C H Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts for February 28

The MORNING entry emphasizes that believers should solely rely on God for their needs, both earthly and spiritual, expecting His constant grace and future heavenly rewards. This includes anticipating angelic escorts at death and eternal glory in His presence. The EVENING entry uses the story of Elijah and the widow to illustrate God’s faithfulness in meeting daily needs. Just as her flour and oil never ran out, believers can trust that God’s grace will perpetually supply their necessities. This unwavering divine support surpasses any earthly resource, offering continuous comfort and encouragement through Christ.

The Faith of the Gospel – Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

MLJ herein carefully explains how it is that those Christians who focus on feelings, experiences, fresh revelation… cannot put on the belt of truth because the truth that the apostle Paul referred to is something all together different. It is based upon objective truth statements. He explained such that all readers might understand. I was fascinated by how he explained the error of relying on experiences, the mystical type of experience one might feel via an encounter with God, for example; that such people will inevitably come to a place wherein they say such things as, “well that is your truth, but mine differs….” Such erroneous statements are commonly made in our 21st century culture. This is a pretty deep sermon; part of his process of teaching Christians about the belt of truth as described in the scriptures.

The Truth of God – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

In this sermon, MLJ carefully explained that the Bible is revealed by God and is the foundation of the Christian life. He has been using scripture to explain what it means to put on the belt of truth; the bulk of his explanation has thus far been about defining the quality of the ‘truth’ the apostle Paul referenced. 

The Scripture of Truth – Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The sermon of this post, by Martyn Lloyd-Jones is intended to help readers / listeners discover the source of their spiritual authority: is it from man or from God? The illustrations he used to explain this foundational concept were understandable. Many err in looking to church tradition; feelings; emotions and reason. Divine revelation is the only way anyone would ever have known of God; it is the foundation of truth; our Christian lives must rest upon it. God’s word was breathed by His Spirit to men for His church. [Many churches today blend their messages with the ideas of men and corrupt, nullify the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ: CRT; White Privilege; LGBTQ; philosophy; psychology; mysticism; and such man-made ideas. What is the source of your spiritual truth?]

The Only Authority – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Modern teaching says that what a person believes matters little if they live a good life. In this sermon…, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares that this attitude is the exact opposite of the exhortation from the apostle Paul to “put on” truth. … putting on truth will put the Christian at odds with the world. Doctrine will divide while the world will fight to put unity above truth. [MLJ explains why the Christian life cannot rest upon modern reason, feelings or church dogma; it must rest upon the knowledge of truth as it is in Christ Jesus. In the process, he cites some of the unbiblical dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church.]

Loins Girt About with Truth – Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

…sermon on the six pieces of “the armor of God.” First are the “loins girt with truth,” then the breastplate of righteousness, feet shod with the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. This is not an exhaustive list, but a highlighting of vital elements for spiritual warfare. Soldiers braced their clothing together with a girdle in order to move without encumbrance. …The spiritual meaning here is for the mind. Some think “truth” means sincerity or candor, but the foundation of the Christian’s armor cannot be their own sincerity and truthfulness. The girdle, as well as the sword, is the word of God. Christians must be wholly governed by truth, which is revealed in Christ Jesus. …It is a settled conviction, knowing whom and what to believe. The devil tries to create confusion and uncertainty and to repel him, Christians must be “girt about” with truth.

Morning and Evening February 19 by C H Spurgeon

This post contains Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening thoughts devotionals for Feb. 19: The morning verse is from Ezekiel, I think it is the most explicit verse in the Bible about God requiring His children to pray if their needs will be met by Him…. The evening thoughts are about Andrew first telling Peter when he had found the Messiah; Spurgeon applied that to witnessing the gospel to those nearest first….

Disturbing’ USAID Digital ID Program – Forbes Breaking News

The 4-minute video of this post discusses the Censorship Industrial Complex, CIC. Recent discoveries via the USAID scandal, helped reveal more of the tentacles of the CIC: grants that had been made; plans for innovations; testing that had occurred in five countries with a desire to test in more areas…. [A recent post, on CBS accompanying police to arrest person who made an illegal post on social media in the EU, is linked because it shows police doing just what is feared above and was an inch from happening here.]

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