of tariffs came up and she provided an clear definition of how Trump is going to use tariffs to rebuild our middle class.

Chief Justice Roberts Linked To Secretive Club With Anti-Trump Judges – Salem News Channel

The 2-minute video of this post indicates that two Supreme Court justices, Brown and Roberts, belong to an Anti-Trump club, American Inns of Court; of course other members include the appointed federal judges who have been harassing President Trump with orders that oppose his agenda. That is, they are Marxist leftist activists, when they are supposed to be neutral politically. In other words, President Trump continues to be subjected to “lawfare” by the justice system, while they masquerade as members of the Justice system.