God’s Battle Not Ours by Martyn Lloyd-Jones – EMPHASIS: typed 4-minute excerpt from the sermon regarding the Christian battle

This sermon is being reposted to publish a 4-minute typed quotation from the sermon that I found to be very significant. Most of the quoted portion was not in MLJTrust’s points. The quotation gives their points more meaning. The quotation is beneficial in that it provides the proper perspective on the Christian battle. In 20 years, I’ve never heard it put as MLJ put it; maybe you will find his words meaningful also.

Who Does the Fighting? – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Christians are called to fight a spiritual battle but how are they to fight? What role do they play in this struggle? Are they to be passive, or are they alone to be the ones engaging the enemy? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on spiritual warfare and the responsibility that Christians have to be fighting in their lives. The phrase “Let go and let God” is popular today among many Christians, but is it Biblical? Are they to just surrender to God and let Him fight all of their battles? Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents strong arguments from Scripture that demonstrate otherwise…. [This sermon helped me to see some inconsistencies in my spiritual walk, according to the scriptures; it may help you do the same.]

God’s Battle; not Ours – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that Christians must remember that Jesus Christ is the captain of their salvation. Salvation is God’s work. Christians are individual soldiers in a great army fighting a great campaign. The ultimate perspective is not the individual’s fight, but God’s. The battle is the Lord’s. God is “leading many sons to glory” according to His scheme. The appointed leader of this plan is Jesus and as the Christian fights, they must remember that God is involved in it all with them. Therefore, they must realize this: this fight cannot fail because God’s honor is in it. This means their salvation is secure. Christians cannot “fall from grace,” because to do so means the power of God fails and the devil wins. [For the first time, I have a clear understanding of the concept of Christ being the captain of our salvation; and of the work with which He and we are busy. As usual, his messages are very illuminating!]

The Willow Creek Model: We Made A Mistake – Bob Burney

This post has an example from the Willow-Creek, Seeker-Friendly church model that failed miserably. It is an example of bringing the practices of the world into the church as MLJ discussed in the last post, Worldliness. There are still megachurches, they suffer from this problem. Though from the thousands who attend and appear to be excited and happy Christians you might not get that message. But the scandals are telling….

Worldliness – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

When someone mentions “worldliness,” what comes to mind? In this sermon on overcoming worldliness from Ephesians 6.10–13, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones helps the listener come to a proper understanding of worldliness and how it affects the Christian walk. Worldliness, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, is when one allows things that are good in and of themselves to occupy too big of a part in one’s life. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that this happens when the Christian doesn’t allow their walk with Christ to overlap with the other areas of their life. …We defeat worldliness by purifying ourselves and keeping our hope in Christ

Bishop Buddy – Liberal Propaganda

This post contains two videos: the first addresses the problem of theological liberals in mainline churches, typified by Bishop Buddy’s propaganda we all witnessed last Tuesday; the second video explains all the Christian denominations. The video on the Bishop assesses the problem she typifies in a few moments, then time was spent in treating a potential solution for that problem. I was encouraged in that he is a Gen z person….

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