Proclaiming the Gospel to Roman Catholics – January 2025 Newsletter – Mike Gendron

Mike Gendron’s newsletter for this month talks about the following points: Jesus Christ – The All Sufficient Savior; How Is Saving Faith Different from All Other Faiths? We Must Believe the Person of Jesus; We Must Believe the Work of Jesus; We Must Believe the Work of Jesus; False Converts Must Repent of Their Works; Catholics Must Do These Works to Be Saved; Letters to the editor and Mike’s speaking times and places

Cults – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This post contains a sermon by MLJ on Cults. Therein, he continued his series on the phrase from Ephesians 6:11, “wiles of the Devil.” The crux of the sermon is the distinguishing between a cult and the Christian faith. In the process, several other terms are defined in a user-friendly manner: heretic; apostate; and mystic. After MLJTrust’s points, I added some additional material.

Feelings – A Sermon on 2 Timothy – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The scripture verse being discussed is 2 Timothy 1:6 which exhorts Timothy to “stir up the gift of God” within him. …The overall topic of the sermon series is “spiritual depression” and how to diagnose and treat it. …Everyone desires to be happy, but happiness depends on many factors like temperament, physical condition, etc. Our feelings tend to be variable and unstable. …The greatest danger is allowing our changeable feelings to control and dominate us. …We must not be ruled by our feelings and moods. …To find joy and happiness, we must seek righteousness and the Lord Jesus Christ himself – not thrills, experiences or good feelings. Seeking him leads to joy, peace and happiness as a byproduct.