Christians can suffer from bouts of unhappiness in their faith. One contributing factor may be conflict and confusion due to false teaching within the Christian church. The main problem of spiritual depression lies within the church, not outside. …Today, false teaching can be very subtle and creep its way into the believer’s life. Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out that false teaching sometimes detracts from the Christian message. Other times, as in the case of the Galatians, it adds to the Christian message. Either way, false teaching leaves the believer conflicted and confused.
Month: December 2024
Worship in the Spirit – Ephesians 5:19 – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
What is the role that singing is supposed to play in the church? What are the Lord’s instructions for how He is to be praised through song? In this sermon on Ephesians 5:19 titled “Worship in the Spirit,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers these questions and more. In this passage, Paul is concerned with how the Holy Spirit is manifested when believers gather together for worship. Did Paul mean to prescribe the exact style of worship that every church should have? No….
Schism in the Church Part 2 – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The Protestant Reformation created a monumental break within the Western church. It is difficult to deny the necessity of Luther and the Reformers’ break from the Roman Catholic Church whose leaders were unwilling to address heresy and apostasy within the church. But what about the subsequent divisions following the Reformation? Do they carry the same legitimacy as the magisterial Reformers’ break with Rome? Can one know if a division is justified or not? [MLJ provided criteria for when division is justifiable and not, in this sermon. If you’re interested in living by scripture, then his sermon will be of value to you.]
Schism in the Church Part 1 – Martyn Lloyd-Jones
In the sermon of this post, MLJ explained what schism is and provided numerous examples of it. He emphasized what the apostle Paul did in the New Testament, that Christians need to find unity via holding biblical doctrines. For example, the ecumenical movement that emphasizes unity at the expense of doctrine is wrong. MLJ provided examples of the opposite extreme too, regarding unity. [I thought I understood what ‘schism’ meant until I heard this sermon.]
Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Thoughts – [Covenant Part 8]
Today’s Morning Thoughts from C H Spurgeon are much more meaningful if you have been following along in our study of covenants. Therein he talks of blessings that derive from being born-again, being ‘in Christ’ and His New Covenant.