The following verses agree with the points that Doreen Virtue makes in the 10-minute video of this post: Acts 19:18 Also many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices. 19 And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver. [Highlights: Doreen’s first point is part of the intro narrative to give readers an idea of how she addresses the problem of seeking guidance in other than God]
Month: December 2024
Non-Yoga Stretching for Christians – Doreen Virtue
Are you considering an exercise program for the New Year? The video of this post is by Doreen Virtue, former New Age guru who was born again several years ago. Thereafter, she threw away her New Age books, Tarot cards…., Furthermore, she had practiced yoga for many years. She later found various other ways to exercise, as doing yoga is worshiping Hindu deities, despite what trendy Christian pastors and congregants say about “Christian Yoga;” yoga cannot be Christianized.
Romans 7 Spiritual Struggle Portrayed via Music and Lyrics: Ren- “Hi Ren”
The music video of this post is a great portrayal of the spiritual struggle that the apostle Paul describes in Romans 7. The artist, Ren, portrays the internal spiritual warfare; he even portrays the voice of the Tempter about half way through the video. A couple of reviews of the song are linked. [12-28-24 I edited this post: added a video that edits out the foul language and provides a critique by a pastor; added my own comments at the end.]
Prayer; Drawing Near to God – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The preacher begins by addressing the context of the epistle to the Hebrews, written to Jewish Christians who were becoming discouraged in their faith. He emphasizes the importance of prayer in the Christian life and highlights the difficulties that can arise when attempting to pray. …In conclusion, Dr. Lloyd-Jones exhorts his listeners to rely solely on Jesus Christ and His finished work for access to God in prayer, rather than on human efforts, rituals, or earthly intermediaries. [In the last third of the message, he compared the RCC to the old way that the Hebrews were also struggling with. His comparison helped me see another problem with such rituals and sensual stimuli: although MLJ likely preached this sermon in the 1950-60’s, protestants are still going back to Rome in our day; MLJ’s words might help such people see their error more clearly.]
The Mosaic Covenant – R C Sproul – [Covenant Part 6A]
In this post, R C Sproul provided an explanation of God’s plan of redemption via covenants. He explained how the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants are related and many significant facts about the formation of the nation of Israel. If you are trying to understand the plot of the Bible and God’s plan of redemption, then you must understand the covenants. Part 2 of the Mosaic covenant will explain the role of the decalogue…. [My purposes in presenting this material, are to help readers discover that the Old and New Testaments are intimately connected via covenants; and that the way of salvation since Genesis 3, has been by God’s grace through Christ; and that there has only ever been ONE people of God, as is stated in Ephesians. Many believe there are two people of God: Israel and the church, because of erroneous dispensationalist dogma that have thoroughly permeated this culture for the past 190 years.]
Recovering Christ at Christmastime – Things Unseen – Sinclair Ferguson
Sinclair Ferguson’s brief video is about attending to your Christmas celebration to see whether or not Christ is in it; and if you find that He is not, how you might put Him back in it.